Airing since 1972, Emmerdale is a British soap opera that follows the intricate lives of the residents of Emmerdale Village, a fictional place set up in Yorkshire Dales. Creator Kevin Laffan had originally planned to air the series for no more than three months, but a change in its airtime led to a heavy increase in its viewership and demand for more episodes has caused the show to continue for close to fifty-one years.
Even in the early 2000s, i.e. almost thirty years after launching its first episode, the show was pulling viewership in millions. Fans have grown attached to the characters and the story, so it only makes sense for them to want the show to continue for as long as possible.
Since the show has been airing for so long, the producers have gotten a lot of time to weave complicated storylines and come up with a variety of characters that offer something to everyone. We started off the show with a farmhouse being the heart of the story, which was then replaced with a local public house, and slowly the story has only expanded more and more.
With uncountable families and their numerous story arcs, we believe only avid fans of the show will be able to recognize the cast and their backgrounds in this series. While the show has provided nothing but pure entertainment to fans, there have been quite a lot of moments on the show that have been heavily criticized for being too outrageous and even, disturbing.
While the show has been popular enough to have had a long list of spinoffs made and to even have its merchandise, it recently garnered attention from fans, and let us warn you, things are not looking all that positive.
Aaron Dingle & Ethan Anderson
In a recent episode of the show, two characters were put under the spotlight and fans could not stop talking about it. Aaron Dingle, a fictional character in the show played by actor Danny Miller, and Ethan Anderson, played by actor Emile John, are two characters who the makers have been trying to bring together, with Ethan being interested in him.
After Liv’s death on the show, Aaron was revealed to be having trouble coping with her absence. He blames Chas for her death and is in Italy, away from the very place that reeked of Liv’s memories. But after getting involved in some more trouble there, he was recently brought back to the village by Cain and Caleb.
Now he might be back in town but it seems he is still hung up on blaming her mother, which has led him to constantly act out, throw tantrums, and just overall behave extremely badly. We saw him get into an argument with Chas once again, and it did not take long for things to get ugly.
Thankfully, Charles got things ‘sorted out’ though that was also not easily done. Aaron might be suffering, but he pushed things too much with his revenge plan. Wanting to get a rise out of Charles and Chas, fans saw him fake his feelings towards poor Ethan, who was convinced that the two shared something special.
They had even slept together, but as it turned when Ethan approached Aaron, the latter finally revealed his villainous plans. He told Ethan to his face that their sleeping together was a one-time thing, and that his ‘experience’ was not even that good.
He continued, adding that there was no need for him to spend another minute with someone as boring as him and that Ethan was ‘pathetic’ for begging for love. It was this conversation that got Chas involved in the first place, followed by Charles and his physical altercation.
While this was a great way of getting back at Charles, fans were outraged over his statement, with many wishing the worst for him. They took to their social media requesting the producers of the show to teach him a good lesson, and we believe that justice just might have been served.
Refusing to take any more insults from Aaron, we saw Chas pull him aside, and she finally snapped. She called him out for being downright evil to innocent Ethan, also letting him know that the family had agreed to cut all ties with him.
She tells him that she knows that he has been going around and behaving badly just to take revenge on her and that she and Paddy had decided not to see him until he realized his mistake and was ready for change. Hearing that his family wants nothing to do with him, Aaron was left speechless.
While he may not have thought that Chas would ever go as far as cutting him off, fans are happy got at least half of what he did to others in Emmerdale.