Have you noticed that Curb Your Enthusiasm include meals of some kind in a lot of its scenes? That pattern continues in this episode as well. (It is unquestionably a thing; it is neither an issue nor a negative thing.) To begin, Larry and Leon are at Shimon’s Buffet, where Leon is acting out of control.
He rationalizes this by saying, “It says all you can eat, right? You fucking eat, then. Larry asks his friend, who is seated at their booth, if he has ever considered how much time people waste urinating and whether we should use that time to better ourselves.
In the meantime, Ike Barinholtz, posing as Shimon, greets customers as the buffet’s proprietor (“the ‘Wendy’ of this motherfucker,” Leon remarks), and he detests that Leon is consuming so much food at his company.
Like the “Soup Nazi,” who forbade the Seinfeld brothers from operating in his restaurant, restaurateur Shimon has permanently barred Leon for this transgression. He claims that Leon is now on the list of men who have experienced this destiny at Shimon’s, with Gary Busey being the only other person.

Conveniently, Ted Danson appears as the boys are leaving the buffet area. He introduces Larry to the next subplot of the show by telling him that he is portraying Abraham Lincoln in a play starring Lori Loughlin as Mary Todd.
He also asks Larry for a favor: it seems that his co-star is an avid golfer, but the college admissions controversy has prevented her from joining any golf clubs. Larry concurs, excited to be “a champion of the underdog.”
And it’s precisely this interaction that provides Larry with the impetus he needs for a productive urinal diversion: he resolves to read and recite Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address as he walks.
This week, Larry notices something else on the side of the road: Susie’s billboard promoting her new Caftan company, Catch as Caftan, with a large penis scrawled on it and aimed directly at her lips, giving the impression that she is cuddling its balls. She’s embarrassed by it, but it gives her a “post-penis” boost in sales.
Another appears after Larry and Jeff make a joke about how a second would really help sales go crazy. This gets more intense at the end of the episode—we’ll get there. Let’s get back to the dinner topic. The date that Larry and Sienna Miller have been anticipating all season happens.

He observes a small detail about her acting process—she consistently eats fruit during emotional scenes—when they attend a friends and family screening of her most recent film. She tries to deny that this is the truth and feels self-conscious about it almost away.
As a result, she avoids fruit almost entirely and ends up getting fired from the movie she’s presently making because she can’t act without “a cantaloupe” or “some mulberries” to munch.