One Piece and Haki go hand in hand as Haki presents a way for those without devil fruit powers to defend themselves. We have seen this through and all Haki users Yonkou Pirate crew of the Red Hair Pirates to date. We haven’t seen any individual with devil fruit powers. But this time we will be looking at all Conquerors Haki users in one piece as these have been said to be the gifted ones.
The average fighter in One Piece can use at least one type of Haki and this has been so common, especially in the new world where devil fruits powers dominate. But there are the rarest of the rare when it comes to Haki users. Those who can use the Conqueror’s Haki that even Kaidou himself noted that there are very few individuals in history who have been capable of doing that.
It looks like one thing starts as rare in One Piece. Then as more episodes are released then it becomes more common. Because at first awakening Haki and using it proved to be rare. But then now there is a number of individuals who can use haki and it is no longer surprising. Then when Luffy awakened his Conquerors Haki in Marineford it was one of the special kinds of power.
But now that we are in the Wano Arc we have seen several individuals who can use it as well. It is said that it’s not the type of Haki that one could awaken through training. So that is one thing that makes it very rare and we did not expect to see it being used by a lot of people in the series.
Shanks is arguably the strongest Conquerors Haki user in the series at the moment with the only individual who has proved to match him in a showdown being White Beard. When it comes to Haki, Shanks is a specialist since he purely relies on Haki in battle. He also leads a non-devil fruit Pirate crew and him being a Yonkou means that he has mastered every usage of Haki there could ever be.
It is said that a very small number of people in the world can use all types of Haki including Busoshoku, Kenbunshoku, and Haoshoku Haki. So far all individuals who can use Haoshoku Haki have been shown to have the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki and they are less than 20 in number in the entire series so far. Shanks proved his mastery of Haki when he stopped Akainu’s magma attack with just his sword and when he went to greet White Beard as his haki even affected the wood that made White Beard’s ship as it started to break and develop cracks.
Silvers Rayleigh
Well almost everyone knows about Rayleigh and the impact he played when it comes to Luffy’s character development. He is the one who taught Luffy about all the basics of Haki and how to apply it. At this point, Luffy had awakened all three types of Haki but could not use them perfectly. We started seeing Rayleigh’s mastery of Haki when he intercepted Kizaru and later on when he went to personally train Luffy in the forest.
Rayleigh is a former crew of the Roger Pirates similar to Shanks and this means that he has voyaged with the Pirate King during his glory days. He has shown to have no devil fruit abilities at all as we have seen him swimming across an ocean when he went to train Luffy. So he is also one of the best Haki users and is among the Conquerors Haki users in One Piece.
Monkey D. Luffy
We managed to see how Haki works through Luffy’s character development and his training. Luffy has had some hard times in battles as he always picks up the most difficult opponents he could ever come across. He is set to take down every Yonkou and become the Pirate king so he still has miles to go even though he has developed a lot in the series. Luffy makes one of the very few Conquerors Haki users in the anime and he has mastered it as well.
For Luffy, things have been a do or die as he usually gets beat up first before awakening or figuring out a new way to use his powers. Rayleigh did indeed tell him that it is at these moments that haki develops quickly and becomes stronger. Luffy has been defeated several times by Kaidou but he kept on getting up until he awakened a new type of Haki and how he could use them. And in the recent chapters of the manga, we even saw him awakening his devil fruit ability.
Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Katakuri has been the first enemy who could use Haoshoku or Conquerors Haki that Luffy had to face. At first, Luffy had no idea of defending against Katakuri and all seemed hopeless for him. But through his battle with Katakuri Luffy learned how to use his Observation Haki and even further his Conquerors Haki. Because Katakuri surpassed Luffy in everything but Luffy managed to barely win the battle meaning that he came out a stronger person than he was.

Katakuri is also one of the Conquerors Haki users in One Piece and he can use all three types of Haki as well. Ever since Luffy made it to Tottoland and met Katakuri. We managed to see that Katakuri has mastery of the conqueror’s Haki as well even though their battle mostly centered around their usage of Observation Haki. So in the end Katakuri is also a proficient user of Conquerors Haki.
As a former fleet admiral, we haven’t seen much of Sengoku in battle. But we have seen him in the Marineford war even though we did not get to see his full powers. Not much about him has been shown in the anime but he has been an iconic figure together with the likes of Shiki, Garp, and even White Beard during Gol D. Roger’s times. So this means that he belongs to the previous generation whose era ended with the execution of Roger.

The general knowledge within the marines is that all of them with the rank of Vice-Admiral or higher possess Haki and have mastered it. He is also one of the very few Conquerors Haki users in the anime and he has also proven to have the ability to use all three types of Haki. The only time we have seen Sengoku in action was in Marineford but he was fighting passively and as result, he ended up resigning from his position as the Fleet Admiral.
Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingon has been shown to be the character who always flaunts his powers as seen when he used Haoshoku or conquerors haki to take out the majority of the G-5 soldiers in Punk Hazard. His Haoshoku Haki is said to have awakened when he was about ten years old when he was being pursued by North Blue citizens who were continuously torturing his family in revenge then he unconsciously knocked them out and ended up saving them.

We have seen Doflamingon in full power when he was fighting against Luffy and saw how strong his conqueror haki was when they both clashed in an attack that created shockwaves throughout Dressrossa. As someone who has awakened Haki from a young age, he is quite experienced in its usage we have seen him on several occasions were he would use it to even torture people.
Charlotte Linlin
Out of all the Yonkou and even the previous ones, they have shown the ability to use all three types of Haki except for Black Beard who managed to earn the title by amassing devil fruit powers. So knowing that Big Mom is currently one of the Yonkou would mean that she also has the ability to use all three types of Haki as well.

In her case, she doesn’t seem to be completely aware of this especially when it comes to Conquerors Haki as she seems to use it unconsciously when she is angry. But she seems to be aware of the concepts of Haki and when she is angry she would unleash a gush of the Conquerors’ haki that would render those near her unconscious if they are unable to withstand it. So Big Mom of Charlotte Linlin is also one of the Conquerors Haki users in One Piece world.
Also known as the world’s strongest creature, Kaidou is one of the Yonkou and currently we are seeing him in action in the Wano Arc as Luffy fights intensely against him. In fact, Kaidou has been fighting non-stop ever since the fight on the rooftop started and he is now starting to show a little bit of exhaustion despite fighting multiple opponents.

Kaidou is the first individual who has been revealed to use a new application of Conquerors Haki by imbuing it on his weapons and attacks. Unlike the usual usage of Conquerors Haki where individuals use it only to overcome the will of others. Kaidou uses it to enhance his attacks and it took him only one hit with his kannabo imbued with Conquerors Haki to knock Luffy unconscious to a point where he recovered later when he was taken to Udon prison.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro has not been one of the modest characters in One Piece and all he has cared about is becoming the best swordsman in the world. So it was not surprising that he did not recognize it when Kaidou asked if even he has the ability to use the Conquerors Haki. He asked what it meant as he had non-ideal what Conquerors Haki was but he has been using it all along.

We saw this in the anime when he knocked out several beast pirates gifters in the live hall. Then later when he got to the rooftop he managed to imbue Enma with Conquerors Haki and managed to leave a lasting wound on Kaidou’s body. The only time that Zoro fully realized that he has this ability was when he went all out against King. He ended up knocking out multiple pirates who were nearby leaving him to accept that he truly had the ability. Then he would later use Conquerors Haki on all of his three swords to deal the final blow taking out King in the process.
Don Chinjao
Some characters have not made an appearance for quite some time in One Piece but when we learned that they possess abilities that have been recently revealed in the manga and the anime. Then it comes a bit as a surprise. But then given their status and powers we would have to understand. The abilities that Chinjao has shown in the battle included his usage of Conquerors Haki when he knocked out participants in Block C of the Colosseum.

At the moment the only application of Haki that was revealed was the one where the user uses it to overcome the will of others only. So Chinjao managed to show this ability without even laying a finger on his opponents and this was shown as an impressive feat as the fighters in the colosseum were proven to have a strong will.
Eustass Kid
As one of the Supernovas Eustass Kid comes with a lot of reputation and battle prowess after fighting Shanks and coming back with one arm. So he has proven to have the ability to survive a fight against a Yonkou. We haven’t really seen Kid in actual battle before the Wano Arc and it is now the first time we see him in actual battle as he has teamed up with Law to take Big Mom down.

The kid has also been recognized as of the Conquerors Haki users in the anime and this was also demonstrated in the recent episodes of the anime. This would explain why we haven’t seen any of his fights in the past and his mastery of Haki has not yet been demonstrated as he heavily relies on his devil fruit powers. But at this point, we know that he has the ability to use all types of Haki.
As the daughter of Kaidou, it would not be surprising to see Yamato on this list. Because most people who have made this list have somewhat of a relationship with a Yonkou or at least have encountered them in their life. Yamato was introduced as the daughter of Kaidou even though Kaidou initially referred to Yamato as his son for some unknown reasons. Throughout the Wano arc, Yamato has been showing her skill in Haki usage and how a proficient fighter she is.

She is also one of Kaidou’s disciples as Kaidou trained her from a young age so she can become his heir and become Wano’s Shogun. Kaidou is the first individual to demonstrate that Conquerors Haki can be imbued with weapons so seeing Yamato doing the same in her fight against Kaido was no longer surprising. So now we know that even Yamato adds to the list of Conquerors Haki users in One Piece. There arent many individuals who can use these abilities so it is a rare one.
Edward Newgate
Being a Yonkou meant that White Beard has mastered a lot of fighting techniques including Haki. Coming to form the Rocks Pirates that are known for their ferocity and brutality. Edward Newgate possesses all three types of Haki and has shown complete mastery over them. His Conquerors Haki mastery has been shown during his encounter with Oden when their sudden clash created a notable effect that happens when the users of the Conquerors Haki fight.

He further displayed this when clashing with Roger as their clash even cracked the air and blew back everything on and near the island they were fighting in. He is also one of the few people who has shown the ability to imbue their weapons with Conquerors Haki and exponentially increased the attacking ability of his weapons.
Gol D. Roger
The Pirate King would obviously make the list of the Conquerors Haki users since he has conquered the oceans and managed to have the adventure of his life. Since he managed to achieve all this without even having devil fruit powers meant that he has mastered all types and usage of Haki there is in the anime.

Roger has had an immense usage and mastery of Conquerors Haki as we have seen it when he was fighting with his fellow Conquerors Haki user White Beard. When great masters of Haoshoku haki clash, the effect of their attacks creates shockwaves that would even clear the sky and even push back things on the ground as we saw when the island they were fighting on almost trembled as a result. Roger also used Conquerors Haki when fighting Oden and easily defeated him with a single slash of his sword imbued with Haoshoku Haki.
Kozuki Oden
Oden’s usage of Conquerors haki has been a bit different compared to what we have known as Haoshoku haki commonly in One Piece. He has this very rare ability that is possessed by those individuals who are said to have the qualities of a king. When he met White Beard 30 years ago he managed to show his proficiency in Conquerors Haki usage. The common effects that appear when individuals use Conquerors haki appeared mostly in the anime whenever Oden would deal with powerful attacks.

So this easily sets Oden aside as one of the Conquerors Haki users and we even know that Kaidou was scared of facing him head-on and had to use underhanded techniques to get an advantage over him. The after-effects of Odens attacks would also make the surrounding beast pirates’ henchmen faint which is one of the characteristics of the Haoshoku haki users. When Luffy used it to knock out some of the beast pirates, Ashura Doji also pointed out that Luffy used Oden’s attack meaning that Oden had mastered it as well.
Portgas D. Ace
Shaks and the likes of Benn Beckman had described Ace’s haki as being fiery to the point where it could even stop blizzards on an island for also long as Ace was around. When he went to Drum Island, the snow did not fall on the island for an entire day due to his presence. He is said to possess Conquerors haki which he had trouble controlling at first.

Ace demonstrated his use of Haoshoku haki when he was 10 years old when he rendered the Bluejam Pirates except for Bluejam unconscious after he had an outburst of rage. Later he managed to find out about his powers when he saw Luffy using it in the Marineford war. We haven’t seen him using this type of Haki except when he was a child so he was yet to use it. But despite all that he still ranks amongst the Conquerors Haki users in One Piece.
Boa Hancock
Currently, there are only three women who can use all three types of Haki, and Boa Hancock is one of them. The other two are Yamato and Big mom this means that Boa Hancock has entered the ranks where women rarely make it. Despite all that she ranks amongst the users of conquerors haki in the anime as well.

We have not yet seen Hancock using haoshoku haki in the anime or the manga yet. But it was officially revealed that she has the ability and she can knock out weak-willed individuals with it. The devil fruit’s abilities seem to be based around something similar as she can petrify those who are weak-willed and are easily wooed by her charms. So this could be one time where she could be using her powers in conjunction with haoshoku haki.
Most of the characters in this list have appeared before the Wano arc when all we thought about the haoshoku haki was that it can only be used to impose strong will over those with weak will. So for most of them, especially those who have not shown it in battle yet. We are not sure if they have the ability of its advanced application where they can imbue it on weapons as well.
Who is the Strongest Haoshoku Haki User?
Since all individuals that can use Conquerors Haki can use all three types of Haki then this means that we should look at the most powerful Haoshoky haki user. We have several candidates that would make the top list. The most obvious one is Shanks who is one of the Yonkou and has demonstrated in real battle and also in his bout with White Beard that he possesses a very strong Haoshoku Haki.
As the user of Haki only who relies on his Haki reserves in a battle, he was able to stop Kaidou and his crew from going to Marineford without the use of any additional powers. Another person we have seen doing this is Roger and he managed to conquer the seas by only relying on his Haki usage. This gives Roger a slight advantage over Shanks and will make Gol D. Roger the strongest conqueror Haki user in history.

But if we are looking at those who are currently alive today. We wouldn’t think there would be anyone who would surpass Shanks in conquerors’ haki usage if we are looking purely at the application and usage of Haki as a weapon. Because most individuals in his ranks have developed and used their Haki around their devil fruit powers. But when it comes to Shanks, his haki is all he has in a battle.
One Piece Haki as a Power System
This concludes the list of all the conquerors haki users in One Piece. There might be more individuals added to this list as new characters make their appearances. Like we still have mysterious characters like the five elders and even Im so it will be interesting to see what kind of abilities they will have in the end. When it comes to individuals like those, it will be the time when we will be reaching the peak of One Piece power systems.
Because Vegapunk is yet to make his appearance and reveal all the mysteries in the world of One Piece so a lot is yet to get revealed that will be shocking even to us who have gotten used to the world of One Piece.
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