The Night Agent, created by Shawn Ryan and based on Matthew Quirk’s book, follows Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) and Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan) as they uncover a deadly government conspiracy. The plot revolves around the deaths of Rose’s aunt and uncle, a metro bombing, and the involvement of political figures like Vice President Redfield (Christopher Shyer) and Chief of Staff Diane Farr (Hong Chau). As Peter and Rose investigate, they grow romantically involved, complicating their mission. They receive help from Chelsea Arrington (Fola Evans-Akingbola), a Secret Service agent protecting Maddie (Sarah Desjardins), the Vice President’s daughter.
In the penultimate episode, Peter learns that the bombing was targeting Omar Zadar (Adam Tsekhman). After Rose’s kidnapping, she reveals that her father and Redfield were involved. Following a trip to Camp David, where Zadar is believed to be, Peter and Rose confront Diane. She denies being involved in the planned attack but agrees to help them infiltrate Camp David to prevent Redfield from replacing President Travers.
The Night Agent Ending Explained
The finale opens with a significant flashback to a moment in Peter’s childhood. As Peter and his father, Pete (Sebastien Roberts), play basketball, FBI agents arrive to seize Pete’s electronics based on accusations of treason. Pete calmly complies, assuring his son that they’re all on the same side, which makes Peter believe his father’s innocence. But, as the story unfolds, Peter learns that his father may not have been as innocent as he once believed, raising questions about everything Peter had assumed.
As Diane transports Peter and Rose to Camp David, she shares new details about the bombing that nearly took Peter’s life. Diane reveals that she was not involved in the bombing itself but only in its cover-up afterward, justifying her actions as necessary to keep the president and the country safe. She explains how Rose’s aunt and uncle were killed after meeting Zadar to investigate the bombing, revealing that their deaths were part of a larger scheme involving Redfield, Diane, and Wick. It’s here that Peter realizes why he was selected for the Night Action program: to serve as a scapegoat should things go wrong.
Meanwhile, Chelsea grows suspicious of two new agents accompanying Redfield on a helicopter ride to Camp David. As she notices their unusually large suitcases, her instincts begin to tell her something is off. In the midst of this, Redfield and his associate Briggs (Toby Levins) discuss plans to kill Zadar and President Travers. Upon arriving at Camp David, Redfield isolates his daughter Maddie and plans to hold her in a bunker, thinking that the attack will also kill her. As the tension builds, Maddie attempts to convince her father to abort the plan, but he refuses.
A Deadly Confrontation
Diane arrives at a lodge to speak with President Travers, but she is met by Almora (Enrique Murciano), who dismisses her claims about the threat to the president. As Diane presses to speak with Travers, she is confronted by Briggs, who shoots Diane and kills Almora in an attempt to keep the conspiracy under wraps. Peter, hearing the commotion, rushes to intervene, but Briggs escapes before Peter can stop him. As the situation worsens, Diane urges Peter and Rose to head to the communications building, where Rose might be able to fix the broken communication lines.
Meanwhile, Chelsea uncovers a bomb hidden within the lodge and evacuates the building. Maddie, still trapped in the bunker, orders her father to let her out. After a tense exchange, she stands up to him, refusing to support his actions any longer. In the nick of time, Rose restores the communications system, enabling Chelsea to warn the president about the bomb. As the lodge is evacuated, Chelsea hears Maddie’s screams and rushes to rescue her before the bomb detonates.
The Attack Intensifies
Though the bomb at the lodge is defused, the attack is far from over. Peter tracks down Briggs in the woods, leading to a brutal fight. Meanwhile, Chelsea uncovers a second bomb placed on Marine One, the presidential helicopter. As Peter and the remaining security personnel race to avert disaster, Peter confronts the inside man who was working with Briggs. After a tense standoff, Peter shoots the man in the head and tries to convince the president’s security team to search for the bomb on the helicopter. In a surprising twist, President Travers listens to Peter and orders the search just in time to prevent the bomb from detonating, ensuring everyone’s safety.
Resolution and New Beginnings
After Peter is taken into custody, Chelsea and Maddie clear his name. They confront Vice President Redfield, who faces the consequences of his actions, while Rose ensures Diane is kept alive for justice. Back at the White House, Peter and Rose meet with President Travers, who appreciates their efforts but regrets their decision to remain anonymous. Peter requests to learn the truth about his father’s betrayal.
The stunning revelation uncovers Peter’s father as a double agent, assassinated by foreign operatives. Travers offers Peter a chance to join the Night Agent program. At an airfield, Peter and Rose share a heartfelt goodbye before Peter boards a plane, unlocking his next mission.
Setting the Stage for a New Season
After the dramatic conclusion, the stage is set for The Night Agent to continue. Chelsea, though on leave, is asked to speak at a ceremony for her late colleague, Monks (D.B. Woodside). While there, she is invited by President Travers to join her security detail, an offer Chelsea eagerly accepts. Meanwhile, Maddie, having agreed to testify against her father, declines the Secret Service protection offered by the president, choosing instead to learn how to protect herself before embarking on a journey of independence and freedom.
As the season concludes, Peter watches a video of his father’s confession, learning the painful truth about his betrayal. President Travers shares the details of his father’s double life, as well as his tragic end. Despite this grim revelation, Peter’s journey toward redemption continues as he accepts his new role in the Night Agent program. The season ends with Peter boarding a plane, ready to face new challenges and unravel even more conspiracies, while Rose steps into a new chapter of her life, relaunching her career with the lessons learned from her dangerous experiences. The future is uncertain, but the mission continues.