Blue’s Clues & You is a children’s television series that most of you might have heard of, but if you haven’t, then you at least may have heard of Blues Clues. We remember when we used to wake up for school and sit in front of the television just to watch our favorite shows. Those were the best days, weren’t they? We had it all sorted but we aren’t here to reminisce.
The fourth season of Blue’s Clues & You aired this year in October. In one of the latest Blue’s Clues & You videos, Blue was seen stating that the letter P stands for Pride. Since then, viewers have been wondering about the relationship status of Blue and Magenta. Are they both dating? Is Blugenta finally canon? Will they date each other in the future? Everyone has been asking questions related to Blugenta.

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Is Blugenta Finally Canon?
Although Nickelodeon hasn’t confirmed or denied anything yet, we can’t help but be ecstatic that we are getting representation in these shows, at last. Nickelodeon has been and continues to be a part of so many childhood stories. This might be one of the correct paths they are heading in.
In case you couldn’t tell, Blue is a girl pup, just like Magenta. Magenta and Blue might not be dating right now, but we can confirm that the pair is very much a part of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s wonderful to know that these characters are a part of this colorful world.

Why Does This Matter?
These little things matter a lot. Kids who watch these shows will learn about love and reality. They will get the message that they can be whoever they want to be, and they do not have to be ashamed of it. After all, this is the time when we should teach kids how to be themselves as well as be kind to each other.

Blue & Magenta: Relationship
Although Magenta is Blue’s best friend, she is physically identical to Blue, like a twin, except for her magenta fur coat and glasses. They both are also of the same age, but they live very different lives. Blue is a girl puppy who communicates to Steve and Job through barks, and they also understand her. Magenta, on the other hand, is an artistic pet puppy owned by Miranda. She is also Blue’s next-door neighbor. How cute is that?
She was first seen on the show in the episode “Blue’s Story Time” and has been recurring in the show ever since. She is also a friendly dog that likes to draw and take pictures of everything. Meanwhile, Blue is another friendly puppy that likes to read, draw and listen to music.

Are Blue And Magenta Dating?
Now that we’ve settled that they are both female dogs in a kid’s show, let’s see what’s happening in the real world. Viewers who are watching the show have voiced their opinions. Some believe that these two are just friends, while some believe that since it’s a kid’s show, they couldn’t possibly be showing a romance between these two female puppies.
Well, whatever doubts and worries they have, we hear them. But we will confirm that these two aren’t dating yet. Perhaps in coming episodes, we might see them really dating, but for now, these two cute puppies are just friends.
We have evolved in so many ways, and it might actually not be so bad to see them dating. What do you think? Should the show move forward and change the storyline so that we get to see Blugenta dating? Share your ideas and opinions with us!
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