Cute Pokemon are mostly found in various Pokemon series. We will talk about the cutest Pokemon we are familiar with and the ones you might have forgotten. This will be the list of the cute Pokemons that you will not want to miss. Most cute Pokemons are the collections of Goh and Satoshi. We have learned much about the Pokemon series but have never looked at the top ten cutest Pokemon characters we are familiar with. However, the list of cute Pokemon will also include Pokemons from the villain side.
The list below will reveal some cute Pokemons you might be familiar with. There are tons of cute Pokemon that one can consider in this list but choosing the best top ten is a great thing. Here you might come across your cute Pokemon and learns a lot about them. Even though they are cute Pokemons, they are strong and used in many battles to climb high ranks. In both Pokemon anime and game, it is good to have a strong cute Pokemon, and we have also seen a few cute Pokemon from Team Rocket’s side. Even though they try to steal some, they keep on falling.
This list of cute Pokemon are from different generations, and most are seen in the recent series of Pokemon. Some of them will appear as the current Pokemon series continues, and it is good to know about them. Cute Pokemons are something that one must not miss in the anime. Most of them attract fans to the world of Pokemons. Each Pokemon has a special ability that you will find amazing or surprising, and their powers are another thing that makes them cuter. Let’s find out which are the top ten cute Pokemons.
Mythical Mew
Mew is popular legendary Pokemon and a Psychic-type Mythical Pokemon. It is the cutest Pokemon in the series and everyone’s dream to capture Mew; Mew has the genetic codes of all Pokemon in its DNA. This is the strongest Pokemon in the Pokemon universe, and it was thought to be extinct until the researchers discovered that it is still alive. The scientific team has revealed that Mew was seen in Guyana, and Mewtwo was created to complete research based on Mew.

This Pokemon has the power to control all the Pokemons, and we have seen it in some of the Pokemons series where Mew appeared in front of Goh and Satoshi and saved them. But they hope to capture Mew in the future.
Pikachu is an electric-type Pokemon and one of Satoshi’s favorite Pokemon. This is the cutest female Pokemon that we always see in the Pokemon series. Everyone, like Pikachu and villains, always wants to capture Pikachu since it is on the same level as Mew. Pikachu can be ranked as the second-best and most popular cutest Pokemon, and the series revolves around Pikachu and Mew. Pikachu is yellow with red marks and has a cute face, and most of us members Pikachu by its signature tail move.
Eevee is one of the rare cute pokemons that can evolve into eight different Pokemon. But it takes time for Evee to evolve under its trainer. Eevee is a normal type Pokemon with brown color all over its body. It also has special powers and abilities, and we have seen it in many battles. One of the Pokemons introduced in Generation I. Eevee has male and female species that evolve from an egg. Koharu chooses Eevee as a Pokemon of her choice, and the two are always seen together.

Piplup is blue water-type Pokemon. This is a cute Penguin Pokemon with the abilities of penguins in the water. It can also fight using water techniques and evolve into Prinplup and Empoleon. Piplup has pride, and it isn’t easy to accept food from any human. This is one of the Pokemons that needs a strong bond and then gets used to being around humans. It has blue and white with a yellow beak.

But it always falls when it walks since it looks like a lazy Pokemon, and we have seen it around the characters in Pokemon. Piplup prefers a cold environment and t lives near the shores in northern countries. This is a skilled Pokemon that dive for more than ten minutes during a hunt and is a good swimmer.
Vulpix is a Fire-type Pokemon that appeared in Generation 1. It is commonly known as the Fox Pokémon since it looks like a cute brown lady fox. In Pokemon Sun and Moon, this Pokemon has a new Alolan form. It can evolve into Alolan Vulpix, Alolan Ninetales, and Ninetales. In Alolan form, Vulpix’s body color turns white, changes region, and prefers to stay in cold environments in its original form; it can stay in any environment. It has hidden abilities and is one of the strongest Pokemon of its type.

Oshawott is commonly known as “Sea Otter Pokemon” that appeared in Generation 5. This water-type Pokemon can evolve into Dewott, Samurott, and Hisuian Samurott. In those forms, Oshawott remains cute. This is one of the cutest Pokemon of its type, and it can cover itself with Shell Shield during battle and prevent itself from getting harmed. Most cute Pokemons have trainers, and Oshawott also has a trainer, but it is unleashed at important times or during battle.

Emolga looks like a flying squirrel; it is an electric flying type Pokemon. It has black, yellow, and white. Emolga can produce electricity like Pikachu, and this is one of the Pokemon that can battle with Pikachu using electricity. Emolga is one of those Pokemon that keep the same form, and it never evolves. It has two marks on the cheeks that store energy, and it uses that energy when gliding.

Everything is cute about this Pokemon, and it falls in best top ten cute pokemons. Emolga lives in treetops and glides using its cape-like membrane. It also discharges electricity when gliding. The energy stored in its cheeks can be used against its enemies, and it has a signature move that can take an enemy instantly.
Furret is long cute Pokemon that looks like a tail. It is a normal type Pokemon, and its weakness is fighting. It is rare to find a cute pokemon like this that has a weakness in fighting. This Pokemon can evolve into Sentrel, and it has short arms. But when it is in battle, it can slickly squirm through narrow spaces and escape. It is brown and very quick when catching each prey even though it is afraid of fighting. It lives underground and in other temperate grasslands.

Plusle is one of the Electric-type Pokemons that appeared in Generation III. Plusle is another cute Pokemon that cannot evolve. It has few counterparts and loves acting as its partner’s cheerleader. Plusle uses the same abilities as Pikachu during the battle. It is the cousin of Pikachu Pokemon, but Pulse has more special attacks than Pikachu, and it is faster. Pulse cannot use signature moves such as Volt Tackle and Slam.
It has long red ears, but its face and body are creamy yellows. Plusle is an ever-smiling Pokemon that loves to jump around. Plusle also has a tail like Pikachu and sometimes uses that tail during battle, as we have seen in the series with Pikachu. It can either have blue or red with creamy yellows.
Deerling is beautiful cute Pokemon that resembles a deer, but it has a different color. It is a Grass-type Pokemon that appeared in Generation 5. Some series are called Season Pokemon, which changes every season. This Pokemon can evolve only once, and it can evolve into Sawsbuck. Deerling’s color of fur can change and look like mountain grass. This is the strongest animal Pokemon, and when a season changes, their fur color and scent also change. Deerling is also used to mark the season.

Not all cute Pokemons are fighting Pokemon, but some play an important role in the lives of people and nature. There are tons of cute Pokemons, but we chose to talk about the top ten that make the Pokemon series interesting and enjoyable to watch. However, this is one of the most important things we must know about Pokemons and their role or abilities.
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