One Piece is one of the longest-running and one of the best anime ever. With the Wano Arc almost over in the manga, the anime is not far behind. Episode 1019 of One Piece adapted chapter 1004 of the manga. Judging by this, we can expect the producers to adapt only the chapters 1005 or 1005 and 1006 both. One Piece Episode 1020 will air later this week and we are going to give out all the available information regarding the same.
One Piece Episode 1019 aired on May 29, 2022. The battle at Onigashima has started. Everyone in Onigashima is engaged in battle. Over 35,000 characters are engaged in this epic battle. While Luffy and Kaido are at the center of this battle, every other fight is equally important. Pirates, samurais, beasts, and everyone is fighting at Onigashima.
Let us take a look at the upcoming One Piece Episode 1020. But, before that, we need to remember all the stuff which happened in the previous episode. So let us start by the recap of One Piece Episode 1019.
One Piece Episode 1019 Recap
The episode starts with what is going on at Onigashima. Big Mom knocks down Luffy, while Kaido in his dragon form is wreaking havoc. The narrative then changes and shows Tama.
The 1019th episode of One Piece gave us something new. While most of the episodes in the arc have so far focused on the Onigashima Raid and some pretty fights, episode 1019 gave a different perspective of the raid. In One Piece episode 1019, we saw what is going on in the rest of Onigashima during the raid.

The episode primarily focuses on Tama and her attempts to control the Gifters. Some fans were disappointed with this episode as the previous episodes foreshadowed some highly anticipated fights of the Skull Dome battle.
We see Tama who is already inside Onigashima with help from Speed. We see Tama’s flashbacks where she recalls how she wants to make a difference in the Onigashima Raid and wants to help her allies. She ate the devil fruit Kibi Kibi no Mi allowing her to make Dango from her cheeks. Since the Beasts Pirates are half-animal, Tama wants to feed the Kibi Dango to them, then she will be able to control them as she likes.
In the present-day Tama give the dumplings to the Gifters with the help from Daifugo and Gazelleman. Slowly, Tama starts taking control of many Beasts Pirates. On the other side, Chopper is still in the pursuit of the cure for ice Oni virus. Many people are infected with the virus and are attacking blindly in rage. Then we see Franky and Sasaki continuing their fight. Sasaki has unleashed his Triceratops form.

Franky manages to subdue Sasaki for a moment. As Franky prepares to attack Sasaki, the gifters grab hold of him. Just then, Usopp, Nami, and Tama comes to Franky’s rescue with all the gifters under Tama’s control. All the gifters start following Tama while Franky unleashes a fatal attack on Sasaki using his Franken Sword.
What To Expect In One Piece Episode 1020?
The next One Piece episode is titled “Sanji’s Scream! An SOS Echoes Over the Island!”. In the preview for the next episode we see a glimpse of what will happen next. Sanji has been tied by Black Maria in her web. As a last resort, Sanji screams for help and calls Nico Robin to come and save him. In the preview we also see Marco fighting King. So viewers can expect to watch this fight too.
One Piece Episode 1020 Release Date
One Piece airs every Sunday for the fans. One Piece Episode 1019 aired on May 29, 2022, so the fans can sit back on their couch and enjoy another One Piece Episode soon. One Piece Episode 1020 will release on June 5, 2022.
Watch One Piece Episode 1020 Online – Streaming Details
One Piece is usually aired at the following times- 11:00 AM JST, 7:30 AM IST, 4:00 AM CET, 3:00 AM BST, and 00:30 AM UTC. The dubbed version of the episode is generally available after at least 1 hour of release. It is aired on Fuji TV in Japan. It also airs on many English networks such as Cartoon Network (New Zealand), Animax Asia (southeast Asia), Toonami (UK), Adult Swim (Toonami) (USA). While, fans opting for online streaming can watch it on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
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