Anime Tomodachi Game will be adapted by Okurato Noboru from the Manga series Tomodachi Game, written and designed by Mikoto Yamaguchi and illustrated by Yuki Sato. In this article, we will know about the Tomodachi Game English Dub: Cast Revealed. So let’s get started. The story is about Yūichi Katagiri, a young man with perfect student life and four friends who have complicated lives. His peaceful daily life seems to be shattered when 2 million yen (about $20,000) goes missing from his school trip account.
The 2 million yen is a part of a huge sum of money that was used for the school trip Yūichi becomes involved in a mysterious game for money and must decide whether his friendship or money matters more.
Having watched it since it premiered, my trust issues have grown ten-fold. I bet many of you are in the same position as me, and this just goes on to prove just how brilliant the anime is. As a result of the anime’s success, an English dub is now scheduled. So far, the Tomodachi Game anime has released three episodes and all of them are driving my suspicious nature out of control. So far, it is quite hard to figure out who is to blame and fans are not quite sure who to believe.
The nature of their game goes, I’m still baffled, but I’m sure it will be explained during the series. The anime tries to tell you “DONT TRUST YOUR FRIENDS”, in every scene, to the point where you start to doubt friends in general. Even so, the anime continues to keep you on your toes. In each episode, you are not quite sure what to expect. The anime is a psychological thriller, which is surprising since it is about a game. The anime is very unpredictable, which is what makes it so intriguing to watch. if you enjoy survival game anime, you should check this out. I’m just saying. that makes you distrust everyone around you, then this is for you.
Tomodachi Game English Dub: Cast Revealed
Crunchyroll released the English dub version of Yuki Sato Tomodachi Game on Tuesday, April 19 at 2:00 pm Pacific Time.
The main cast list: David Matranga as Yuichi, Josh Bangle as Tenji, Caitlin Glass as Shiho, Dani Chambers as Yutori, Aaron Campbell as Makoto, Supporting cast: Kiba Walker as Manabu, Monica Rial as Tsukino, Sara Ragsdale as Maria.
NEWS: Tomodachi Game Anime Premieres on April 5, New PV Released
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) March 23, 2022
Voices featured in episode 1 include Randy Pearlman as Yoshida, Anastasia Muñoz as Yuichi’s Mother, Rachel Thompson as Female Random Student 01A, Dusty Feeney as Female Student 01A, Ashley Thereon as Male Random Student 01B, Dylan Mobley as Male Random Student 01A, Cris George as Male Student 01B, Kristian Eros as Male Student 01A, Tristan Bonner as Male Student 01C, Dylan Mobley as Male Student 01D, Garrett Schenck as Male Teacher 01A, Dusty Feeney, Rachel Thompson, Kelsey Maher, and Lucia Lobosvilla as Walla: Kids, Tristan Bonner, Kristian Eros, Dylan Mobley, Ashley Thereon, Dusty Feeney, Rachel Thompson, Kelsey Maher, and Lucia Lobosvilla as Walla: Students, R Bruce Elliott as (still as unknown).
Where To Watch Tomodachi Game
For now, fans can watch, Tomodachi Game is available on Crunchyroll and VRV with English subtitles. As well as Tomodachi Game on Anime Hodai, DTV, DoCoMo anime store, Hulu Japan, Disney+ Japan, Hikari TV, Amazon Prime Video Japan, FOD, Smart Pass Premium, in Japan.
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