ITV’s long-running soap opera Coronation Street has had its fair share of characters coming in and out of the show. One particular case was Lucy-Jo Hudson’s character Katy Harris, whose torrid relationships with Martin, her abusive relationship with her dad and her erratic, mentally ill behavior led her to commit a horrible crime.
Lucy-Jo Hudson’s portrayal of Katy Harris was amazing, her story character development arc was very well written by the scriptwriters and she managed to embody a character whose emotions, dark turns and impulsiveness entertained and shocked us all in awe with its impressive conclusion.

What Is Katy Harris’s Story Arc In Corrie?
Thomas and Angela Harris had a daughter named Katy Harris on September 26, 1986, in Sheffield. In November 2002, Katy and her family moved into 6 Coronation Street. They were put in witness protection under the last name “Nelson” because Angela was going to testify in a murder trial involving gangs.
After five months, Katy blew their cover by getting in touch with some old friends in Sheffield. This made it easy for Andy and Nick Morgan to find them. They were caught by police after a standoff at No.6 with Katy as a hostage. After that, the family kept living on Coronation Street under their real names.
In 2003, Katy found out she had diabetes. Nurse Martin Platt helped her get used to injecting herself with insulin every day. They fell in love, even though Martin was almost 20 years older than Katy and almost the same age as Katy’s father.
When Katy got pregnant, her sneaky dad Tommy got her to have an abortion by making up a story that Martin was cheating on her. Tommy called Martin a “pervert” because he slept with Katy.
Both of their families didn’t like them being together, but they stayed together until 2005 when Martin broke up with Katy for having an abortion because of a false rumor that he was having an affair with Sally Webster. Tommy was bragging about what had happened, which made Katy very angry. She hit him over the head with a wrench and killed him.
Angela, Katy’s mother, saw the murder happen but told her daughter not to call the police. After that, they pretended that Tommy had been killed by an intruder until forensic evidence told them it was Angela. After a few weeks, Katy couldn’t take the guilt any longer. She wrote a note telling the truth about her father’s death and then killed herself by drinking water mixed with sugar, which was fatal for her because she had diabetes. Later, Martin found her asleep on the couch with the note right next to her. She was taken to Weatherfield General, but she died a week after getting there.
Angela was found not guilty of manslaughter after Katy’s death, but she was charged with new crimes of helping a criminal and plotting to obstruct justice, which meant she stayed in prison.

What Happened To Katy Harris In Coronation Street?
To fully understand what happened to Katy Harris’s character storyline in the show, we must take a look back to whats up with her. Katy Harris’s story took place a long time ago, nearly twenty years ago in the 2000s.
Lucy-Jo Hudson’s portrayal of Katy Harris was impeccable, and her story arc development was also very good. Let’s begin then. We have Martin Platt, who was Gail’s husband. Martin meets Katy and has the hots for her. A romance ensues.
But not everything is quite as it seems. Katy seemed like a caring, loving woman, but the scriptwriters made her quite villainous and dark. Across the episodes, she became abusive, and manipulative, and she became obsessed with Martin, up to a point where it all came crashing down.
So, what happened to Katy Harris in Coronation Street? Well, because Katy’s character was out of whack, obsessed and crazy, she ends up killing her dad, Tommy Harris.
That murder was the most important event in Katy’s story arc development because her father had been abusive of her, and she felt like she had no other choice. So, in a very violent scene, Katy grabs a wrench and when Tommy was distracted and looking another way, Katy sneaks up on him and beats him in the head with a wrench, crushing his skull and making him suffer a horrible death.
After that, the cops came in, started to investigate, and found out that it was Katy. She was arrested, put in jail, had to face a trial, in that trial, she was found guilty of murdering her dad, and got sent to the penitentiary. With that, her character was written out of the series.