Cubicle had a very confusing ending. And at first, I, too, was like, “What the F did just happen at the end? But then, after thinking about it for a while, I got some theories on what would have happened at the end of Cubicle.
I, too, am an aspiring filmmaker, and this genre of horror is where I started my journey. So I have a sense of what the writer and the director were trying to portray and were going for.
It would look like Cubicle had an open-ended Ending as if it was up to us to guess as to what would have happened or if it was real. But this is not the case, and it was not an open-ended ending, and it has a one-way or one-stop ending.
Here is the Cubicle Movie Ending Explained:
Cubicle Movie Explained
Cubicle start with a Woman going into a public toilet Cubicle to take a pregnancy test. She takes the test and gets the results but is not happy with the results. Then she hears sounds of a girl moaning and a couple having sex in the Cubicle next to her.
This pleasing moaning sound of the girl she was hearing turns into the sound of a girl being raped to death, and the Woman gets scared hearing this. The Woman sees “the senseless foot of the girl through under her Cubicle”.

The Woman was so frightened that she didn’t want to confront the man or the person who was doing this to the girl. She thought that the person would attack her as well.
The woman even lifted up her feet and tried to hold her voice so that she could hide her presence and give the impression that there were no witnesses.
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There Is No One On The Cubicle
Once she hears the sound of the man or the person leaving, the Woman gathers her courage to check on the girl that was raped in the cubicle next to her.
As she opens the door to this cubicle, she finds the cubicle to be empty. In a panic, she goes on looking into all the cubicles, and still, she finds them all empty.
The Woman goes back to her Cubicle to get things together. But as she sits back into her place, she once again sees “the senseless foot of the girl through under her Cubicle”.
The woman gets confused because she just saw the Cubicle next to her to be empty, but now she is seeing the foot again.
Still confused, she takes out her phone, opens up the camera app, and takes a picture of the Cubicle next to her through the lower partition. But when she sees this captured photo, it’s none other than a woman looking exactly like her, lying senseless on the toilet seat.
The woman is shocked to see this, and suddenly, a figure with a Baby Mask appears from the above partition of the Cubicle and starts to attack her. The credit roll, and we hear the same screaming that we were hearing at the start of the film.

Cubicle Movie Ending Explained
Now, I think that this was obviously all in that woman’s head if we were talking in a real-world scenario where such spooky things don’t happen. Maybe she saw a dream, and I can some what explains why she saw such kind of dream.
At the start of the film, we see that the Woman entered the Cubicle in the first place because she was trying to take a pregnancy test. And when the test was ready, and we saw her expression, we could tell that the test was positive and that she was not happy that she was pregnant. Since she is unhappy, she might think of having an abortion.
Now, why this pregnancy thing is important? Remember the face of that spooky figure was like a baby? I think this woman might have had some abortion in the past, and this was her past trying to haunt her.
This woman, in a way, killed that unborn child by having an abortion in the past or was going to have an abortion in the future. And now that unborn child has taken a shape to kill her in return.
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