Beyond Paradise, a spin-off of the popular crime drama Death in Paradise is set in the fictional town of Shipton Abbott, located near the Devon coast. The filming, however, takes place primarily in the Cornish town of Looe, along with additional scenes shot in Polperro and Fowey. The picturesque setting and vibrant local culture of Cornwall provide the perfect backdrop for the series.
Looe was selected for its thriving fishing community and local businesses, which help bring authenticity to the show’s fictional setting. By utilizing real-world locations, the producers created a setting that feels both believable and rich in detail. The town’s Fore Street serves as the bustling main street of Shipton Abbott, adding to the immersion of the audience.
Several notable spots around Looe feature prominently in the series. The Looe Guildhall, for example, doubles as the Shipton Abbott Police Station. This central location in the show highlights the town’s importance in the story. Meanwhile, the Weir Quay Boatyard plays a key role in maritime-themed scenes, making use of the town’s natural surroundings to portray boat-related activities.
Further filming occurred at the University of Plymouth, where the Portland Square and Nancy Astor buildings represent the South West Police Headquarters. The university’s modern architecture fits seamlessly with the needs of the series. Despite the show being set in Devon, the stunning Cornish landscapes were chosen to bring the fictional town to life, offering a unique visual experience for viewers.
Beyond Paradise combines the beauty of Cornwall’s towns, such as Looe, Polperro, and Fowey, with the thrilling mystery of a crime drama. By filming in these authentic locations, the show captures the essence of coastal life while providing the perfect environment for its engaging storyline.