Yes, you heard it right! So what a surprising turn of events, the One Punch Man Webcomic Returns After Two Years. The last chapter that we got was 141, which came out in July of 2021. So like, almost two years of hiatus is for this thing, and I know many of the fandoms believed that about the possibility that the webcomic is just over for good because ONE had to announce that he was making another series in verses, but the webcomic is back.
I am not going to tell if it is gonna come back permanently, like on a weekly or monthly basis, at this point. This is because there is never a set or consistent schedule for it. ONE just makes the webcomic when he feels like it. So the next chapter could come out the next day or in another two years, so just keep that in mind.
Of course, after this much time later, the majority of the fans have forgotten the plot, or maybe aren’t necessarily familiar with what is going on with the webcomic or have been following the webcomic but just forgot what is going on completely because also keep in mind that the One Punch Man Webcomic has a different continuity than what the manga has.
One Punch Man Webcomic Returns After Two Years
They more or less kind of following the same overall story, but things play out. Differently, something happens, something doesn’t happen, and also characters behave differently and have a somewhat different personalities than what we have them know in the manga, such as Genos in the webcomic, which the story is currently following.
Before we dive into what is going on in the latest chapter that just dropped on May 14, 2023, let me just catch up with speed on what has been going on in the last couple of chapters of the webcomic.
One Punch Man Webcomic Chapter 142: Recap and Review
So the webcomic has been following the New Heroes arc, which actually just started in the mang, and it is coming to its final act or so or at least approaching the third big act of the arc, as I guess you can say.

It came to the point where Genos had finally reunited with the Drive Knight. This was the first time they had actually met since Drive Knight had told Genos that Metal Knight was his enemy way back after Boros invaded.
Again things have played out differently in the webcomic, and this is actually, I think, the second full-time in the webcomic that we actually see Drive Knight speak! And things, and things played out very similar to how they did in chapter 119 of the manga, except this time, instead of Drive Knight gaslighting the Sekingar, he is gaslighting Genos.

I am pretty sure that this is going to play out in the manga eventually in a few ears because it is very important, but if you know my thoughts on Drive Knight, I will just speed-run them for you right now. I think Drive Knight is the Mad Cyborg, and he is hiding in plain sight this whole time, and he is lying to Genos in order to trick him into becoming subservient to him so that he can control via Hacking and then use him as the member of the organization.
I think Drive Knight is probably the leader of the organization, if not at minimum, just part of it and one of their head soldiers. However, Drive Knight lies to Genos. At least, in my opinion, it is not revealed that he is lying.

ONE wants us to, I guess, believe Drive Knight here and for us to be suspicious of Metal Knight, but anyway, Drive Knight, who, as I said, is lying to Genos in this sequence in my opinion, tells him that Metal Knight is like the big bad of the series essentially, and everything that he has been doing has been purposely for the sake of him taking over the world.
All of the monsters that he has been seeing showing up with augmented abilities and cyborg stuff in them and ships, as well as the cyborg of vacation in the Neo Heroes of all because of the Metal Knight. He also claims that Metal Knight had created the Mad Cyborg, which of course, led to destroy Genos’ hometown.
Where To Read One Punch Man Webcomic Chapter 142?
You can read the previous One Punch Man Webcomic Chapter 142 directly on the official raw page of the manga, Galaxy Heavy Blow.
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