She-Hulk Episode 8 was finally the episode where Daredevil Showed up. I’m so glad that they managed to do Daredevil right for the most part. I mean, he hit a lot of the beats I expected, but as I said, I can see it being divisive. However, for me, he worked and I’m glad that he wasn’t just one note, one thing I’ve often criticized the show for is having slightly underdeveloped characters, and many of the cameos have either been there for comedic sake or just to add some minor things towards the plot. It didn’t really feel like they had much depth, whereas Matt Murdock’s Daredevil debut brings a lot with it.
It makes it feel like he’s part of an almost different show at times. Not, not completely, but bits here and there. I think getting him right was a very important thing as it of course also shows what way they’re going to be taking the character in the future. He’s going to be showing up in Echo and also in his own Disney Plus series. I think this probably will be seen as the best She-Hulk episode, and even though I think this season has been disappointing, I did enjoy this one anyway.
She-Hulk Episode 8 Recap
She-Hulk Episode 8 starts with two thieves loading a TV into their van. A frog-looking superhero arrives at this point and he introduces himself as God Frog. He ends up playing with style and then he flies up in the air away and ends up falling with style too. Then we see that he’s telling this story to Jen and that he’s also got third-degree burns due to the jet booster setting on fire.

Now, this ties into the leapfrog suit as well as it’s made by Luke Jacobson, and Eugene wants to sue him because of his suit malfunctioning. And thus it’s almost a conflict of interest to sue him all the way. Does push Jen down the route of serving Eugene, even though it could cause issues with Luke. Cut to Jacobson, who talks about her dress being ready for Friday so she can collect her award. Now, Luke doesn’t take too well to being sued, and neither does the dress he’s working on, which again.
Matt Murdock’s Arrival
Now, after the title sequence, we jump to court and at this point, we get a big entrance by Matt Murdock, though he comes in making jokes. In the court, Eugene reveals that he used jet fuel, which was against his advice of Luke. This is sniffed out by Matt, but the issues for Jan don’t go away. After Luke says he hates her. We cut to the legal bar and see Matt sending her a green appletini. And this is where he starts to give some life lessons.
He’s charming and dashing, and it’s good to have him back. There was a time I thought Netflix might have killed him off and might have killed them. But we can all relax now because he’s back and killing it. He confirms a lot of the original Netflix origin story, including his law firm and Hell’s Kitchen, which does a lot of pro-bono work. Jen then touches upon the secret life of Matt Murdock, which no prizes for guessing what that’s a reference to now daredevil who traveled from New York City.

Now, Matt and Jen have a sort of will they won’t they thing going on in this episode but they do hook up even though he could probably smell the dude on her breath. From Episode four. Either way, Daredevil has clearly hit a show here that she can do good with both Jen and also She-Hulk. The former can help out when society fails people and She-Hulk can be there when the law fails them.
She-Hulk Suits Up
Now Jen gets a text from Todd at this point. I’m guessing he got her number from when they went on that date together. Matt also gets called out urgently, like it’s some Superman thing. Similar to how Clark would get called away. He gives up his personal life to go and do crime fighting, and it shows the duty of a true hero. At the restaurant, Todd brings up a Kundan war spear that he bought at an auction.
Jan returns home to get a call from Eugene, and similar to what Matt said, she can’t protect people both legally and physically as the character She-Hulk. At this point, she busts out her costume, which, as we guessed was handed to her by Luke back in episode five.

Now She-Hulk’s costume is based heavily on several looks that she has in the comics. The city’s evolved over the years, and it’s constantly made use of white and purple. Yeah, they actually pull across some of the elements from the suits used in End Game. And The Black was something that Hulk wore whilst carrying out the blip. There’s also some concept art that shows the way the purple panels are laid out against the white. And it does remind me a lot of the way that the quantum suit’s appeared in the movie.
All the way back in Age of Ultron, Hulk started wearing spandex, and he, of course, suggested that Jen got some, too, which it appears like she’s done. Either way, the new suit looks awesome to me and I think it’s really in line with the comics. Whilst also feeling like it’s part of what’s come before in the MCU.
She-Hulk vs Daredevil
Now from here, we cut to a parking lot to see Matt on top of Eugene’s green car, which of course ties in with his costume. She helps and ends up stopping it, which causes Daredevil to flip over it, busting out those amazing acrobatics. I love the way we get a slow pan-up of his costume with us moving up from the stomach to the face to show it off. I know people groan at the ass remains and were blind when this scene was released on Twitter last night.

But Daredevil does bust out stupid jokes occasionally in the comics, and I won’t break the rule against him for doing a dumb pun. They’ve also really nailed the way that I think Daredevil moves in the comics. He flips around and swings through the crack that She-Hulk creates before descending quickly from the car park. It’s all really smooth and well put together, making him move like a highly trained athlete.
Jan also punches the ground and this is pulling from the cover and the down slushy Hulk run shows a bus out the thunderclap, which she does in the comics and of course did in the first episode. But now, when Jen unmasks him, we can also see a sign in the background for Rodgers the musical, which of course appeared in Hawkeye.
She-Hulk And Daredevil Teams Up
We jump to leapfrog space, which is called the lily pad. Eugene sits in an almost poison ivy type lair, forcing Luke to sail away and make an even more complex costume. He wants his suit to get a fancy British AI in it. Daredevil wants to take the stealth route, whereas Jen is happy, just smashing and dashing like my man Matt does later on. What this does is lead us into a daredevil hallway fight scene, which was, of course, pioneered by the Netflix creators.

I’m really glad they decided to include one of these in the episode. And as Matt says, he’s done this before. The whole fight scenes are always really memorable and it’s a brilliant way to show them off. They keep the lighting blue, giving it a certain style, and though they don’t do it in one take, you can tell are paying attention to what’s come before in the lily pad.
Now inside the lair, Jen smashes up one of the arcade cabinets and we also see one bullfrog. Jen and Daredevil bust up some heads and leapfrog once more causing an injury to himself, showing that he’s still a moron. Luke forgives Jen and then drops a line about her not getting fat, which I think is a comment on the movie industry. Making girls stick to a certain weight.
Matt has one night left in L.A., and it’s time to Hulk smash that pasty before he goes home. As much as I’ve been in Daredevil as well, I do think that this is probably going to be a divisive interpretation of it. But either way, I think the episode should have ended at this point. Like Jen says, however, we need a tease for the finale and this comes in the form of the gala.
The Gala Mess
From here, we head to the gala where we see the dress completed and all eyes on Jen. Here her parents return along with Todd. It turns out that lots of women get the award and it’s more of a participation thing for the company to basically virtue signal to the masses. Mallory also gets one too, and she is an interesting character when we look at the comics, she ended up becoming an enemy of Gene due to her constantly causing chaos in her life.

Though they worked together for the Titanic case, I can see the tights turning and she may end up being a mid-level villain that reports to the higher-ups known as the face who never lost a case. She ended up becoming part of a shadowy organization that try to create its own version of She-Hulk. If that sounds familiar, which it should, then that could be what’s happening with the Intelligentsia.
During the scene in which they looked over the group, Mallory was adamant that they don’t reveal this to Jen and she could end up being either part of them or not. Now she also clearly works with Todd too and has at least a professional relationship with him. She pleads with Jen not to destroy the screens and now she might just be trying to offer some kind words. It might also be hinting at something more, but let me know below.
And at this point, hulking comes on screen and this anonymous group has hacked her entire life due to Josh cloning her phone. On the screen, we see her message from Todd and also pictures of Captain America’s ass, one of which was used for her film background. It is also a shot of the airport fight from the civil war and we can catch both Black Widow and Spider-Man as well.
Lastly, it ends with it being revealed that Josh filmed their night together and this pushes her over the edge to finally become the angry monster that Bruce warned her about. Again, this is the person who I think is Todd. He looks quite similar to his sunglasses that night, and he clearly had his face for a reason. And because of that, I think it’s going to be revealed later on.

Damage control shows up and we can see that they have modified versions of the Hulk Cannon used in the Incredible Hulk. They also have the Sonic Guns that we’ve seen as mobile.
Post Credits And Future Theories
The credits scene contains Todd bidding alongside Eugene for the role. Condon Spear, We also see Matt’s mask with a bra on top of it and up beside it. Lastly, we see him walking along the street whistling whilst Nikki takes a photo now. So next week I think Jen’s going to have to show how she’s still a law-abiding citizen whilst also dealing with the damage control soldiers. She also has to prove the intelligentsia behind this.
But with that being a black male video, I can see that being pretty easy. I do think Bruce will have to return and calm things down and then she’ll finally see. She can listen and take his advice rather than casting it to the side he, of course, left to go to the car after he was summoned there. And that happened so long ago that I’d almost forgotten about it. It has been rumored for years now that we are getting a World War Hulk movie with Abomination She-Hulk and the Blood Plot. I can see us getting to that point.
I know that’s a major event in the comics. I actually think it might end up being similar to the World War Hulk storyline. And that featured several hulks all duking it out, including Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk, who could be introduced down the line. It has been rumored that Harrison Ford was asked to replace William Hurt as General Ross, and that would tie in with the Red Hulk thing too. I think the leader will probably play some role next week and then that will tie into Captain America New World Order.
We know that Tim Blake Nelson is returning for the role as the lead-up and just being a Hulk villain, it makes sense that he’d use that to set up things involving the Hulk specifically. You also have Titania who’s still out there, and I’m expecting her to basically be the big bad before we get a tease that either one’s working behind the scenes, New World Order makes me think of the Illuminati and the Inteligencia seems to be a similar sort of organization. They also have Modok as the main member whom we know will be appearing in Ant-Man, Quantumania. So it’s all coming together for us to get this big cabal.
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