The Beginning After-The-End Chapter 166 begins after the mystery behind The Beast Glades. Princes Tesia had her ways with the OGs since she wanted to visit another kingdom. The OGs were worried that she was yet to unlock her abilities, but Tessia insisted that she had become a stronger warrior and left the city in the company of Varay. After arriving at this destination, the two reveal the mystery behind the Beast Glades. However, this made them reunite with Emily.
Princess Tessia and Varay decided to join Emily after Tessia helped Emily pick the important documents. Arthur is yet to return since he is still undertraining with Wren, who knows that the war has already begun. Arthur realizes that he has to be patient and wait for one year; then, his training will be completed. The OG knows they will be in trouble if something happens to Tessia.
The chapter begins with Emily looking down as if something is bothering her. Varay walks behind Tesia and Emily since she ensures that no one notices that the Princess has arrived in the city. Tessia walks with Emily, continues talking, and realizes she has missed being with Emily. She asks about Prof Gideon and what Emily and Prof are working on.

She hasn’t seen the castle in a while. Emily replies that Gideon cannot be called a professor since he is her nutjob of a master who can hardly be considered sane, let alone a proper educator of the future generations. She also talked about the hardships and hard work she does with Gideon. Tessia realizes that Gideon loves to experiment but always messes up since most of his experiments result in an explosion. She wonders how often Emily has changed her hair color or face after multiple explosions during experiments.
Previously On The Beginning-After-The End Chapter 165
Emily asks Tesia how she is doing, and Tessia reminds Emily not to keep calling her a princess since there are no formalities between them. Tessia hates it when a friend calls her a princess, even though she is a princess. She admits that she had bad days since she spends most of her days locked inside the castle because of this “Princess” thing.
Emily knows that it is tough to be a Princess since you don’t do what you like since many enemies target you. The girls enjoy talking about flying castles and other stuff. Emily realizes it is hard to be stuck with the master for hours every day, and it also changes their sense of humor if the master is the OG.
Tessia believes that the worst case is when you are locked inside the castle for a year with an Asura and an overbearing grandfather who is overprotective. Emily reminds Tessia that Virion is a commander and godfather, and she must not be hard on him. She also talked about the Xyrus incident that made everyone worry.
Tessia reveals that her training has made her stronger. She also talked about the latest attacks from Alacryan forces in the Beats Glades. Tessia wishes she was also joining the battle even though she is Princess. Emily asks about Arthur, and Tessia reveals that Arthur is still training. They also talk about Elijah, and Varay realizes that they will never stop when the two start talking.

Tessia reveals that Elijah was taken while trying to save her, and she is yet to hear anything about him. The trio arrives at the castle, and Emily opens the gate using a magical code. They met with Gideon, who took the documents and realized something. Gideon talks about going to the eastern coast on the northern border of the Beast Glades. Tessia and Varay join Gideon on their new journey wondering why they are in a hurry.
The Beginning After The End Chapter 166 Release Date
The Beginning After The End Chapter 166 will be released on 5 November 2022. It will take a weekly break and returns when the war arc begins. They arrived at the peak, and Tessia was surprised to see the Dicatheous. But it was broken, and Gideon decided to fix it. Tessia tries to solve the mystery within Dicatheous. Check out The Beginning-After-The-End Chapter 166 latest updates.
Read The Beginning-After-The End Chapter 166 Online – Raw Details
You can read The Beginning-After-The-End Chapter 166 online on the official websites. Tessia realizes that everything has been destroyed, and some must have wiped the ship clean of traces that can reveal the clue to its original. Let’s meet after The Beginning-After-The End Chapter 166 is released.
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