She-Hulk Episode 9 is called Whose Show Is This? And this is a play on Jen saying earlier in the season, just remember who show this is. She-Hulk Episode 9 Ending kind of devolves into several characters randomly popping up and as eventually letting This is actually Kevin’s show. There’s a massive fourth-wall-breaking moment in the entry in which Jen literally goes behind the scenes of Marvel Studios, and this pulls massively from the comics to create one of the most meta things that I’ve ever seen.
I think this was an experience. That’s definitely the word I would use for it. But I think the more I think about it, the more I don’t know if this is the direction that they should have taken. Now props to them, because it completely blew my mind watching this all play out. Gave constant surprises and I really loved what they did.
She-Hulk Episode 9 Ending Explained
She-Hulk Episode 9 Ending was a bit crazy and something we didn’t expect when we started the episode. So at the end of Episode 9, every main She-Hulk character shows up like Abomination, Titania, and Hulk. Things get messy and She-Hulk gets out of her own show and into the main world. It’s one of the biggest fourth wall-breaking things I’ve ever seen, and we could add the Marvel tab on it and see she’s cutting through that.

This is similar to what’s happened in the comics before, with her busting out of panels and pages in order to take over everything. On the Disney Plus app, we see the usual things that we’d see, including a Marvel’s Assembled episode for Shang-Chi that I don’t think, is on the top at this point. We also have the Groot stuff as well and it’s such a cool way that changed what I thought had been a pretty lackluster finale.
She then breaks through this and lands in a studio, which is when things get even crazier. She-Hulk storms through a lot and goes into the writer’s room, much like how Deadpool did in the comics. There’s also a poster for Captain America playing on the Uncle Sam one, giving a nod to how this was used as propaganda back in World War Two.
Now, in the writer’s room, we catch them discussing making the second season a dream, which is a nod to Dallas. The entire ninth season of that was made null and void and revealed as a dream in order to bring certain characters back. You can also see a horn go in the top, right? You can also catch several classic Hulk comics, and this includes the Incredible Hulk Return of the Monster. Now on the board, we see mentions of Gamma Goo, nanobots, and Incredible Hulk. And are you sure that’s a real apple, which might be a nod to Are you sure that’s a real spell from Harry Potter?
Now they are kind of hanging a lantern on this and they say the entire thing would be an unexpected twist. It’s kind of like when I say a really, really bad pun and then I say it’s bad. So it’s like it is not bad anymore. Jen just wants to do things her way. But we learn that this is what Kevin wants. They say they’d kill for their Lord and Savior, Kevin.
Meeting K.E.V.I.N
Now, Jen goes through the Marvel Studios corridor, which is something that we’ve seen in real life when stars like Ryan Reynolds have visited. There are tons of Easter eggs here, including several life-size Iron Man suits that were used in the films. There is the mark to the mark 42 from Iron Man three, and Mark seven from The Avengers. There is a Thanos resin statue. One of the Hulk and also an Infinity gantlet and several figures.

Jane goes to see Kevin and he’s then asked to sign a very lengthy NDA. These non-disclosure agreements are put in place so people can’t spill the secrets of Marvel, and I guess it keeps everything under wraps, even though stuff often leaks on Reddit.
Jen breaks into Kevin’s office, and we get a scene that’s clearly riffing on The Architect one from The Matrix Reloaded. In the film, Neo learned the inner workings of The Matrix and how freeing people was all part of the program. Machines still exert control over them, and this circular room is filled with monitors playing several Marvel movies, not going to list them all, as they’re all pretty much there.
And much like the architect, Kevin is actually an A.I. It stands for Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity and Access. Nexus is also where that’s appeared in Marvel at several points. Wanda is also a nexus being and nexus point in the multiverse when a timeline breaks off from a certain point.
She-Hulk Changes Her Show’s Ending
Jen delivers her closing argument, and this massively touches upon the Marvel formula, which is often used to criticize the franchise as a whole. I really enjoyed this scene, and I think it’s one of the most creative things that Marvel has done since like Werewolf by Night.

Now there are critics and the daddy issues and general plot contrivance says they make it seem like they have their tongue placed firmly in their cheek. At this point, Kevin erases the blood plot with Todd, and we get a tease of what Hulk was doing on Sakar. They do kind of mention that they were going to introduce his son, Scar, who pops up later on in the episode.
She also asks That Abomination holds himself accountable and inquires if we can get another cameo from Daredevil. That’s all we wanted and Kevin is basically a God that runs the entire thing. In the comics, She-Hulk had several conversations like this with the higher-ups due to knowing that she herself was in fact a comic book character. She also asked one of the fans in that Are we getting the X-Men, which we don’t get an answer to? Obviousl,y X-Men 97 is coming down the line, but beyond that, Marvel didn’t spend $4 billion buying Fox for no reason.
Hugh Jackman is, of course, coming back as Wolverine and lots of things coming down the line. Also, I’m guessing that Professor X’s back, because if that’s Patrick Stewart’s final performance, then I’m going to riot. It turns out the app is now fixed. And though Kevin says she won’t be on the big screen unimagined, imagine that she will pop up in a movie at some point.
The Family Dinner
After Jen is kicked out we come back to meals in the daytime to see the police there. Todd is being arrested and She-Hulk goes out to him. Titania is filming this for her social media, but Jen takes the moral high ground and she transforms back down, and promises to see him in court. At this point, Daredevil pops up and my man can’t stop guiding Doug walking his way into because Titania is on it now too. Jen then goes to a meal and he agrees to go back to prison for violating his parole. He’s finally taken accountability, and though this is sort of done, it does seem like he’s learned.

Next, we see Jen traveling home and her family eating dinner out with Matt up there, too. Now, Matt brings up his law firm once more and season three did end with him reopening this with Foggy, another canon on the Netflix stuff is a bit iffy, but I imagine they’re going to keep elements like this going forward. In the comics, Matt did travel to L.A. and he actually ended up being happy there. So who knows if he’s going to stay beyond what we cannot?
Bruce then comes out and introduces his son Scar. Though we don’t find out exactly what happened with this. He did spend two years on the Sakar and I doubt the guy who was getting blue bought sorry, green bulls whilst he was out there. He’s also aged up extremely fast because as we learn from The Grandmaster, time works differently on Sakar. Now we know that World War Hulk is likely coming and this good time for that. Now, due to Thor Ragnarok already pulling in several parts of Planet Hulk, I think they’re going to skip the main elements of that and instead do things more in line with World War Hulks.
World War Hulks
For some context, Planet Hulk had the Jolly Green Giant crashing onto the Sakar after he was sent there by the Illuminati, worried that he was too destructive for Earth. They thought it was a peaceful planet where he could live out the rest of his days. But he found that it was a highly oppressive society overseen by an evil emperor. Hulk was forced to be a gladiator, but he caused an uprising and rebellion that eventually overthrew the planet’s leader. He became the king of Sakar, and he married one of the mightiest warriors on the planet, Chiara.

She fell pregnant, but one day the ship he traveled in exploded, killing her and apparently their unborn child. He, however, did survive and go on to become Scar. And this set up so many different Hulks that we could have down the line. The origin story for his son is obviously different now with it being a lot less of a calamity.
Scar is likely going to become the Hulk archetype whilst his dad is more of a mentor. And this means that Mark Ruffalo can kind of age out and pass it on. World War Hulk was about him returning to Earth for revenge, and it was an incredible battle between him and the heroes. It’s an excellent comic and I definitely recommend you check it out if you haven’t.
A World War Hulks with an s was basically a major battle between two sides. One was the leader and his mysterious creation, the Red She-Hulk. This was revealed to be Betty Ross and all the Hulk came together in order to try and stop him. I think this will eventually happen, but we need to have the leader basically grow in power during the next Captain America movie. Titled New World Order, this will feature the villain and due to the name, I’m guessing that he wins. So that’s why I can see things going on a top level with Red She-Hulk potentially being introduced, so a levels the playing field against Jen.
The Credits
Anyway, we end the episode with the male reporter going over to She-Hulk entering the court. This moment actually pulls directly from the comics and She-Hulk issue 7 featured Jen walking up the steps to the courthouse. She promises to fight people who harm those both in and out of court. And it’s it’s a sort of heroic moment still, though, she’s hit with the sexism and she’s asked whom she’s wearing to court.

And from here we could to the credits of some Missy Elliott and get new pieces of art. This includes abomination with his inhibitor on a chicken so it doesn’t set off. Ant-Man and the WASP had something similar. There’s also Kevin reading She-Hulk issue one and closure on the talk about him going to jail.
Now, we do get a credit scene with the entry ending with Wong springing a meal out of prison. Earlier in the season, he did say that it gives him sanctuary and it turns out he got sucked into another TV show. This is obviously referring to The Sopranos, which I’m sorry to say I still haven’t seen, but it could also be a meta-joke on how he’ll be appearing in other shows. We end with Abomination asking about the wi-fi, which was of course a conversation that also popped up in the first doctor Strange movie.
The Hulks’ Future
Now, going forward, I can see this project dovetailing in two directions. Most of the Disney plus shows tend to set up multiple projects down the line. They often leave lots of things hanging. For example, Wandavision set up Multiverse of Madness. It also set up Agatha Coven of Chaos, The Marvels, and probably some elements of Secret Invasion. Hawkeye likely sets up the Thunderbolts and Yelena, the Young Avengers and Kate Bishop and Echo Daredevil, and whatever they want to do with the Netflix stuff.
Because of this, I think that She-Hulk is going to tie into several things going forward. The first big one is the World War Hulk storyline, and we of course have brought the Abomination back, The Leader and there’s lots of stuff linking to Sakar. Red Hulk has also been named dropped in the series.

And though we haven’t had anything confirmed, there are rumors that Harrison Ford could be stepping in as General Ross. Though he hasn’t been announced yet, I can also see Abomination becoming a Thunderbolts member and this will likely help to reform its image. He’s technically been broken out of prison and I can imagine Wong tracking him down at Kamrtaj and getting him on board.
As for the Leader, the Intelligentsia in the show is described as having multiple entities attached to it. And though Todd created it, the leader could be pulling the strings. Now, the Intelligencia in the comics has several high-ranking members that could also be coming down the line. One of them is Modok, who will be appearing in Ant-Man and the WASP Quantumania though I could just be grasping at straws again and doing a big Mephisto thing.
Now the whole group in the comics is super smart supervillains, and with them having so many branches, they might all come together with this new world order under the direction of the Leader. He’s confirmed is coming in the next Captain America, and therefore he could possibly be attached to this in some way or the other.
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