She-Hulk Episode 9 is now here, and the new entry is packed with hidden details and a lot of things you missed. We’re going to be recapping the entire thing. The last time we saw Jan attending the gala, that was going to give her a layer of the award.
Turns out this was basically just a participation trophy, and several other lawyers got the same one. Also, the female lawyer makes it sound weird, doesn’t it? When male lawyers are just called lawyers.
Now, the titles of the episodes say The Savage She-Hulk, which was the name of a comic run starring the character. However, the episode is more like sensational She-Hulk, 12, in which Jen goes to a film studio and they suggest things like Marvel Zombies and that she should film stuff as an X-Man. Now, I also got a lot of vibes of Deadpool, namely the time he actually jumped out of the comics and into Marvel’s Writers Room.
She-Hulk Episode 9 Recap
The episode is filled with both wall-breaking things from the off, and we open with a homage to the Incredible Hulk series from the Seventies. Not only does this contain a voiceover, but it also has the Don’t Make Me Angry line from the show. And they show this was delivered by Bill Bixby’s David Banner to the reporter Jack McGee. Interestingly, the character’s name was changed from Bruce to David because the creative team thought Bruce sounded too gay.

And they paid a lot of attention to the details here, with Jen and Bruce wearing the same clothes as the characters had in the series. There’s the spinning chair and the crosshair going over Jen’s face, and we also get a quick shot of the abomination. We can see his ankle inhibitor in the photo, too, with one of his faces being from a scene in The Incredible Hulk. Generals end up having to wear one of these ankle bracelets themselves, and it stops there from transforming into She-Hulk.
We also see her on a date with Todd calling back to the last episode, and see her struggling to fix a car. Similar to how David did during his First Hulk transformation. Her eyes turn green, and the transformation starts with her tipping the car over. Like how Hulk did in the show. There’s also a nod to Lou Ferrigno, who played the Hulk in the series. He also had a cameo in both Hulk and The Incredible Hulk.
Jen replies to the messages from hulking, but these are on the old-style computer. And we also see her standing over a grave. This was a shot used in the intro, and from there, it goes into a split screen of Jen and her face over. The Hulk’s like exactly what they had in the series. Now, this is revealed to be a dream. I was hoping we’d get it.
Jen In A Cell
Jen wakes up in a cell like the one Abomination was held in. She’s visited by Mallory, Nicki, and Pug. And we learn that they’ve tried to reach out to Bruce. He does return later on in the episode, and there is potential that we could be getting will do a Hulk down the line.

Now, though, Intelligencia runs the event. This is completely overlooked by the fact that She-Hulk revealed herself to be an angry green rage monster. That’s what all the witnesses saw, and all that anyone really cares about is, of course, still the fear that exists around the Hulk. And even though they’ve had this image change with Smart Hulk, the public still worries that they’re just waiting to turn angry.
Turns out that some of the Abomination that Jen has been offered a deal in which he’ll have to wear an inhibitor device in order to leave the cell. This is something that was sort of played upon in the comics. And after the events of World War Hulk, Bruce was confined to a cell before he was taken out by Red Hulk.
Jennifer At Her Parent’s House
Jane’s parents come to pick her up, and we see her packing up her stuff with her. After the Hulk out, Janice lost her job. And just like in episode two, she’s back to being unemployed. Jen was hired by Holloway to head up the Superhuman Law Division, but she’s lost this now due to the PR disaster. She cleans out her desk, and her pals say goodbye. Sadly, we don’t get any romantic situations with Pug, and in the comics, the pair did have a “will they, won’t they” storyline through Dan Sluts run.
Back home, we watched Jen watching reports on the She-Hulk situation. This reminded me a lot of no way home and is similar to Peter being exposed in the opening scenes. The TV is constantly running things and her wild news teams around her home. These news reports have also led the show, but whereas they tended to be positive, we now see how Colegate has changed things.

Cut to Jen’s parents, a place that she has to move back to due to being unable to find work. Earlier in the season, her dad brought a shovel to dig some graves for whom he was going to murder, and he’s now spraying water willy-nilly.
Now that she experiences the same level of attention as Peter, she gradually begins to see the advantages of keeping a secret identity. As we learned last week, the Sokovia Accords have been repealed, which Jen thought was a bad idea. However, we can now see why wearing a mask can be a big help, as it’s completely ruined her life.
Among her belongings are several things that have also clearly influenced her purse as a poster for Legally Blond and one for Erin Brockovich, which are both films that are about lawyers. There are also some UCLA belongings, which is the university where Jen got her law degree in comics.
Lastly is the post of a midsummer Night’s Dream, which has several plots within it that all interconnect. One part of it is about performing a play. So it’s a play about a play, and it’s very fourth wall breaking. Similar to what Jen dies toward the end?
Getting Into Intelligencia
Cut to the scene that was released online last night, and we see Jen and Nicky piecing together who the intelligencia are. This is riffing on that clues meme. And it’s also something that Andrew Garfield did in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Turns out that they are owned by several shell companies, and thus it’s impossible to track them down and sue them.
I kind of wrote that the series is basically about how Reddit is the ultimate villain, and then the entire plot for this episode got leaked on Reddit yesterday. So I guess they were right. The ultimate villain. Do not mess with Reddit.
Our link comes in with food, and she shows a video of Jen twerking in college with her friends, tying into how she learned to do it by the Megan Thee Stallion scene. The dance actually opened with Jen in college, but unlike the video, she had no friends and actually see Dennis ripping Jen apart on the news.
And in the comics Dennis book, Borkowski was a criminal prosecutor that she ended up clashing with. At this point, Jen vows, She-Hulk never again, which once more could be a callback to Spider-Man. Peter sat on his bed and promised Spider-Man No More, which was also a nod to the comic run of the same name.

The narration in the seven theme tune then starts up, but she immediately stops this before texting Bruce. Nice little detail on him being called Smoke Hulk, and I did pause the messages, but nothing really there. That’s that wild beyond people asking about TV shows. Either way, Bruce is a while in the story at this point, and then she decides to take a mental health break with a meal.
Cut to Nicky, who sends a twerking video to the intelligentsia site, and it ends up looking like Twitter after the Megan Thee Stallion episode. Hulk King then DMZ, to invite her to an anti-She-Hulk event and Nicki calls in some major favors with Pug.
Back with Jen, she arrives at meals to see Wrecker outside, and after, she’s given a place to stay. We learn that the abomination is actually a guest at the event. Love his haiku book, and the guy has changed, and I’m glad he escaped.
He does hold himself accountable in the end. With Pug, we watch as he infiltrates the event and gets nods to He Hulk, which was name-dropped earlier in the season. There are also questions about Lady Thor, which is, of course, a nod to the reactions to Jane Foster in Thor Love and Thunder.
Now, Todd instantly recognized that mother pug, a pug, and he was super happy that he was there. Todd Being involved with this is something we called all the way back in episode four after we pointed out that his voice sounded similar to the guy who jabbed Jen in the arm in Episode three.
I don’t know how this works with him being the boss and also doing the job. So either way, he’s not fully in charge, or he’s a patsy. However, I do think this is definitely the same actor.

Todd, Mallory, And Holloway
Until this, there have been several other clues that have made us become spoiled. Like Holmes in order to get to the bottom of it. Basically, on the day, he asked if Vibranium could pierce his skin. This, of course, ended up being the same material that the intelligentsia agents unveiled when they were spying on Jen and Josh.
Todd revealed at the restaurant that he’d bought her a Wakanda Speare. Todd revealed that he’d bought her a condensed beer, and this was then likely melted down in order to make the needle.
Lastly, wearing sunglasses at the gala, which looked like some of the guys that she grabbed at the end. I did expect us to get some reveals with Mallory and Holloway that were all missing from the finale and the source material, Mallory was behind an organization that was trying to make her own She-Hulk, and with the blood plot, I was expecting her to tie into it too.
There was also some stuff with Holloway where he revealed that he set up the entire law firm in the hopes that Jen would mentor his supervillain granddaughter, South Pole. He saw Jen as someone that could look after her, and in turn, South Pole would give Jen some responsibility to stop her constant partying. We also thought the leader might be behind this due to the group name, but nope.
Todd, The Main Villain
Now from this point, Todd goes on stage, and he introduces a special guest speaker, which is revealed to be Abomination. He’s just there to be a life coach, though, rather than getting into the She-Hulk hate. Lots of comments here. A thought on how life coaches can often be misinterpreted and used as a way for men to rally around them and prop them up. But that might be me looking into this scene too deeply.

Now Jan enters the event and sees a meal which makes him change back into his human form due to it being against his parole deal. He states he’s there just to do the speaking, and it genuinely seems like he’s trying to help the insult-sorry Intelligentsia out. Jen finds out that Todd is hulking, and he reveals the plan to hire Josh, seduce her, make a sex tape, clone her phone and also steal her blood. As mentioned in episode one, if this gets into the wrong hands, it can have disastrous consequences.
As Jen’s DNA is the key to synthesizing more Hulks. Whether they make more copies of art remains to be seen. But the Marvel Universe is filled with different hulks that all got their hands on the secrets of how to create one.
Visiting Marvel Studios
Todd says that he earned his superpowers and that they should go to the best person for the job, which it’s a Marvel doing some social commentary and discussions based on gender and race. Bruce, of course, had to carry out several scientific experiments, and Todd sees Jen getting the powers as being sheer luck. However, Abomination did get his powers through Bruce too, but the group praised and worship him because he’s a man much to the disbelief of Jen.

Todd turns into a Hulk and everyone just kicks off. Titania breaks through the wall, and this is similar to the entrance that she made in the court in episode one. Things get even messier as Bruce drops in out of nowhere, and he has a sort of rematch with the abomination.
It’s not really the level of the fight in Harlem, but Abomination isn’t trying to fight, and it just adds even more of a mess to the entire scene. While all this is going on, Jen constantly screams out to the right as at this point it breaks the fourth wall to the point that we get taken to the Disney Plus app.
From there on she goes into the She-Hulk show’s writer’s room where she criticizes the story of her show. The writers tell her about the K.E.V.I.N being in charge of the MCU, so she heads there. We find out that K.E.V.I.N is actually a Super Intelligent Robot that controls everything in the MCU. She-Hulk tells him to fix up her story and suggests K.E.V.I.N some improvements. K.E.V.I.N applies it to the show and we are back into the episode.
Todd and Blonsky go to prison, and we get Daredevil Once again. Jen has lunch with Matt Murdock and her family. At lunch we see Hulk returning from Sakar planet with his son Scar.
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