After watching the Season 2 finale, I thought it would be interesting to speculate about what might come next. We will discuss the stories that they might try to adapt and provide all of the information that we currently know throughout this.
Alright, so the main theme of Season 1 was family as Reacher sought revenge on his brother Joe. In Season 2, the stakes shift to those within his unit, and the focus is shifted to his team.
Vin Diesel would be crying when we watch Reacher board the bus, even though the idea of family is explored when he finds a family member who loves him.
There may be some spoilers in this, so if you’d rather not know, go ahead, watch the first two seasons, and then come back.
Release Date
Alright, so Reacher Season 2 concludes with him leaving on a bus after meeting up with the group he had long since left behind. We have no idea where he will go next, but Reacher Season 3 is already in the works. Ritchson himself confirmed that they are currently filming it in Canada.
Amazon probably wants to release it as soon as possible. Filming started back in December 2023, and their production usually lasts three months.

Reacher isn’t a heavy VFX show, and they also tend to shoot on location. You see, kids, every time you should against a green screen, it becomes a Vfx shot and then has to be sent off to Vfx companies. However, with Reacher mainly shooting on location, a lot of the time can be cut down.
Previous seasons have shot for 3 months, so they’ll probably be wrapped up on this around spring. That is, of course, if everything goes to plan, and who knows, they may have upped the budget and included more effects-laden stuff. Not saying it doesn’t have effects mate, not slagging it off, but you know what I mean.
Either way, Reachers has been such a big show for Amazon, and my guess is that they’d want to get it out fast. Thus I’m predicting an early 2025 release, with it landing roughly around January or maybe even earlier.
Now as for where we go plot-wise, it’s difficult to predict as the series itself has been all over the place. Bad Luck And Trouble was actually the 11th book. In interviews, Ritchson said that season 3 was his favorite story, and I poured through interviews to find out what that was.
Well, it’s Die Trying… Die Trying mate, which also happens to be the second release. Again the ending is explained if you want to know the story. However, that hasn’t been confirmed so I thought I’d look at the other potentials that could be coming out.
Now as for the clip from before, there’s not much to go off, but we know that it was filmed in Canada. However, lots of shows end up shooting there because it’s cheaper than filming in the US. Still, though, the guy shot in December, so the weather might affect what’s going on.

Season 3 Story Predictions
We have a list of clues that were dropped in the finale, which could hint at where things are going to go. The first of those was the book Tripwire which is one of the most popular in the series. It actually features Reacher living in a town rather than just going out on the road.
That town in itself is called Key West which…put a little…put a little pin in that as we’ll travel back to it. I think it would be a good place to start things and be a sharp contrast from what has come before.
Working as a bouncer by night, it has someone who shows up looking to reunite with Reacher, and we could possibly get a returning character in the series.
Reacher ends up helping out Milena, who worked at the bar earlier in the season. In the finale, we see her with a brand new car and joking about sending them postcards. As she goes off, she says Key West or Bust, which again would put her on the path back to Reacher.
It also features a big villain in Hook, who I think they could cast as someone big and memorable. There are lots of interesting ways they could take things too, and it’s one of those that is probably easy to adapt into a show. Just the curveball of having him actually living somewhere would be a good way to go, and it could then explain why he never stays too long.
Ritchson did a separate interview and talked about what Season 3 would entail. He said that they will get to enjoy Reacher and his action-packed adventures in a new world. He also said that this adventure might not have anything to do with the family that he has and with his past.
Reacher will just be living that adventure out for itself and that’s the direction that he and the makers of the show have gone, and we clearly see that this is really working for the audience and the makers.

So the clues are there that they’re trying something different, which may lead to a season that we haven’t really seen before.
I know a lot of the criticism about Season 2 was that it was just more of the same as Season 1. Well, I liked it mate, so shut your bloody mouth, but maybe they saw that early and realized they couldn’t do it for 3 of them.
Milena going out there could set up the events of Trip Wire, and it might be someone they save for down the line. Tripwire being such a big book makes sense as well, and it’s definitely something I’d like to see them tackle. Now all Reacher tends to have is a toothbrush and the clothes on his back, but with his millions, he could be buying whatever he wanted.
61 Hours Book
Now it was also brought up the book 61 hours, which begins with Reacher riding on the bus. Crashing in a snowstorm out in South Dakota, it sees a killer getting loose, which Reacher has to track down. Canada in winter could really help bring this to life, and if they were shooting there, then that makes a lot of sense.
The snow and bus are essential to the plot and it would create an environment the likes that we haven’t seen before. Snow can be such a cool place to have things, and it helps add to the paranoia of what’s going on. The Thing, of course, used it brilliantly, and recently, True Detective has also used it too.
The bus is also a great place to go with it as it would pick up immediately where we left off. Going back to that Old Guy at the end of Season 2 and….oh my god it’s all starting to make sense now.
I think the bus thing is a bit of a reacher though cos Reachers are always out on the bus. It doesn’t mean Jack to start off there and it’s more of wiping the slate clean so they can really go where they want.

However, if they stick with the 61-hour book, then it’ll become clear that they’re going in a certain direction as the one following on from that is worth dying. I’m guessing that this is going to get a fourth season as well, so it would be a nice one-two punch having those back-to-back.
Die Trying Book
So yeah, those are my theories on it, and personally, I’m still riding with Die Trying. That’s pure because Alan said that was his favorite book and that the upcoming season was his favorite story too. Who knows though There is a lot to adapt, but I think they’ll avoid one shot and never go back.
That’s, of course, because Tom Cruise already did them, and there are a lot of other stories that the team could do instead. They probably want to carve out their own lane, and I think this Reacher show has been pitch-perfect.
Now obviously, there are still a lot of theories about what could be going on, so if you have your own then the comments are for you.