The Boys Season 4 looks absolutely crazy in the best possible way. It’s like how they’re going to top themselves each season. It just gets crazier and crazier and crazier
This time, Homelander seems like he’s revealed his grand plan, and it is to go full God Emperor Homelander, eventually over the entire world, I think. But really, they’re just talking about the United States during the events of the trailer because of the election.
But it kind of seems like his whole idea is to basically go to Caesar in Rome, basically go from a democracy, turning it into an empire with him being the new emperor. There’s a bunch of comic book Easter eggs for that, so we’ll get into that as well.
Just starting at the beginning of the trailer footage, we will be working our way through, shot by shot, talking about Easter eggs and the many, many WTF moments.
The Boys Season 4 Release Date
The Boys Season 4 trailer only says that Season 4 is going to premiere sometime in 2024. My assumption is it’ll be summer or before that, hopefully, March, but I don’t think it’ll be quite that early. I don’t know if any of the Gen V characters will show up during The Boys Season 4 because none of them appear during the trailer.

The beginning of The Boys Season 4 trailer starts with Homelander in his apartment in Vought Tower just staring silently. He does that a lot; his mind just goes absolutely blank. Do you wonder what he is cooking inside there?
Then we get the voiceover from this new character, who we find out is talking to him later in this room about the whole idea of going full Caesar on Rome—basically, Homelander versus the idea of democracy in the United States.
Even though they portrayed him in a number of different ways during the series, they made him seem super dumb. He does have a certain level of intelligence; for example, he starts to see the grand picture when this person is telling him about how he could take over the United States.
Essentially, they make it seem like he wants to lean into the curve, basically get both sides of this equation, like the far right in the far left, like the people that are basically warring with each of these two political parties. Get them to start burning America down, basically burning democracy down, because we had this whole election that’s been going on in the background with Victoria Newman.
Homelander plans to be the person to swoop in and fix all the problems or claim that he’s going to fix all the problems and make everyone love him even more. Take all the credit for fixing this giant civil war that America is about to start. Because of his Compound V powers, he’s functionally immortal. He won’t age, so he’ll be emperor forever.
Then, when Homelander starts getting this idea in his head about Rome becoming this new version of Caesar over the United States, they transition to butcher inside this old video store, looking like it’s the aftermath of their winning the election. Victoria Newman and Robert Singer won the election, basically the Homelander side.
There’s also a poster for Polarity that’s a reference to the Gen V show. This is meant to take place days after the ending of the Gen V show. Remember, Victoria Neuman had that Compound V weapon in her hands, and she’s got it on the DL. So it sounds like she’s going to use it, or if she wants to use it at some point, maybe as a deterrent.

My early theory during the Gen V episodes, when they were sort of getting into the weeds on that, is that it wouldn’t work on Homelander. She might try to use it on Homelander, and it might just not work. It’ll either turn into some twist like that, or there’ll be a left turn.
Theoretically, it would kill all superheroes all over the planet, and I don’t think they want that to happen. But somehow, things will not go the way that Victoria Neuman is planning for them to go.
Then we see Victoria Newman and Robert Singer at what looks like a victory rally. They’re all celebrating their victory in the election. I’m not sure what’s happening here, but Starlight holds her hand up. This might just be a crowd that she’s addressing, like a bunch of her supporters that she’s addressing.
Then we had a rally of Homelander supporters near Vought Tower. I love the look on his face here like you just wonder what he’s pissed off about. It could literally be anything because he gets pissed off so frequently.
The funny thing about the way they cut the trailer to where the woman’s talking about “not killing all these regular people.” Because if Homelander killed all these people, who would build monuments to him, and who would lick his taint, so to speak?
It shows you the Deep with the octopus because it’s this whole weird relationship that the Deep has with Homelander. Like he’s kind of terrified of him, but he’s also kind of obsessed with him. Homelander also literally forced him to eat his friend, the Octopus.
The Boys Are Back In Action
Then we see Butcher and MM in what is called Truth con here. It just seems like another one of those crazy conventions that they visit during the series. They did that during season 3. Zoom an enhanced next to MM here, and there’s a bunch of conspiracy theories about what happened to Soldier Boy being held captive by the CIA. That’s actually kind of true; the funny part is that there’s an element of truth in there.

I’m not totally sure what’s going on with Frenchie and Kimiko in this coffee warehouse there. It’s just something really shady that they’re investigating.
The women’s Voice-over talks about the different sides of this equation, like the Starlight supporters and the homeowner supporters basically tearing each other apart. They actually do start to fight with each other.
Notice that Starlight is at the protests in this kind of horrified by what’s happening here with the fight breaking out. And you see Homelander in the background just kind of smiling, enjoying it all, like, “Yes, I am happy that this is happening” because he plans on swooping in, fixing it later, and being the grand savior to everyone.
How Is Black Noir Still Alive In The Boys Season 4?
A lot of you wondered if they would bring Black Noir back. Because during this next scene, we actually see him with Homelander and with Ryan at what seems like some sort of rally. A couple of the new superhero characters are introduced during Season 4.
The woman in Red and blue is called Firecracker. Notice she has bullets all over her. Supposedly, one of her superpowers is just incredibly good hearing, way beyond that of a normal superhero.
But just to address the elephant in the room, the dead superhero in the room: Why is Black Noir back? Well, there’s actually a twist in the comics that explains that. In the comics, you can actually use Compound V to resurrect dead superheroes.
The only thing, though, is that when you do that, they just come back as mindless, zombified kind of Hulks. They can take basic commands, but essentially, they lose their higher brain functions. So maybe that’s what’s going on with Black Noir during season four.
Whatever is going on here, it looks like this new Firecracker superhero character has a TV show called The Truth Bomb, which is probably an ironic statement. She probably just lies for Vought. Because most of the programs here are all sponsored by Vought on Vought’s networks, it’s just them peddling their wares, getting you to buy their stuff, just saying whatever they want you to believe.

New The Boys Member?
Then we finally see Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character meeting with Butcher, who’s some sort of former coworker or former ally of his.
During the series, he’s going to be called Joe Kessler, but there’s not much we know about where he actually comes from, like if he’s part of the CIA or if he’s connected to Mallory somehow, and that’s how he knew Butcher in the past. It kind of seems like they are old mates. I love the way that he makes fun of Butcher in The Boys team.
Then, this little girl character is actually Victoria Neuman’s daughter, who’s attacking Kimiko. I’m not exactly sure what’s happening in this scene, but this just shows you what her Compound V Powers wound up turning into. Because remember, Victoria Neuman dosed her with Compound V last season. Does it not look like the freakiest power to get ever?
Giving someone Compound V powers is a bit of a dice roll like they could either get cool powers, really low-level like nothing powers, or really gross powers. Then there is a flashback, and it seems like Queen Maeve comes back at some point. She’s wearing a different type of costume, but it seems like she’s doing some kind of song and dance number here, like she’s doing some show.