The Oak Island team has been putting a lot of effort into deciphering the mystery of the rumored riches of Oak Island, and they are almost there. Since they are now coming close to the treasure, the team has enjoyed a fruitful tenth season.
After finding crucial evidence in the previous one, the squad will persist with their extraction effort in the next episode. The Curse of Oak Island season 10 episode 20 release date, a streaming schedule, and this post, which fans must be seeking, so they are eager to discover more about it.
Fans should be aware that the team’s discovery of evidence may allow them to explain many of the mysteries and urban legends surrounding Oak Island. The group discovered a sizable amount of gold in the wood wrapped around the garden shaft.
Dissatisfaction arose from the hole drill team’s hunt for a tube or void they had found at 55 feet earlier. It appeared to hold a lot of promise when drill DN-10.5 began to suck up loose dirt, signaling a structure might be nearby.
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But after descending 120 feet without seeing any holes or tunnels, they concluded they must have missed it. There were more gloomy looks as the Dumas mining company concluded their investigative project and found nothing.
Dumas had drilled to a height of 55 feet into each of the garden shaft’s five walls in an effort to locate a void or chamber, but sadly, he had been unsuccessful. However, things might move quickly on Oak Island. In charge of studying a piece of wood taken from the side of the digging shaft during Dumas’s drilling operation, a metallurgy expert, Emma Culligan, had a surprise in store for the crew.
The wood of the garden shaft includes gold! Emma dug out a significant amount of gold in the forest. She said there was 0.11% gold in the wood. Even though this amount may not seem like much, geoscientist Dr. Ian Spooner called it “huge.” Emma assured them it was “a lot of parts per billion.”

Rick and Marty Lagina were overjoyed at the news, and Emma was applauded. Suddenly, the grumbles were turned upside down. Ian knew what to do; he instructed them to keep drilling and gathering samples to identify the location of the riches eventually.
The boys had observed an intriguing old wall on Lot 26 that had been there since the tenth century and was close to the well. Forestry expert Peter Romkey joined the crew and started extracting a core from the massive oak tree poking through the wall as soon as he arrived.
When the core was delivered to the lab for analysis, Peter had previously determined that the tree must be many centuries aged. The Oak team then believes the wall predates the tree; therefore, they will also understand the wall’s minimum age once they’ve determined how old it is.
The wall differs from other fortifications on the island due to the technological know-how used in its construction. A skilled person built it. According to Peter, the rocks used in its construction, an expert in walls, could have been left over from tunneling. He reasoned that the wall would be a decent place to hide tunneling evidence.
As the boys started breaking down the wall searching for hints, they discovered several of the rocks had been hacked or severed from neighboring rocks. These rocks were red granite, like the Kingdom Rock from Nolan’s Cross, which also consisted of red granite and was formed from another stone, Alex Lagina thought.
They began to wonder if those who constructed Nolan’s crucifix and the wall were related. One theory holds that Templar knights built the cross, which could operate as a beacon for ancient Christian items buried beneath the ground.
On a recent episode, metal detector specialists Gary Drayton and Rick located an ax head on Lot 4. Gary speculated that the artifact might date back to the Viking era, but further investigation is necessary.
The Curse of Oak Island Season 10 Episode 20: Release Date
The Curse of Oak Island season 10 episode 120 release date is April 11, 2023. The Curse of Oak Island season 10 episode 20 will air via the History Channel at 9 p.m. in the USA. Watchers from regions other than the US can stream the show at:
- ACD (Australian Central Daylight Time): 11:00 a.m. on April 12, 2023
- EST (Eastern Standard Time): 8:00 p.m. on April 11, 2023
- PST (Pacific Standard Time): 5:00 p.m. on April 11, 2023
- GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): 12:01 a.m. on April 12, 2023
- CST (Central Standard Time): 7:00 p.m. on April 12, 2023
- JST (Japan Standard Time): 9:00 a.m. on April 12, 2023
- IST (India Standard Time): 5:30 p.m. on April 12, 2023
- PKST (Pakistan Standard Time): 5:00 p.m. on April 12, 2023
- CET (Central European Time): 2:00 a.m. on April 12, 2023
The Curse of Oak Island Season 10 Episode 20: How to Watch
At the hours we mentioned above, The Curse of Oak Island season 10 episode 20 is said to be available to stream on Hulu, Tubi, Roku TV, and the History app. Hulu will be $8, while Tubi TV and Roku Premium are both free.
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