Lets us find out How Many Seasons Are There In the Queen Of The South? Is It Worth Watching? Queen of the South is an action crime and thriller TV series that was released in America in 2016 on 23rd June. The series is based on a Spanish novel of the same name. M.A. Fortin and Joshua John Miller are the creators of this series and drew inspiration for the series from the novel that was published in Spain.
The series is the story of a very poor woman, but because of her skills and her confidence, she can build an empire after coming into the business of drug smuggling. Though she knows that the business is dominated by men, she manages to make her place in the spear and emerges as the most powerful character in the series. Now that we have told you a bit about the series and the plot, we will now move on to tell you how many seasons this series comprises and if all of them are worth watching.

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How Many Seasons Are There In Queen Of The South?
The Queen of the South series has five seasons in total. The first season was released in 2016 on 23 June, the second season was released the next year on 8 June 2017, and the third season was released on 21 June 2018. After three successful seasons, the makers decided to renew it for two more seasons, and the 4th season was released on 6 June 2019. The latest season, which is the 5th season, was released on 7th April 2021.
There were thirteen episodes in the first season. The second season also had 13 episodes, and the last episode was released on 31 August 2017. Following the second season, the third reason was released, and there were 13 episodes in this season as well, and the last episode premiered on 13 September 2018. The fourth season of the series had thirteen episodes, and the last episode was released on 29 August 2019. The last season, i.e., season 5, had ten episodes, and the last episode was released on 9 June 2021.
Five seasons were loved by the audience equally, and when the makers decided to withdraw the series, it made the fans sad. To date, there has been speculation if there will be any further seasons of this series.
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Is It Worth Watching?
Queen of the South is a series that has lots of action, thriller, drama, and crime. Because it touches upon so many themes, people usually find it more interesting and intruding to watch. In my opinion, anybody who loves action and suspense can watch the series, and they won’t be disappointed.

Unlike other action series that divert from their basic storyline and reality, Queen of South has incredible action and, at the same time, maintains a lot of suspense throughout the seasons. The main character of the series is a strong female leading actress, and this also makes it a rare TV series because usually, we find males dominating this general.
You will find so many characters in the series that come out to be performing their roles so boldly and excellently that you will end up loving all of them by the series finale. The storyline of the series is made in such a way that all the seasons will keep you engrossed, and you will hardly control yourself from watching more of it as the season ends.

It is the perfect example of the phrase which says that one should not judge a book by its cover. You will find that the show does not have a high rating as other thriller TV series but trust me, this series is much more than the ratings that it has received.
In a nutshell, if one is asked to describe the show, it would contain adjectives like realistic, thriller, violence, suspense, etc. The fact that all these adjectives point to a female drug seller makes it even more interesting. If you are in search of a series that has great performances by the cast, solid action, a good storyline, and an incredible thriller, the series is a one-stop watch for you.
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