Do you watch South Park? It is one of the biggest stress busters for the’90s and early 20s kids. Talking about the show will bring a rush of nostalgia to its viewers. South Park revolves around the story of four school friends ( Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, and Kenny McCormick.
This show is the literal definition of “satire” and is widely loved because it presents to the audience a substantial amount of subject matter with surreal humor. Even the concepts with profanity and dark are portrayed in a laughable way that attracts the audience’s attention as well delivers the point. In this article, we shall take a brief look at the show; who is Officer Barbrady? And what happened to him?
The American animated sitcom television show “South Park” was created by the program creators Trey Park and Matt Stone on August 13, 1997, precisely five years after the creators met each other. The show premiered on Comedy Central, and the ratings grew rapidly for the show. South Park is concluded with a Twenty-six season as of March 16, 2022.

Now let us dig deeper into Officer Barbrady, whose our topic for the day. Officer Barbrady is South Park’s main police officer (formerly), a field agent for Anti-Ad Resistance. This character was voiced by Trey Parker. He moderately has a poor vocabulary and also is an awfully inadequate person in his job. He is assumed to be deaf as he wears a hearing aid and talks loudly. Barbrady is usually not capable of solving the criminal cases that have been legally assigned to him for investigation.
Apart from this, Barbrady tries his best to keep under control and manage the balance of south park’s peace, as you might have noticed in the episode “Chicken Lover,” when shortly after the retirement of Officer Barbrady, the city turns into complete chaos.
Barbrady was illiterate until the “Chicken Lover” episode. He was also sent to school by the Mayor to learn how to read. On the other side, despite being a Police officer, Barbrady also engaged in some crimes and has criminal records in the series.
For instance, in the episode “Cartman Gets an Anal Probe,” he runs over Kenny McCormick accidentally but keeps driving, which puts him on the record for Vehicular Manslaughter; in the episode ” Truth and Advertising he again shoots a newsman accidentally puts him under the record of Manslaughter, and the like.
Does Officer Barbrady have a family? He is shown living alone with a dog that is elderly and sick. He calls the dog by a fond name. Officer Barbrady is exposed to having a wife in the episode “Chicken Lover,” The wife is again mentioned in the episode “SpookyFish.” But the character has never been demonstrated in the show physically and is also not often mentioned.
However, in “Naughty Ninja,” there is a picture of a woman hanging in his house; it is presumed to be his wife, who suggests she either died or divorced Barbrady. However, he has a talk connecting Mayor McDaniels, who is suspected to be his wife or lover based on their interactions in the show. The truth about his wife remains a mystery and up to the audience.
Shooting to what happened to Officer Barbrady, here you will find your answers.

Also Read: Why Did Isaac Hayes Leave South Park? Explained
What Happened To Officer Barbrady? Explained
“Naughty Ninjas” is the seventh episode of the Nineteenth season in which Officer Barbrady is fired from his job as a police officer because he shot an unarmed 6-year-old innocent Latino boy; after that, Brabady was revived temporarily to withstand ISIS in the episode “SoDoSoPa.” All the same, he again shot children who were playing ninjas and got fired for the second time.
Barbrady is almost like all the adults in the south park; he is stupid to an extent and lacks competence in his job, though he is one of the very few adults who was never portrayed as financially corrupt or anything sexually bizarre. He is also one of the few characters that were fully developed.
Following Dr. Mephesto’s character, who was taken out of the show without dying, Barbrady’s character is also written out from South Park in season nineteen for the foreseeable future, which was confirmed by the program creators.