Noah, played by Tyler James Williams, joined The Walking Dead in season 5 but sadly died that same season. Even though he wasn’t on the show for long, his death was a big surprise and very emotional for fans. The way he died was especially hard to watch.
Noah’s death scene was very gory and showed everything in detail. It was almost like we were watching through Glenn’s eyes, seeing Noah get ripped apart by walkers. This made it even more shocking and upsetting.
Noah’s death could have been avoided. Another character, Nicholas, panicked and made a bad decision that led to Noah getting trapped with the walkers. This showed how even small mistakes can have deadly consequences in The Walking Dead.

A Real Emotional Toll
Just before Noah died, he was starting to feel at home with the group and was making plans for the future. This made his death even sadder because it felt like a waste of a young life.
The scene affected not just the viewers, but also the actor who played Noah. He talked about how hard it was to film such a traumatic scene.

Even though Noah wasn’t on the show for long, his death was a big moment. It showed how The Walking Dead can make us care about characters quickly, even if we haven’t known them for very long.