On 24th March of this year, the fans of ‘SEVENTEEN’ received the exciting news of their favourite K-Pop group releasing their first English Single. It is to be released on the 15th of April, 2022. Among all the energy and excitement that filled SEVENTEEN and Carats (their Fandom name), we suddenly received the sad news of the passing of ‘Wonwoo’s mother’. Yes, it’s true. It is with great distress that we inform you about the ‘death of Wonwoo’s mother’. As reports say, his mother passed away due to an illness. We can’t imagine what Wonwoo must be feeling, having lost his mother at the age of 26.
Wonwoo is a name of endearment that he’s received from his fans. His full name is Jeon Won Woo. He is in the ‘Hip-Hop unit of SEVENTEEN’ and is the rapper in the popular K-Pop Boy Group. He is a talented rapper who writes the lyrics to his rap on his own. We don’t know if you already know about this, but we’d like to inform you about his considerate and careful personality. He is someone who asks the female staff to check if the lyrics that he writes are okay or not, making sure that they don’t sound offensive to females. He is a popular member of ‘SEVENTEEN’ and Carats are extremely concerned and worried about him, owing to his mother’s death.

SEVENTEEN Wonwoo’s Loss
Today, PLEDIS Entertainment released a statement revealing the news of Wonwoo’s loss. As they informed, Wonwoo’s mother passed away this morning due to an illness. They went on to say that Wonwoo is currently with his family members, holding a funeral with only family members and close friends. They asked the fans of ‘SEVENTEEN’ to consider Wonwoo’s situation and send all the support and love that they can to him. Wonwoo is currently in mourning and all of us hope that he’s able to gain back his strength and make a comeback as the wonderful artist that he is.

‘Wonwoo’s Family’
Wonwoo is originally from Uichang-gu. It is where he was born. He is the older brother in his family which until yesterday had four members. His brother, who is two years younger than Wonwoo, used to be a fashion model. His name is Jeon Bohyuk. This just goes on to establish the fact that good looks run in the family.
His name ‘Jeon Won Woo’ means always helping and taking care of others. Despite the introverted, and shy person that Wonwoo is, he never fails to impress the people around him. S.Coups once said that Wonwoo takes a lot after his father. When Wonwoo decided to become an idol, his family was very supportive and gave him motivation.
‘Joshua and Wonwoo’ Family
‘SEVENTEEN’s Joshua’, Wonwoo’s fellow group member, has mentioned on several occasions that he was very thankful to Wonwoo’s family. He has said that he felt grateful to them because they helped him get over the homesickness he felt after he left his family back in America to train in Korea. Joshua used to feel lonely easily and missed his family extensively. Wonwoo’s family gave him much-needed support.

According to him, Wonwoo’s family members were very connected to each other. He even mentioned that Wonwoo’s mother and Joshua’s were very close and the distance between the two mothers made them even better friends. We are sure, that now that Wonwoo’s mother is no longer in this world, Joshua must be really sad. Since all the ‘SEVENTEEN members’ are so close to each other, they must be feeling really bad for their close friend.
‘Wonwoo was COVID positive’
On 12th February 2022, news had confirmed that he was COVID positive. On 11th February, he had developed flu-like symptoms. This made him use a self-test kit and later take a PCR test. He did not exhibit any serious symptoms. He did have a mild fever though. Fans were worried about the health of Wonwoo, who had previously had other health issues. Wonwoo has himself mentioned that he thinks that he has weak stamina and was trying to build strength and stamina through exercise.

It hadn’t been long since we received bad news concerning Wonwoo’s health. Who would’ve thought that we’ll be hit by such heart-breaking news about the death of his mother? We send our deepest condolences to Wonwoo and his family members for their loss. May her soul rest in peace.