Without Robyn’s crime-fighting allies, who have grown to be like a second family to her, it’s difficult to envision The Equalizer. However, Mel, Harry, and Dante, the three members of Robyn’s squad, are in risk of being burned alive by Robyn’s former CIA colleague Michelle Chambers at the beginning of the CBS show’s Season 4 premiere, which aired on Sunday.
Following their previous battle against a Venezuelan dictator, Michelle and a squad of freedom fighters were resolved to exact revenge on Robyn and Fisk at the close of the previous season. However, Michelle and the activists were left for dead when the CIA suddenly quit the operation.
When Bishop’s security crew arrives, things for Robyn’s friends and a drugged and bruised Fisk appear dire at the top of the hour. Robyn roughs up a freedom fighter before running around looking for her gang as Michelle makes a swift getaway.
After defusing a heist at the bodega, Aunt Vi and Delilah return home fatigued and traumatized. They discover Robyn is gone. Robyn finds the room where her companions are stuck and smashes the door open to save them while they wonder where she’s been. When Robyn, Harry, and Mel’s calls to Delilah and Aunt Vi at home end up on voicemail, they get increasingly worried.
The director informs Robyn that the freedom fighters and their leader, Enrique Vargas, intend to murder CIA agents and their loved ones, including Robyn and her family, when they are questioned by the agency. Robyn sends Bishop’s security to watch over Aunt Vi and Delilah, alerting them to the possibility that they could be in danger.

She then meets up at Harry and Mel’s bar with her group. She clarifies that she still has feelings for Michelle and that she wants to prevent her from accomplishing her goal. Dante is amazed when they finally (!) let him into their secret office in the basement. He’s now a member of this team, Robyn remarks.
Harry searches for the names of the CIA agents, realizing that Fisk probably revealed the list while Vargas was torturing him; Mel and Dante are pursuing a freedom fighter sympathizer. Mel brings up Dante’s statement of love for Robyn during their drive. However, Dante is mulling over his post-suspension career.
Mel quickly uses a shopping cart to help them confront the sympathizer and stop him from fleeing. Robyn, in the meantime, fulfills her contribution by finding Michelle at the residence of a former coworker. When Robyn requests that Michelle revoke her mission, Michelle responds by asking Robyn to enlist in the freedom warriors.
Robyn declines, but they have to eliminate snipers who are aiming for Michelle before they can continue their conversation. Robyn turns to face Michelle, who vanishes. Robyn approaches the head of the CIA about the attack and requests that Michelle be brought in alive. Robyn receives a warning from the CIA director to move aside.

Through Mel and Dante’s interrogation of the sympathizer and Harry’s computer skills, the group discovers that the CIA has been lying to them about the true intentions of the freedom fighters; in reality, all of them, save for Michelle, are being detained in a government prison facility.