One Piece fans were thrilled by an unexpected gift from TOEI Animation—a short episode starring Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law. Released on the anime’s official YouTube channel, this 5-minute original adventure is set after the intense Rooftop Battle in Wano Country, bridging the gap before the anime’s return in April 2025.
The episode opens with a nostalgic callback to the Great Pirate Era, teasing an untold event following the Wano arc. Luffy, separated from his crew and the Sunny, encounters Law, who has received information from Bepo about a mysterious obstacle hindering their departure. Their brief exchange sets the stage for an unexpected encounter with a massive Sea King known as the “Lord of the Coast.”
TOEI Animation Drops a Surprise One Piece Episode Featuring Luffy & Law
Law quickly identifies the creature’s distress—a sword lodged in its throat. As he prepares to use his powers to remove it, Luffy takes a more direct approach, unleashing his Gear 3rd Elephant Gun to knock the sword free. The Sea King, now freed, begins to collapse toward the shore.
In a comedic yet heroic moment, Luffy urges Law to return the creature to the sea, only for Law to sarcastically remind him, “I’m not your servant!” Despite his protests, Law uses his Takt ability to safely return the massive Sea King to the water. The creature regains its calm and swims away, marking the resolution of this brief yet memorable escapade.
The episode concludes with the arrival of the Thousand Sunny and the Straw Hat crew, offering fans a heartwarming reunion and a satisfying close to the mini-adventure.
This short special feels like a heartfelt thank-you to the loyal One Piece fanbase, who have been eagerly awaiting the anime’s continuation. It not only showcases the dynamic partnership between Luffy and Law but also delivers a mix of humor, action, and camaraderie that fans cherish.