Adult Swim has announced “Rick and Morty: The Anime,” a 10-episode series directed by Takashi Sano. The anime follows Rick, Morty, and the Smith family on new intergalactic adventures: Rick explores a pseudo-world between multiverses, Summer aids Space Beth against the Galactic Federation, and Morty falls for a mysterious atemporal being.
“Rick and Morty: The Anime” is written and directed by Takashi Sano and produced for Adult Swim by Sola Entertainment. Jason Demarco and Joseph Chou are executive producers.
The English voice cast includes Joe Daniels as Rick and Jerry, Gabriel Regojo as Morty, Donna Bella Litton as Summer, and Patricia Duran as Beth.
The Japanese voice cast features Youhei Tadano, Keisuke Chiba, Akiha Matsui, Manabu Muraji, and Takako Fuji.
Adult Swim’s president, Michael Ouweleen, praised Takashi Sano as both a talented director and a passionate “Rick and Morty” fan. He emphasized Sano’s suitability for creating an alternate version of the beloved show.
To celebrate the series launch, Adult Swim plans to tour with the Rickmobile and Mortymobile, driving across the country to engage with fans and celebrate the expanded “Rick and Morty” universe.
The English-language version of “Rick and Morty: The Anime” is scheduled to premiere on August 15 at 12 a.m. on Adult Swim.
The subtitled version in Japanese will follow on August 17 at 12 a.m. as part of Adult Swim’s action/anime programming block, Toonami. Fans can look forward to experiencing both versions of the series soon!