America’s Got Talent has seen various jaw-dropping talents participate over the years. This show has paved the way for everyone finally fulfill their dreams without distinction in class, ethnicity, gender, and so on. The popularity of American reality shows soon caused this franchise to spread throughout the world. Notably, Britain, Indian, and America-based shows created a buzz around their respective countries.
It is safe to say that many people finally got the ticket to reach their unfulfilled potential again. This show creates miracles and showcases the best talents of their country. Therefore, these talents often find themselves in a better place in society, and certainly, the true need of an artist is recognition; these reality shows tend to provide that.
One such miracle and fair to say, a tremendous talent in the name of Mandy Harvey stunned everyone with her inexplicable effort, potential and hard work. You probably know that Mandy Harvey rocked the 12th season of America’s Got Talent.
How so? Well, Mandy Harvey came as a contestant in that season. She came to show her singing skills. However, this is where it gets inspiring; she is deaf due to an illness and yet sang the most beautiful songs aligning perfectly with the drums, piano, and guitar.
Now, this astounding yet strange talent often brought up massive conspiracy theories about her being “actually” deaf. Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, you name it, all were filled with this argument about the reality of her story. However, before we reveal the big answer (you will like it!), it is important to know her true identity of her. Shall we?
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Who Is Mandy Harvey?
Amanda Lynn Harvey or popularly known as Mandy Harvey, is currently an American pop and jazz artist, composer, and songwriter. She is known for her miraculous talent of singing songs perfectly without the ability to hear any metronome, music, or, more importantly, even her own voice.

As per reports, she was born in Cincinnati. Although, she moved to Florida later on. As a child, she went through various surgeries for her auditory problems. She could not hear anything from an early age and struggled to co-op with everyone.
Due to the unsuitability of the environment, her parents made a decision to move to Colorado thereon. She learned singing, and she got appreciated as well as recognized by Longmont High School. More obstacles came upon her as she completely lost her ability to hear anything due to a condition named Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (connective tissue problem).
She had to leave her University and course of musical education at the age of 18. This is where her success story finally starts. As per interviews, it was understood that visual tuners helped her to identify the proper pitches while singing.
She got determined to do what she dreamt of doing, irrespective of everything. She met a well-known jazz pianist, Mark Sloniker, and performed quite a few times with him in different gigs. Believe it or not, she released her original albums in 2009 and gained huge recognition from the Jazz circuit. She won quite a few accolades as well.
After that, she finally considered herself ready for the next step of fulfilling her dream in one of the biggest stages of all, America’s Got Talent. Some of you may know that she stood 4th in the show, and an unthinkable Golden Buzzer of Simon Cowell went to her name. Now, she is considered one of the history makers of this show and is often referenced and remembered in the next seasons.
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How True Are The Speculations Regarding Mandy Harvey?
As per numerous reports and evidence, it is safe to say that Mandy Harvey is indeed deaf and possesses a wonderful talent. It is just not the talent that made her reach the top; no, her dedication, determination, and hard work made her the singer in her flourish in the hardest circumstances. It is incredibly tough to sing without hearing a pitch, and yet, she found a way to overcome and adjust the issue to become someone inspiring and recognized.

Mandy Harvey is a human being just like us. However, she is an excellent example of inspiration because of her effort and will to continue what she loves doing. Nothing can be more inspiring and respectful to see someone embracing the obstacles and moving forward positively to touch the gates to the dreamland. She is a prime example of human capabilities and positivity.
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