With One Piece Episode 1016 set to release this weekend, we all know you can’t wait to see the apparent two v one battle as Luffy stands before an enraged Big Mom and Kaidou. But we have taken a glimpse into the upcoming Episode as we have seen the One Piece Episode 1016 Preview. This feels unreal because I know that we have all been waiting for this moment, and we can’t believe it is finally here. This would explain why the wait through the break did not feel that long.
And given that even One Piece Manga was on a break as well, this was one of the worst weeks when it comes to one Piece anime and manga as well. But the greatest moment of the One Piece anime and manga is here. And waiting for two weeks just to get the best chapter and Episode yet in the series would not feel that long. At times like this, the pundits would reflect on what has happened in the recent episodes and the manga chapters.
The good thing about the anime is that we have all seen One Piece Episode 1016 Preview, and it would demoralize you if you were looking forward to more of Luffy vs. Big Mom and Kaidou screen time. Instead, fans will have to refer to Zoro and Sanji’s time in Wano as Bartolomeo comes in to interrupt what we have waited so long to see. But the news remains the same in case you were wondering when will One Piece Episode 1016 be released.
One Piece anime release date schedule is hardly interrupted. However, we are heading into a filler-like Episode next, which might be because the producers want to produce a masterpiece of an Episode.
One Piece Episode 1016 Preview: Luffy vs. Kaidou & Big Mom Fight on Hold?
We were all too excited for the final war at Onigashima to continue. But why is One Piece Episode 1016 not showing Luffy vs. Kaidou and Big Mom? Because that is all we were looking for, and we have waited two weeks to get more from the fight on the rooftop. I mean, Luffy has been running through the Onigashima castle for several episodes, then he has made it to the final stairs leading to the rooftop. Then when he gets there, he makes a flashy entrance.
One Piece Episode 1016 will be released on 8 May 2022, and this is where we will get a flashback of Zoro and Sanji’s time in Wano. Getting back to the business of the day, we saw that Luffy’s reunion with Kinemon was tear-dropping. Especially on the part where we got flashbacks from when Luffy first met Kinemon. Then the Episode took us through all they have been, and on top of that, Luffy ended up making his pissed-off look. You could see that he was not paying attention to the two Yonkou who stood behind him because they were starting to annoy him as he was still busy with Kinemon.
They still see Luffy as a weakling, and he then moves to introduce himself as the man who will become the Pirate King after pummelling Kaidou with his new Gomu Gomu no Mi Red Roc attack. Shockingly to Big Mom’s reaction, she wondered how Kaidou could allow Luffy to strike him the way he did. Then we moved to Luffy’s signature phrase, and that was all that we got. The action was brief but intense. And now we have to wait for the upcoming episodes to see what more they will bring us in terms of animation.
Which One Piece Episode Is Luffy vs. Big Mom & Kaidou?
One Piece Episode 1015 is the Episode where Luffy vs. Big Mom and Kaidou took place but only for a brief moment. Then fans expected One Piece Episode 1016 preview to contain more of Luffy vs Kaidou and Big Mom, only to be disappointed by a Special Episode coming that will look at Sanji and Zoro’s time in Wano up to now. If One Piece was one of those short anime that comes seasonally, then this would be like One Piece Episode 1015.5 because it is just a recap of what we have seen.

So to all One Piece fans out there, don’t get hyped just yet. Hold your horses as One Piece producers are working on a masterpiece of an Episode, and later on, we will appreciate the wait. Those who are new to this and are scared of fillers might be wondering and asking questions like “Is One Piece anime on filler episodes?” or “Is One Piece Episode 1016 a filler?” well, worry not, One Piece anime hardly gets any fillers so this is coming to pass. Let’s just wait for the greatest Episode that is yet to come after all this.
So if you were wondering when will One Piece anime get back to the fight on the rooftop, then you should not worry much as this could take only a few weeks, just like we saw previously in One Piece Episode 907, where we got to see the early beginnings of Luffy’s Pirate adventures. Some fans even went to a point where they wondered what the point of Episode 907 in One Piece is. But as we know, such episodes last for a week or two. At worst possible case is three weeks which I don’t think we will get to that. In the meantime, we have a new chapter of the manga coming this week so let’s see what it will have for us.