Welcome back everyone, She-Hulk Episode 6 Easter Eggs article. Ok, so we are officially in the last third of the season. The entry is filled with Easter Eggs, hidden details, many callbacks to the comics, and a big teaser at the end of the episode that we’re going to be breaking down in this article. Careful for spoilers from the episode if you haven’t seen it yet. As we continue, we’ll discuss easter eggs and “wtf” moments as we discuss each individual shot.
Although we were hoping that Daredevil would show up in episode 6 (because of the tease that we saw at the end of episode 5), nothing happened. Similarly, we’ve got a tease at the end of this episode at the person who sent the Wrecking Crew after She-Hulk for her blood. He is referred to as the Hulk King, and we’ll be talking about him and who he could possibly be. Also, there were many references to The Leader (from the Incredible Hulk movie), the Twilight franchise, Mario Kart, and much more.
Here are all the She-Hulk Episode 6 Easter Eggs:
Just Jen
Starting with the episode title, it was “Just Jen”, a reference to her friend asking her to come to her wedding as Just Jen, not as She-Hulk. It’s also a bit of a call-out on them not paying off the Daredevil teaser from the end of episode five. Like it’s Just Jen this week, which she references in the episode breaking the fourth wall talking to the audience (us) saying, “bet you thought this was pretty inconvenient, kind of hurting the momentum of the series”.

Kind of in the same way that weddings like this, situations like this are very inconvenient in real life so either they wind up paying off the Daredevil episode in next week’s episode. Or because they have this big Hulk King reference at the end of the episode, they directly follow up with that, and Daredevil is later in the season. We’ll find out pretty soon.
Super Suits And Wedding Reference
Nikki references the events of She-Hulk Attorney at Law Episode 5 with her getting the super suit that we’ll see later in the season. But she says that she doesn’t want to wear it, she’s not going to need it. Obviously, she will need it because we literally see her wearing it in the trailers fighting with Daredevil and then working with Daredevil. It’s meant to be a comic book accurate version of her suit from the She-Hulk comics.
But they remind you that it was one of several different outfits that the designer gave her like she has a bunch of regular outfits like suits and other dresses that she can wear in her normal daily life. This she takes for a test drive at the wedding with the regular-looking dress. They try to give her this Shulky nickname, but I actually do not like it that much, so I am not going to call her Shulky. You’re free too if you want to.

Though there are a couple of moments in the episode, and they’ve done it in previous episodes too, where a lot of the jokes are referencing things that people are doing in real life, like the trolls that are going after She-Hulk in real life. The whole joke about people having weddings on Thursdays isn’t a fourth wall break, but it’s a reference to the She-Hulk episodes airing on Thursdays on Disney Plus. Like isn’t it weird that it’s on Thursdays what’s the matter with Fridays or the weekends?
We find out Jen’s cousin Chad is the DJ for the wedding. Later in the end, credit scene with like the new scenes that they work into all the episodes. You actually see Chad getting it on with the bride in the photo booth, so go Chad. We also find out the DJ name that he’s using is The In-Chedible Hulk, and he wears a Bruce Banner Incredible Hulk t-shirt.
Intelligencia The Main Villain Team Of She-Hulk
Now back at the office, we get the mention of some very important villains in the Intelligencia. If you read our She-Hulk Main Villain Leak article last week, then you’ll know how we talked about how it was reported that these would be popping up in the series. They’re basically a supergroup of extremely intelligent villains that are made up of the most monstrous minds on the planet. This includes Modok, who will undoubtedly appear in Ant-Man Quantumania, as we now know. Here the name is used for a website that’s said to be for hateful man babies. They’re probably gonna be big bad going ahead and Nikki even writes down the name in case you missed it.

Now, these tie in heavily with the hulks and the potential DNA plot that we are getting. RPK said that the Intelligencia would be the ones behind it all, and it’s likely that we will get the leader popping up or at least a tease to him. Tim Blake Nelson was brought on stage at D23, and it’s been confirmed that he will be appearing as the leader in the next Captain America Movie. Because of this, I think we will likely find out that he’s been working behind the scenes to try and get She Hulks DNA.
Much like Jen, he ended up going into his own transformation due to the Hulk DNA and therefore, it makes sense that he’d try to get more. I don’t know where he’s been for the last decade, but I think he probably is behind this in some form or another. The Leader being the big bad for Captain America brings a lot with it, and due to his vast intelligence, he’s likely hired out other villains to help create a new world order.
In the comics, he wasn’t really someone who fought hand to hand with people, but he did pull in other supervillains to do the dirty work. He also created Red She-Hulk, which would be a great foe for Jen to face off against in a future project. He may even tie in with a potential Red Hulk plot though it is difficult to guess how marvel will navigate this due to William Hurt’s passing.
Mr. Immortal
The big superhero divorce case that she left Mallory with is for Mr. Immortal from the comics. He’s part of the Great Lakes Avengers, super deep cut. Some of you may have read those Great Lakes Avengers comics. His real name is Craig Hollows, but they changed his backstory a little bit for the MCU, saying that he took up a bunch of fake identities when he killed himself and then resurrected.
So he’s been alive for a much longer period in the MCU, married to a bunch of different women, and they play it up for the comedy of it all. Like him killing himself to get out of all the marriages because he hates conflict so much.

In the comics, Mr. Immortal is kind of like an X-Men easter egg. They call him homo superior like the final evolution of what humanity will eventually become. Mutants are meant to be like the next step, so homo superior Mr. Mortal is like the next step after mutants. In the comics, the whole comedy of his character is just like the ridiculous chances that he’ll take, knowing full well that he’ll instantly resurrect. So he can just risk his life no matter what’s no big deal.
Mr. Immortal Powers
The only difference is that every time he does kill himself, he feels the pain like a normal person, the same way that wolverine feels the pain every time he pops his claws. One of the twists of his powers, though is that if he sustains a non-lethal injury, he’ll heal at a normal human rate. He only ends to heals from full death, so he could resurrect from an Infinity Gauntlet snap if he was snapped during
Avengers Infinity War or like a full power blast from it. But if Thanos wrecked his arm, like he just broke his arm, it would take him forever to heal it. He makes a joke about the marriages that he was in, bleeding him dry like metaphorically fatal. He says he’s tried marriage several times, implying that because of the way his powers work, because of how long he’s been alive, he’s technically been married more times than anyone else on the planet.

I would say that Kang might give him a run for his money, but technically Kang hasn’t been married that many times. He’s had love interests like Ravana is Kang’s love interest in the comics, but he hasn’t been married that many times.
In the way, Mr. Immortal explains that he uses the twist behind the way his powers work in the way that the law is worded to get out of his marriage by killing himself and then resurrecting and adopting a new fake identity. I think because of the whole fake identity thing though, that’s why it doesn’t stick and why he’s forced to make the settlement.
Twilight Reference
They make a Twilight reference at her wedding rehearsal, Team Jacob and Team Edward, saying that she’s dated both of the actors Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson in the MCU before this. So both of those actors are now canons to the MCU as is the Twilight franchise.
And it’s not a fourth wall break, but she does have a big reaction when Titania arrives, and they explain the whole twist with her friend wanting as many famous people there as possible, being a big fan of Titania’s. Her friend also references the events of the previous episode with all the different “businesses” that Titania has. And that was the whole reason why Jen had to sue her to get her to stop using the She-Hulk name.
Intelligentsia Website
They make the first reference to the Intelligentsia website, which is a parody of tmz in the MCU. But they’re playing it up like an MCU gossip site just about superheroes, and there are all these trolls going after She-Hulk. But secretly, it seems like a front for what’s happening at the end of the episode, and this researcher trying to steal her blood. I think the Intelligencia reference is to intelligence to the Leader’s intelligence, and it might actually be the Leader’s character who’s behind all this.

The other thing that’s going on with the Intelligencia website is that a lot of these memes and the hate are posted on She-Hulk. The trolling is actually a parody of what’s happening in real life, like a lot of people in real life are trolling She-Hulk. So the show has done this in previous episodes where they’re kind of calling out the trolls in real life throughout the show. Nikki’s hashtag friends with bros is a science bros reference.
Mario Kart And Cinderella
Then I think we have another MCU First. They make a Nintendo Switch reference, this could also be product placement too like Nintendo could have just bought advertising in the She-Hulk series, and they could just be working it in this way. We have seen fortnight in the MCU, so video games do exist in the MCU, but this is the first time I think we’ve ever seen Nintendo or Switch referenced in the MCU.

Also, Mario Kart reference, like they say, the people have been playing Mario Kart. So she has to iron all their shirts now. You can kind of think of this like a Bridezilla Cinderella type of reference how much crap can we put on Jen before she completely breaks and Hulks out. Just like in the Cinderella story, she’s put upon by her evil stepsisters and then transforms into this upgraded version of herself like Jen transforms into She-Hulk. They also reference ESPN, which I think they’ve done in the MCU before, though.
Hulk King And The Leader
So they make another Hulk reference on the Intelligencia website, the code name is Hulk King. That’s a reference to King Hulk in the comics, which is actually a spin on the Hulking character, who’s really a scroll. He’s like the emperor of the scroll race from the Young Avengers comics, but he’s a scroll that’s the whole thing that’s why he’s green. He doesn’t actually have gamma powers, his real scroll name is Doric.
Part of this could be a backdoor Secret Invasion easter egg because of what’s happening with the scrolls during that series in Nick Fury. Then we see the person is looking in the digital readout of her biology, and they’re preparing the samples to get her blood using more upgraded hardcore methods.

But like I said, this seems closer to what was happening with Samuel Sterns’ Leader character in the whole Intelligence reference in the intelligentsia name. He is the main villain of Captain America 4 New World Order. It sounds like Marvel has big Hulk plans in Marvel Phase 5 between what’s happening with Captain America 4 and The Thunderbolts movie in like a World War Hulk style plot.
But I think that’s probably what’s going on, like the Leader’s whole thing during the Incredible Hulk movie (which they made references to during the episode like a lot of Incredible Hulk references) was getting Hulk’s blood, and now someone wants to get Jen’s She-Hulk blood, that person seems like the Leader.
Also Read: She-Hulk Episode 7 Release Date: Daredevil’s Debut Into MCU