We all want to achieve something in life, and for achieving anything, we have to drive our spirit toward hard work and strong determination. There are many anime that help us the final push we need in order to move toward our dream but Steins; Gate is a little bit different. Characters in Steins; Gate are very relatable, and whenever they make a quote, it relates much with fans and their ambitions. There is one such character Okabe Rintarou in the series, and here we are going to discuss his quotes. As he is a scientist and a geek of discovering new things, this will also help us to get motivation in discovering things. Every quote has its own significance, so make sure to read this article till the end.
Steins; Gate is a Japanese TV series produced by Japanese animation studio White Fox. The anime is based on scientific inventions and efforts to solve the mystery with the perfect time travel. The story starts with the self-proclaimed scientist, Okabe Rintarou who found the dead body of Kurisu Makise, and later on, with the cellphone-operated microphone, they decided to send text in the past. They realized that Kirisu has sent memories in the future through the microwave and this is where anime takes a major shift. You have to watch the anime to know about all the events that take place later on.
Here are the best quotes of Okabe Rintarou from Steins; Gate-
13. “Keep The Past, For All Intents And Purposes, Where It Is”
Okabe was a brilliant-minded guy, and he tried many things to perform the time travel and to send texts back in time, but at the same time, he was very practical. He knew the consequences of changing the past and how he was worried about the change in timeline. His quote very well describes the situation.

12. “If You Want To Grant Your Own Wish, Then You Should Clear Your Own Path To It”
This quote focuses on the clarity and end of self-doubts. In order to achieve something, It is very important to have a clear vision, a focused mind, and a purpose. As we see in anime Steins; Gate, Okabe was a very focused guy, and he used to do experiments with full dedication. He never had a feeling to leave off his work, and that’s something we all should learn from him.

11. “Remembering Something That No One Else Can Is A Painful Thing. You Can’t Talk To Anyone About It. No One Will Understand You. You’ll Be Alone.”
We all have memories, some are bright, and some are dark. There are some greyish memories that we can’t share with anyone, and these memories certainly haunt us from within. The above quote by Obake Rintarou depicts the same memories, and it gradually makes us accept our inner quotes.

10. “You Can Ask For More Food, Zombie!”
When Okabe first saw Kurisu, he was surprised and amazed. He was considering her a zombie, but later, he realized that Kurisu was extremely hungry. By knowing this fact, he commented something that was definitely fun for almost all the Steins; Gate fans. This moment was quite unexpected and hit at the perfect time.

9. “Living Should Mean No Do-Overs. This Is For The Best.”
This quote may look simple, but it will connect with you when you are stuck in the most undesired situation. Life is all about making choices. Each choice we make every second decides our fate. We all made very great choices, and sometimes we all mess up. According to Rintarou, sometimes you have to let go of things on their own and leave it in the moment. You should only focus on living.

8. “Theories Are Nothing More Than Words. Accept What You’ve Seen.”
There is a fine line between what you see and what you feel. Words are limited in this world, but there is no limit to the human brain. Sometimes what we see cannot be expressed in words, and no theory can summarize the phenomenon. According to Rintarou, theories are mere words, and you should not compare your newly found experience with pre-existing theories. You can opt for creating one rather than relying on what has already been discovered.

7. “Conspiracy’s Evil Influence Is Much Closer Than You Think, And Is Always Ready To Deceive You!”
Steins; Gate anime is all about solving past mysteries, discovering new things, and yes, a lot of brainstorming, and this quote is just the icing on the cake to match up with the same genre. Our mind is expert in making conspiracies, and sometimes, it detaches us from the real world. Conspiracies might ignite problems that even don’t exist. They just exist in our minds. We have to control our thoughts to avoid these conspiracies. There’s a saying, “The easily offended are the easily manipulated”.

6. “99% Of Perception That Normal Humans Have Been Closed Off. Those Who Don’t Think Of Themselves Are Quite Foolish Beings.”
According to Okabe, all humans think in the same linear way and have the same perspective. They usually don’t accept change, and whoever tries to do a little different thing consider a foolish being. Okabe wasn’t a professional scientist. He was just the self-proclaimed geek who loves to explore uncertainties. There are very few people on this planet who ever try to differentiate them from the public, but they love to keep moving in the sequence just to feel safe and part of the crew.

5. “What Kind Of Mad Scientist Worries About Not Getting Enough Vegetables?”
This was more of slang by Okabe rather than the full-fledged quote. As we discussed countless times, Okabe wasn’t a professional scientist. He didn’t earn much from his profession. He was not associated with any organization and what he usually did was just for his interest and curiosity. He had to take care of his expenses by doing other jobs and stuff. He had to make money in order to survive or to purchase stuff related to his scientific study.

4. “No One Knows What The Future Holds. That’s Why Its Potential Is Infinite.”
The future has endless possibilities. No one can define it, and no one can predict it. What you do now shapes your future. According to Okabe, you should not pre-define your future. Rather, you should work hard to shape the future. You can’t change the past, you can’t change your present situation, but the future is in your hands. The future is the only time you can change. All you have to do now is to work on your present.

3. “Screw You, future Me!”
This slang or quote is more or less the frustration of Okabe. Since this quote has no significant importance in real life but it still feels quite cool and charismatic. A true Steins; Gate fan can’t deny the fact of how cool Okabe looked when he said this quote.

2. “The Universe Has A Beginning, But No End. — Infinity. Stars, Too, Have Their Own Beginnings, But Their Own Power Results In Their Destruction. — Finite. It Is Those Who Possess Wisdom Who Are The Greatest Fools. History Has Shown Us This. You Could Say That This Is The Final Warning From God To Those Who Resist.”
Here, Okabe is referring to the beauty of the world and how everything is well synchronized. On the other hand, Okabe also depicts the blunders humans have done in the past and the consequences the people bear just because of those greedy desires. He refers that even history tried to show humans the things that he must remain far off to avoid the consequences. History can be depicted as the warning of God, and in there’s always a better way to deal with things rather repeating the same mistakes again and again.

1. “You Must Not Change The Past Once It’s Been Established.”
In this quote, Okabe is asking everyone not to interfere with past events once everything is sorted out. Interfering with the past means playing with the whole timeline.

A single change can affect or even change all the upcoming timelines, and they must be extra vigilant when carrying out such types of tasks. Once the timeline changes, there is no way around to undo the effect.