Barry Season 3 Episode 6 sees Barry finally getting caught in one of the traps planted by Fuches. Recently on the show, we saw the fall of Barry. He lost a good mentor in the form of Cousineau. Then we see him losing his love in the form of Sally. Now he was all alone, looking for forgiveness after watching Cristobal and Hank. While Barry was down and out, someone else was making moves against him.
We saw Fuches making contact with the relatives of the people Barry had killed. One of the same relatives came close to killing Barry. With the fact that they were not professional, they ended up shooting in the wrong direction, leaving them no option but to leave. Episode 6 of Barry Season 3 sees another group coming at Barry while he leaves to attend a close friend’s party. So here is what went down.
Barry Season 3 Episode 6 Recap
Barry Season 3 Episode 6 sees Fuches continuing to convince Taylor’s sister Traci about Barry so that her crew can go and assassinate him. The bikers do take Barry’s address, but they also shoot Fuches down. Meanwhile, they are not the only ones onto Barry. The taking down of Fernando and Bolivians saw the cops coming to a new lead. Albert is adamant that someone ex-military is responsible for this. He continues to suspect Barry. In order to chase Barry, Fuches pays a visit to Sharon, Barry’s close friend Chris’ wife.

Fuches, on the other hand, manages to survive the gunshot. He gets a call from Detective Janice Moss’ father, Jim, about the information he has. Fuches initially declines to have any info. But a newspaper mentioning how Cousineau saved an ex-marine changes his mind, and he up asking Jim to meet.
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Amidst all of this, Sharon was planning a party for the vets, and she had invited Barry as well. On his way to Sharon, Traci’s bike crew comes chasing Barry. But he manages to dodge their every move and arrives at Sharon safely. Things take a darker turn for Barry when he sees Kenneth Goulet as in Fuches’ card on the table. He soon realizes that Sharon mixed something in his sauce to close the episode.

Amidst all of this, we also saw Sally opting for other career options as BanShe canceled her TV show. A meeting with a BanShe employee Morgan Dawn-Cherry for another show sees Sally accepting the offer to keep her relationship with the platform. Hank, on his side, continues to reminisce about losing Cristobal while Cousineau tries to make things up with Annie Eisner by offering her a show that may make her life.
Barry Season 3 Episode 6 Review
Barry Season 3 Episode 6, for the most of its runtime, continues to build up the plot of having multiple people coming at Barry. But somehow, he manages to overcome the obstacles to find himself alive. If not that, then sometimes it’s his luck that saves him. But that was not the case this time as this time, and someone Barry actually could have trusted played a game on him.
Initially, in the episode, we had thought that it was going to be Albert’s plot to bring Barry in by having Sharon invite him to a party. But the Fuches’ fake business card changed it all. So, for now, we don’t know if Barry will survive or not and will Albert get his chance to bring him in.

Coming to Cousineau, it seems like what Barry was doing for the first half of the third season is what he is doing right now. That is to seek forgiveness as he is now becoming a big name in the show business. This all began in the previous episode and continues with Annie, who blames him for ruining her career. Will Cousineau help her properly or make things mess like Barry is the question.
One of the most memorable parts of this episode has to be the car chase sequence. As intense and as entertaining as it was, at the same time, it brought the best laughs. The show continues to keep its funny side on the top as it delves into darker regions as we head towards the next episode of Barry.
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