The first season of Landman, created by the renowned Taylor Sheridan, delivers a powerful conclusion, packed with drama and plot twists. Centered around the Permian Basin’s oil industry, the show introduces a fictional company, M-Tex, and its crisis management executive, Tommy Norris, played by Billy Bob Thornton. As the series unfolds, Tommy navigates complex relationships and high-stakes business decisions, with the finale offering a lot to process.
The season finale opens with Monty Miller’s worsening heart condition, which ultimately leads to his death. As Monty struggles, Tommy assumes control of M-Tex and his friend’s estate. He advises Cami, Monty’s widow, to sell the company and secure financial stability for her family. However, Cami opts for a high-risk approach, choosing to gamble on an ambitious oil drilling venture instead. Things take a darker turn when Tommy is abducted and tortured by the Cartel, but he is eventually saved by Gallino, a new character portrayed by Andy Garcia. The finale closes with Tommy watching a coyote outside his house, adding an important symbolic layer to the narrative.
Landman Ending Explained
In the penultimate episode, Tommy is seen speaking to Jiminez, a Cartel boss who captures Tommy in the finale. Gallino, introduced as a Cartel leader with a more dignified and calm demeanor, decides to intervene and stop the torture. Gallino’s intentions are clear: he wants to shift his focus away from violence and drug trafficking and move into oil, seeing potential profits in the industry. Although Tommy is hesitant about collaborating with the Cartel, Gallino presents an irresistible offer that hints at future collaborations.
Gallino’s involvement introduces the possibility that Tommy, in his pursuit of success, may have to make morally questionable decisions, including making deals with dangerous organizations. Gallino’s offer is framed as a business proposition, but the underlying message is clear: Tommy’s future may depend on aligning with the Cartel in some way.
Monty’s Death and Its Impact on Tommy and Cami
Monty’s passing has significant repercussions for both Tommy and Cami. As the new president of M-Tex, Tommy is tasked with making major decisions, but he remains loyal to Cami and her wishes. He recognizes the immense risks involved in continuing with the oil business, particularly since Monty’s health and death were tied to the pressures of the industry. Tommy feels the weight of Monty’s legacy and is concerned that Cami may follow in her late husband’s footsteps, ultimately facing the same fate.
Tommy’s concern for Cami leads him to try and convince her to sell the company, avoiding the high-stakes gamble that Monty took. He knows firsthand the toll that the oil industry can take on a person, both physically and emotionally. Monty’s regret over not spending enough time with his children serves as a warning to Tommy, pushing him to reconsider his role in the business.
Rebecca’s Return and the Legal Battle Ahead
Amid these developments, Tommy also works to repair his relationship with Rebecca, who had been hesitant to work for an oil company. Despite their differences, Tommy invites Rebecca back into the fold, where she takes on a key role as the lead negotiator for M-Tex. Alongside Nathan, who provides expertise on the oil industry, they begin planning the company’s next moves. However, the situation takes a dangerous turn when Tommy is captured by the Cartel, leaving his future uncertain and setting up a dramatic cliffhanger for the next season.
The Symbolism of the Coyote in Tommy’s Journey
The presence of a coyote at the end of the season plays a crucial role in the thematic development of Tommy’s character. Throughout season 1, Tommy is depicted as a workaholic, often sacrificing his personal life and happiness for the sake of his job. This detachment from family and his personal life becomes more significant after Monty’s death, as Tommy reflects on the choices that led to his friend’s demise.
The coyote is symbolic of Tommy’s longing for freedom, representing the untamed spirit of the Western frontier. However, the coyote’s fate also mirrors Tommy’s own struggles. In the first instance, the coyote is shot by a neighbor, emphasizing the harsh reality of the world Tommy inhabits. In the second instance, Tommy urges the coyote to run away, acknowledging that freedom is increasingly elusive in his own life. The coyote serves as a metaphor for Tommy’s entrapment, both by his career and by the dangerous deals he is forced to make.
Tommy’s Strained Relationship with Angela
Tommy’s relationship with Angela becomes increasingly strained as the season progresses. After being tortured by the Cartel, Tommy returns home with visible bruises, which causes Angela to worry about his safety. However, Tommy, in a manner similar to characters in The Godfather, suggests that there are certain things he cannot share with Angela about his job. By keeping his work life separate, he hopes to shield her from the dangers he faces daily.
Angela, who genuinely cares for Tommy’s well-being, is left in the dark about the full extent of the risks he’s taking. Tommy’s decision to shut her out reflects his need to focus on the volatile world of M-Tex without distractions. While Angela’s concern is genuine, Tommy’s commitment to the company and its future outweighs his desire to be open about the dangers he faces. This tension sets the stage for potential conflict in the future, as Angela may not be able to accept Tommy’s continued secrecy.
Cooper and Ariana: A Complicated Relationship
Cooper and Ariana’s relationship is another key subplot in Landman. Throughout season 1, the two characters share a will-they-won’t-they dynamic. Ariana, a widow and single mother, is still grieving the loss of her husband, but Cooper remains patient and understanding. Despite the emotional challenges, Cooper offers Ariana the support she needs, and their bond deepens as a result. In the season finale, their relationship grows stronger, and Cooper proves to be a comforting presence in her life.
On the other hand, Cooper’s own ambitions in the oil industry take a backseat in the finale. While he initially seems determined to make a name for himself in the business, his personal connection with Ariana becomes a more prominent focus. Cooper’s story is left unresolved, setting up potential developments for the next season.
Is Landman Season 2 on the Horizon?
Although Paramount+ has not officially announced the production of a second season, the finale of Landman sets the stage for more drama and intrigue. The show has been well-received, and Taylor Sheridan, who is known for creating popular series like Yellowstone, is a key figure behind the project. Given Sheridan’s prominence and his deep connection to Paramount+, it seems likely that the series will continue.
The first season leaves several storylines open, suggesting that there is more to come. Tommy’s precarious position at the helm of M-Tex, his dealings with the Cartel, and his personal struggles all point toward more conflict and resolution in the future. Fans can expect further exploration of these dynamics in a potential second season, but for now, the future of the show remains uncertain.
As Landman continues to explore the high-stakes world of the oil industry, it promises to keep audiences engaged with its complex characters and gripping storylines. Whether or not a second season is confirmed, the potential for future twists and developments is immense. For now, fans will have to wait and see what lies ahead for Tommy and the other characters in this intense, unpredictable drama.