It has been thrilling and fulfilling to watch the members of the cast grow from the pilot to this last season and establish themselves in the industry. Additionally, there is just something incredibly unique about the show’s culture and how it unites its numerous fans. It has been a lovely, enriching, and glorious experience to eagerly await each new episode, to discuss theories about who will survive and who will die with friends and on social media, and fill one’s house with Game of Thrones related stuff.
Even though the series may be over, we still have these Crazy Game Of Thrones Behind-The-Scenes Photos from the cast that has brought us to tears and made us want to watch the entire thing again. Seriously, these images will change your viewpoint on the show and fuel your obsession with Game of Thrones like never before.
And in the sense of that bittersweet nostalgia, I’ve put together an article containing behind-the-scenes photos from the eight seasons of the show. Without wasting any time, I present you, the great people of the Seven Kingdoms, with 50 crazy game of thrones behind-the-scenes photos.
50 Crazy Game Of Thrones Behind-The-Scenes Photos
For its more fanciful components, it is obvious that Game of Thrones uses computer animation technology, but how much of what we’re seeing is actually real, fake, or a combination of both? Many of the stunning effects are more grounded in reality than you may realize, and many of the sets are just as grand as they appear to be, both on and off the screen.
Many other things happen behind the scenes, in addition to the epic filming difficulties and the special effects department. There are many unfiltered moments and fascinating fun facts about how the show was made. Between the cast, crew, and audience, who have witnessed both characters and performers grow up in front of our eyes, great friendships and ties have developed over the years.
Fans are usually thrilled to see familiar and beloved characters interacting outside of the show’s confines, especially on a series like Game of Thrones. These images give us an inside peek at characters who rarely interact on screen.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the components that went into turning George R. R. Martin’s classic Song of Ice and Fire into the popular HBO series Game of Thrones.
Here are 50 Crazy Game Of Thrones Behind-The-Scenes Photos:
Jon With Fake Dragon Head
When a dragon is just a fake head, it’s simple to win him over. Here, we get yet another instance of what the Game of Thrones stars are truly up against in real life. We see that Jon is trying to be friends with a fake dragon head.

It’s obvious that the CGI dragons required Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke to truly use their imaginations while interacting with a dragon for a scene.
The audience doesn’t need to use their imagination because of movie magic, or in this case, TV magic. We become more aware of how much this show depends on strong acting and a strong special effects team after seeing Jon Snow and Daenerys in this situation.
Fire Breathing Of A Dragon
Dragons from Game of Thrones may not be realistic, but their fire most certainly is! Of course, there are many other cases where the enormous flames of the dragon are created using CGI, but that is not the case here.

Here, we can clearly see how to get the “fire breathing” effect. This is as realistic a dragon fight scene as you can get, thanks to some skillful and courageous stunt performers, a camera, and a flame thrower mounted on a track. Game of Thrones has clearly perfected the art of fusing computer animation with reality.
It’s great and completely insane that real fire is frequently used on the Game of Thrones set. The thought of putting fire onto a set and risking it to actors, extras, props, and sets is simply too much for me. Fire is one of those common fears that we all have, along with spiders and big debt. Fire is just too much for me, even if I am aware that it is controlled, that safety measures are being taken, and that there are numerous extinguishing methods available.
Don’t Pick A Fight With This Gang
I double dare you to convince me that this image does not resemble the album cover of the year’s hottest release. There is just something so immensely strong and intense about this picture, from the way they are dressed to the way they are posing. Watch their faces. Those faces are serious and peaceful but also imposing and formidable.

I would not engage in physical fights with any of the individuals in the picture above. I mean, I don’t go about picking fights with people. But I would definitely stay away from everyone in the picture above if I was ever in the mood to do so.
Now I Wanna Be Friends With This Gang
Is the cast of Game of Thrones laughing there? This is undoubtedly a sight to behold. It’s also fair to note that this is a somewhat random collection of characters coming together; hence, this scene must be from a recent season in which universes are clashing left and right.

It’s understandable that the group would become closer because of the demanding shooting schedule and the extra downtime. Off-screen, the set appears to be a blast, even if there are only smirks and gloomy faces on the screen.
The Mountain Is Really Big
It turns out that the Mountain really is that big in person. Additionally, he is equally as strong and terrifying. Game of Thrones actor Hafthor Bjornsson, who portrays Gregor Clegane, has been recognized as the strongest man in the world.

Bjornsson became the first man to win both Arnold Schwarzenegger’s contest, the Strongman Classic, and Europe’s Strongest Man within the same year. Bjornsson measures in at a staggering 6’9″ and 397 lbs, so it appears like they truly did hire the best Mountain for the job!
Ed Sheeran With Arya
Ed Sheeran’s cameo appearance on Game of Thrones was something I really enjoyed, so I guess I am in the minority. It didn’t make me lose interest in the show in any way that any other special appearance on any other series has ever taken place in television history. It was a nice small moment of lightheartedness on a clear dark evening, and both his performance and his song were lovely.

When watching Game of Thrones, I frequently have to take long breaks because it can be a little overwhelming at times. Therefore, his appearance was just a welcome break from the nonstop tension that defined the remaining episodes of the show’s run.
So Much Efforts An Episode
The Wights typically combine makeup, prosthetics, clothing, and, of course, reliable CGI. We get an even more in-depth look at how they created Wights in the Game of Thrones video series on YouTube, The Game Revealed. The Wight that Jon Snow had captured was the main topic of this episode.

Director Jeremy Podeswa stated that it was “far more complicated” to depict one Wight up-close and personal than 10,000 Wights. Another interesting fact: there was no need for CGI because the splitting of the Wight was clearly achieved on-site!
The amount of effort that goes into making television shows and films is something that I will always find fascinating. Casting, script writing, idea development, costume design and creation, storyboarding, set design and dressing, makeup, prosthetics, extras, directing, post-production, sound, the acting itself, editing, CGI, promotion, and advertising, tracking down a location to host the show, and trying to present the show to critics and viewers alike are all examples of production-related tasks. And a whole lot more. It’s really ridiculous to think about everything that went into twenty to 90 minutes of screen time.
Fancy Costumes On Set
Even though we know how much of Game of Thrones is computer generated, it’s important to note that a sizable portion of the show is actually quite real. Although this isn’t an image of a mythical creature or an epic battle, it gives us an impression of the more grounded aspect of the Game of Thrones set.

One of my personal favorites about behind-the-scenes images from the set of many films, series, and productions is just seeing actors roam around the set while dressed for the role. Take a look at the Game of Thrones outfits for the show at hand. Those are really expensive, lavish, and detailed costumes. It’s just such a fantastic sight to see someone walking around in long capes, dresses, fancy wigs, and weaponry on the movie set of a production studio.
A Mix Of Both Worlds
Again, the contrast between the crew’s simple, modern clothing and the elaborate, finely crafted medieval costumes is something that makes me purely happy. Seeing Sansa all up in her lovely gown with her flowing locks between two guys with sunglasses, trousers, and a t-shirt is one of the loveliest views my eyes have ever witnessed. I’d like to thank the universe for creating the situations that allowed this picture to enter my life.

Sitting On A Green Pre-CGI Dragon Back
Observing movies and television shows without the CGI that is done in post-production is just so lovely. See, for instance, the image above. This was a dramatic and excellent shot in the show, magnificent and lovely to the eye.

However, it is quite funny, even without CGI. They appear to be sitting on top of a huge playground, surveying the park from its highest point. For the chance to observe what the actors experience when acting, I would gladly pay to watch an entire film without any CGI.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Game Of Thrones Episodes Ranked: From Battle Of The Bastards To Blackwater
Tiny Innocent Starks
It can be easy to forget how the younger characters and stars looked when everything first started, especially since it has been around 12 years since it all started, and they have all grown into adults.

Watch how young those tiny Starks are! Take a look at their tiny faces! Very pure! So unmoved by the issues that surround them! So naive to impending disasters! We all know what awaits these little kids, making the image in and of itself sad. But because those things haven’t happened yet, let’s just enjoy this adorable set moment for the time being.
Modern Clothes In The Past
The best behind-the-scenes photos are those that come straight from the set of history shows that feature dated or styled clothing since it contrasts the cast with modern clothing.

Margaery Tyrell, who is played here by Natalie Dormer, is seated with other ladies of the castle. This behind-the-scenes picture truly transports us to Westeros, thanks to the background’s detailed features as well as the perfect costumes and hair.
Finding a guy in a baseball t-shirt and jeans in the middle of a great feast in the arbor of a castle with medieval architecture is simply so wonderful. Seeing the workers dressed in modern clothing in contrast to the cast members who are dressed to the nines in lavish costumes and highly styled wigs is just divine.
Oh Green Guy, Don’t Kill Me
The VFX utilized to create the monsters in Game of Thrones is by far some of the coolest. Here, we can see the process used to produce the notorious zombie polar bear. Believe it or not, the effects team and several of the actors weren’t too happy with it.

Everyone wasn’t as impressed with the zombie polar bear, even though the showrunners have wanted to make one for years. The task was challenging for the special effects team, but some actors thought it was absurd. The actor who plays the Hound, Rory McCann, described it as a “ping-pong-ball thing” and said it was challenging to interpret the device as a bear.
The fact that I would find it so difficult to maintain a straight face in front of all of the green screen elements is just one of the many reasons why I could never succeed as an actor, along with my awkwardness, social anxiety, and hatred of being the focus of attention. It would be a challenge for me to have to look at a man dressed in a green leotard-like suit and pretend that he is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. I was unable to complete it.
The Stunt Doubles
Here are the stand-ins and stunt doubles. Stand-ins and stunt doubles deserve much more praise than they now receive. In addition to being trained actors, they perform all of the tasks that the lead actors are not allowed from carrying out because of the dangers they pose. Due to disastrous stunts, some stunt doubles have even suffered life-threatening injuries or even passed away. These folks take on a lot of danger to amuse us and give the entertainment that we spend our days watching more intensity.

We understand if you had to take a second look at this image. In reality, these are our favorite Game of Thrones actor body doubles chilling out on set, despite the fact that they could easily be some serious cosplayers.
Body duplicates or stand-ins are frequently utilized in moments where a character’s face is not visible. Given how much they resemble their counterparts, it is clear why these individuals were hired. It doesn’t seem too bad to be paid to hang out on the Game of Thrones set!
The Greyjoy Death
There is really no need to create a sizable set with peaks, plains, moats, and enormous castles, thanks to green screens. Post-production can blend all of those elements into the shot. If one can make the facade and then add the rest virtually, there is no need to build a large set, much of which is unlikely to be used or even seen on screen. Additionally, I have a severe allergy to the above types of bridges, but I firmly believe that this dislike would vanish if every rope bridge in the world were suspended over a one- to two-foot drop.

Sometimes it can be challenging to identify just what behind-the-scenes event we are seeing, but this one is clear to see. This scene is from an episode where Euron Greyjoy kills his brother Balon to seize the Salt Throne.
You might recall that the scene’s setting was exceedingly gloomy and sad when it originally aired, with a blue tone and mountain fog covering the entire screen. The bridge is not at all in the mountains, despite the fact that they seem to be looming over a cliff in this image.
The Lannisters Sibling Love
I really love the kind of stuff that comes from behind-the-scenes images. Just actors playing around and having fun while dressed up and in costumes. There is no reason for the tension, drama, and arguments that make up the show. None of the resentments, betrayals, or foes. It’s just three mates hanging out, having fun, and having a nice time. Don’t misunderstand me. Although I love Game of Thrones, there are moments when I just want to watch the characters have fun rather than fight for their lives every 5 minutes.

The Lannister family is a big force in Westeros. They are the family everybody just loves to hate or hates to love. They have always served as the central focus of the drama and have been responsible for numerous violent incidents in Game of Thrones, most memorably pushing Bran off the tower in season 1. Lena Heady (Cersei), Peter Dinklage (Tyrion), and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau are pictured in this photo. Even though they have disagreements on the show, they get along great on set.
Everything Is Green Behind The Walls
Finally, a glimpse of what really lies beyond the wall. It means nothing. Exactly nothing. Simply a vast, empty, green emptiness. There is absolutely nothing there, yet it extends as far as the eye can see. The people of Westeros need to be safeguarded from that truth. They must be uninformed that a vast, green area of nothing surrounds their entire kingdom. They wouldn’t even know what they should do with the information. They couldn’t possibly understand it; it would be too much.

Here, Kit Harrington, who plays Jon Snow, and Kristofer Hivju, who plays Tormund, are both sporting icy expressions. Whether using a green screen or not, the cast and crew had to endure some extremely trying conditions to film the battle scenes. Although it probably helped the cast to stay in character, it was undoubtedly difficult. From the luxury of our couches, it’s simple to forget that this program is the genuine deal!
To The Smallest Detail
Here are a few instances of the work done by the makeup and prosthetic teams. A face double of Tyrion could well be seen to the left, and it appears that another face from the Hall of Faces is above him. The Night King shape of the White Walkers can be seen most prominently at the far right.

The actors that have to wear them are almost as stunning as the prosthetic work. The Night King is particularly difficult, taking four hours or longer to finish. These outfits’ painstaking attention to detail is captivating.
We just can’t get over how lovely the props that are used to make the movies and TV shows that we adore. The prop crew deserves praise for all of the efforts they put into every single little detail of the works of media that they contribute to. The smallest details can occasionally go unnoticed by viewers but their absence is still felt. The shows and movies we all know and love are created with such expertise, attention to detail, and work that even the smallest things give another layer of realism to the finished product.
It’s Real Dragon For Her
Don’t worry if you chuckled when you first saw this image; we did too. Although Emilia Clarke portrays a fantastic dragon queen in the show, the real reality is somewhat absurd.

We are not criticizing the special effects team in any way; after all, they form the foundation of the entire production. Even still, it’s difficult to take Daenerys seriously when she’s holding a green screen mold that’s supposed to be a dragon head. Where is its remaining body? Evidently, a green stick will do for this scene.
The talent and acting skills of Emilia Clarke are visible in this picture. Just take a look at the maternal, adoring, and loving expression she has. That isn’t a strangely formed green ball on a stick in her eyes. No, that is her cherished baby dragon, whom she adores with all of her heart. That is another reason why I’m not cut out to be an actor. Forget about invasions of privacy, stalker, and paparazzi. No, I would struggle because I would be unable to hold the ball and think about anything else.
Stark Sis 4 Ever
Since Game of Thrones’ first season, Sansa and Arya Stark got so little time on screen. That hasn’t stopped Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner from swiftly becoming friends, though. Since the first season of the series, the two Stark actresses have become close. Despite not shooting the majority of their scenes together, they have still managed to spend a lot of time around each other off-camera, which makes sense.

Their characters have evolved greatly over the course of the program, but their real-life counterparts bonded over their common experience despite being the only 2 young girls on a series with a cast that is primarily made up of adults. After all, viewers have had the opportunity to watch both girls blossom on the show.
They are rather devoted sisters, as Maisie Williams notes in the post. Fortunately, it appears that they are far more alike in real life than they appear to be on the show.
Random Cool Pose
Simply put, Pedro Pascal shines on Instagram. This image, which was also captured at Comic-Con, features various cast members from Game of Thrones posing for a fake record cover that really sounds fairly great. It’s unclear how Pascal was able to secretly capture this shot of Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, and Natalie Dormer without even being confronted by fans, but that doesn’t take away from how amazing the photo is in and of itself.

You can gush over Sophie Turner’s dress or her relaxed posture. If that isn’t enough to grab your attention, probably ask Dormer what she is specifically looking at far away and Pascal why he appears to be staring in the exact opposite direction. Of course, Maisie Williams is also there, softly seizing the scene with a bolder pose. Regardless of the pose you select, we can all agree that Pascal’s absence from the cast is greatly felt—and not just because of Oberyn. His Instagram game’s like no other.
To The Beach
This image, shared by Finn Jones without any caption, gives us a glimpse of the fun the Game of Thrones cast has together while they aren’t filming. Featuring a vast number of actors from the tv series, it appears to feature many of them making their trip to the beach. It appears that Pedro Pascal is having a fantastic time, as usual, and it’s a rare opportunity to watch Charles Dance on social media.

Of course, Peter Dinklage’s expression is perhaps the best of the lot, if only because it conveys a great degree of uncertainty or unease. Dinklage is frequently expected to portray Tyrion Lannister as someone who appears to know what’s going on, but this picture makes it seem like he might not always be as informed in real life. Whatever these people are doing, it appears to be very enjoyable.
How To Make A White Walker?
When Game of Thrones claims to blend CGI and realism, they most definitely aren’t joking. Here is a good example of that. We can clearly see how green screen technology, costuming, and prosthetics work together to give the Wights’ a decayed appearance. A Wight is formed by the White Walkers, who resurrect the dead in order to control them.

In terms of bringing fantasy visions to life, CGI has definitely advanced significantly. Even with the green screen portions, this Wight still has a menacing and unsettling appearance. The actress who plays Brienne of Tarth, Gwendoline Christie, appears to agree with this statement.
In my opinion, the greatest way to create realistic yet imaginative effects for cinema and television is to combine CGI and practical effects. When a human or human-like figure is created entirely using computer graphics, they frequently enter the uncanny valley, where they resemble what a human should look like but with an unsettling flaw. However, the uncanny valley is avoided when actual effects are combined with CGI, and this also makes room for effects that are impractical to add.
Simpler Times
We are brought back to Winterfell in the first season of Game of Thrones in this beautifully captured candid moment. Oh, how times have changed. All three Starks—Ned, Robb, and Catelyn—remain healthy and whole. Jon Snow is more concerned about setting a good example for Bran than he is with the coming end of the world.

Due to the positioning of Ned and Catelyn, fans will recall this particular moment. Sansa and Jon will eventually assume their roles as Winterfell’s overseers, both literally and metaphorically. Also, take note of how accurate the Winterfell seems.
Since the first season, we have made significant progress. Along the road, we have encountered many characters who have passed away, learned many truths, and gained a great deal of knowledge about Westeros’ history, setting, and past. Since its debut nearly 12 years ago, the majority of significant adaptations have taken the form of long-form television shows rather than feature-length motion pictures.
So I think it is fair to say that now the tv adaptation of Game of Thrones has fundamentally transformed the way that we view book adaptations moving forward. And as a result, much more precise and detailed adaptations have been produced. So, thank you Game of Thrones, for everything you’ve done for us.
Jon Snow The King Of The Make Up
Jon Snow, aka Kit Harington, seems like the ideal candidate to take one famous makeup artist’s place since the internet has determined over the past several weeks that he is # canceled from his role as a celebrity makeup artist (you know who, right?). Here, we get a sweet glimpse into the Stark family’s bonding during the last episode as the rightful heir to the iron throne applies his baby sister’s makeup.

This picture shows that even the Night King’s killer is not perfect. We find it strange to see Bran’s working legs in this picture, but we do like the King of the Seven Kingdoms’ kicks. Overall, this photo is the ideal candid snapshot of how the cast actually developed into a family over the years, exactly as their on-screen characters suggest.
The Cousin Bond
Here we can see Stark cousins having some cool fun. In contrast to their often tense on-screen relationship, Sophie Turner and Kit Harrington appear to be completely content to pose in real life. Turner and Harrington engaged in what Turner refers to as a “pout-off” after the 2016 Emmys. Harrington is well known for his Jon Snow pouting, of course. At least in the context of the show, that is essentially what he is known for.

Turner, though, isn’t giving up, and we can surely respect her determination. She’s definitely bringing it, at least in terms of pouting. Together, the two of them produce more pouting than what any one person can take.
Of course, this picture serves as the one-millionth reminder of how stunning the cast of this show is, despite the fact that they keep killing off characters at an alarming rate. Although all men must perish, these specific men and women will appear quite attractive while doing so.
Crazy At Comic-Con
This Comic-Con photo, which also comes to us through Pedro Pascal’s Instagram, serves as yet another excellent example of how entertaining these actors are when they are not acting. In this photo, the actor is seen posing alongside David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Natalie Dormer, and Gwendoline Christie.

The best part about the picture is that they don’t appear to have decided on whether to play it straight or goofy. As a result, Christie and Benioff appear to be going insane whereas Pascal, Dormer, Coster-Waldas, and Weiss all appear to be rather normal.
Additionally, the photograph serves as a somber reminder of how lovely this cast is. Typically, the faces of these individuals are covered in at least one layer of grime. Westeros is, after all, a dirty land. But after cleaning, they become almost depressingly lovely. There are many reasons why Game of Thrones is fantastic, but having so many beautiful people on the show is undoubtedly one of them.
The Stark Bros
Throwbacks are popular, so it’s okay that actor Richard Madden didn’t sign up on Instagram until after his run as Robb on Game of Thrones had ended. The two brothers appear particularly dejected in this picture. They might be too great at brooding for it not to show up in photos, or perhaps this was Madden’s last day working on the set. Whatever the reason, it’s undeniable that Kit Harrington and Madden resemble each other, which is an incredible feat in and of itself.

The show and the books give the impression that Robb and Jon were rather close before Robb’s passing, even though Jon was obviously just seen as a bastard. Sadly, Madden’s time on the show came to an end, but it appears that he and several of his coworkers developed a lasting friendship. Even though Robb left the show early, he continues to live on in our hearts and, based on appearances, Kit Harrington’s as well.
The Targaryen Love
After everything that unfolded in the finale, it appears like Jon and Dany have made up. It’s possible that this behind-the-scenes photo of the two snuggling together is the cutest one ever. Because Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington, the actors who portray the Targaryen lovers, are real-life besties, it was challenging to capture their passionate exchanges. When they were required to film a love scene, Harington allegedly pretended to throw up all over the set, and Clarke claims the two just laughed and laughed the entire time.

We feel a little less nervous and more like we have butterflies in our tummy after seeing this photo due to the unexpected twist finale that no one saw coming. Love it!
The Sisterly Bonding
Those who are unaware of the wonderful friendship between Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams, also known as “Mophie,” are about to experience the most heartwarming love story of their lives. In real life, the Stark sisters were always together, including picking one other’s noses, dozing off in one another’s arms, having baths and showers, and obtaining matching tattoos.

We are so happy for them that we want to cry tears of joy when they talk about being soul mates. Catelyn and Ned would undoubtedly be extremely happy to hear that their girls are getting along so well. This picture from the season 8 premiere in Belfast shows just how much they adore one another.
The Night Army Playing Around
Behind-the-scenes shots from a movie or tv show’s set that show people dressed in historical attire are only topped by shots of actors having fun while wearing complete prosthetics. The actors who play more dramatic, passionate, or serious roles in Game of Thrones frequently receive full prosthetic treatments. So it is totally satisfying to see the Night King swing his sword around like a toy for his own delight.

This an excellent image that gives us a close-up view of the White Walker cosmetics and makeup. Notably, the background of this battle scene is covered by a green screen. Here, the special effects team’s approach to fusing computer animation with realism is evident.
Although the White Walkers, who are the focal point of the scene, are actual people, the snowy, ominous background required some modification. Even though a large portion of the show is filmed outdoors, studios are nevertheless useful when a natural setting isn’t quite enough.
We Are Cool Bro
You probably already know that Tyrion and Cersei, and Lannister don’t get along if you watched any of Game of Thrones. Although we are aware that the entire show is fiction, the actors sometimes make us forget that their hatred toward one another is not real.

Here, we get a rare glimpse of Lena Heady, who plays Cersei and Peter Dinklage who plays Tyrion, laughing together about something on Heady’s phone. It’s nice to know that the Game of Thrones cast can have fun on set despite the show’s serious subject matter.
It’s just such a pure joy to see modern gadgets and furnishings on the sets of period dramas. Some of the best things about living in the present day where we have access to these kinds of photos are seeing someone in body armor sipping a cup from Starbucks, seeing a royal queen in Rayban brand sunglasses sitting in a lounge chair, or witnessing a filth coated page holding a smartphone. I would be extremely content if all the images on the internet were of actors dressed in historical garb using modern equipment.
Also Read: Top 10 Most Popular Game Of Thrones Characters: Jon Snow Is Not On The Top
Protect The Stark
Although Brienne of Tarth and Jon Snow don’t seem to have much of an enduring bond on Game of Thrones, this behind-the-scenes photo begs to differ. It’s absolutely fantastic to see the two sitting together on the stairs as they learn what will happen in the final episode of the series.

The expression on Kit’s face as he thinks about killing his lover/aunt tells it all. The friendship between these two prompts us to consider other unusual characters and actors who might be friends, which brings us to the next slide.
No Hard Feelings
As we can see from this photo, Arya and The Night King are perfectly down to snap a nice picture together, thus it appears that there are no unresolved issues between them. We are left to wonder the Instagram filter that The Knight King was trying to use. Most likely Valencia. Of course Valencia.

Vladimir Furdik, the actor who portrays the most dangerous white walker of all time, posted this priceless selfie to Instagram with the description “She murdered me with a smile.” Could there be anything funnier about this situation? It would be amazing to see these two, still dressed as they were during the filming, enjoying a cup of coffee together.
Choosing The King Over A Singer
We can’t help but like Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner (Sansa) as a couple who tied the knot in Las Vegas. Even though they seem adorable together, it’s tough to not but smile when you see this epically hilarious image of the Little Bird picking her cruel ex-husband well over Disney boy-band singer.

Sansa Stark and King Joffrey’s relationship was horrific on the show, but seeing them getting cuddly at the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere was just too much to bear. Maybe Nick, Joe’s brother, will appear and sing his popular song “Jealous” in tribute to how Joe appears to be feeling in this picture.
Where Are Your Pants, Bro
Oh my god, such a fantastic picture. One reason is that The Queen of the North has been pictured puffing on a Juul pen, making vaping fashionable. The Little Bird has obviously gone through a lot, so it makes sense that she would want to unwind a little after all the suffering she has through. Can we also talk about Bran being pantless?

They are putting their trust in that one to rule the seven kingdoms. He is famous for saying, “Why do you people think I’ve come all this way,” but how did he not even manage to pack pants on his journey? Wow. Oh, and Arya still rocks her trademark shades and bored attitude like a true badass. Overall, this photo is absolutely incredible.
Clark, Hill, And Dinklage
This lovely photo from season six’s production serves as a wonderful reminder that Emilia Clarke doesn’t have naturally silver hair. Clarke appears happier than she has ever appeared to be in the Game of Thrones universe while hanging out at a football match with co-stars Conleth Hill and Peter Dinklage. Despite filming in several of the same locales, this trio of actors didn’t have much screen time together until season seven. Hill and Clarke didn’t even appear together on television until the season six finale.

Dinklage, who was one of Clarke’s main on-screen allies, joined her group in the last few seasons, but he has been a tremendous addition to Daenerys’s world. David Benioff, the showrunner, can be seen reading something seriously behind Clarke and Dinklage in this picture, which contains the best Easter egg. Is that a script? A remark? Or a critique? That’s simply another Game of Thrones mystery that we might never be able to solve.
Hodor Being Carried
One of the most unmistakably devastating scenes from Game of Thrones is Hodor’s death. As a result of Bran’s arrogance, this character lost both his life and his capability to speak. Kristian Nairn delivers a remarkably captivating performance in his dying moments on TV, especially given the fact that he is only able to speak one word. Off-camera, Nairn is obviously perfectly capable of speaking in complete phrases and also seems to be a really funny person.

This image of Nairn being dragged by what appears to be a miniature horse was shared by Finn Jones, who portrays Loras Tyrell on the television series. Nairn’s position on the show frequently involves dragging Bran Stark around, so it’s unclear what exactly happened in the photo, but it is ironic nonetheless. Nairn, who is undoubtedly big, now has the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be towed, although his expression doesn’t exactly show whether or not he’s having a good time.
The Mother Of Dragon
While Daenerys Targaryen was not able to bear children, she definitely gave birth to dragons. Emilia Clarke, our very own mother of dragons, decided to snap a photo next to a few extremely flammable items in honor of Mother’s Day. The fact that her children are CGI renderings prevented Clarke from spending the day with them, but this confined area filled with dangerously flammable materials will have to do.

Clarke wished a happy Mother’s Day to all the dragon mums out there in the caption of the picture. Since she joined the platform, Clarke has mastered Instagram, and her passion for everything flammable only enhances her on-screen persona.
Naturally, Clarke is far more colorful in person than she is on camera, and her activity on Instagram allows that charm to come through. If only Daenerys could loosen up a little, she would find ruling to be more fun.
Don’t Leave Me Out
Conleth Hill successfully snuck his way into the photo above, proving his skill to do so. Hill refused to let Nathalie Emmanuel, who plays Daenerys’s translator and advisor Missandei, take a photo with Sophie Turner. Of course, his presence unquestionably improves the image’s already excellent quality. Turner and Emmanuel haven’t yet shared a screen in the show’s universe, so the fact that they’re posing for pictures together anyway speaks something about the cast’s camaraderie.

Turner and Emmanuel are obviously creating a particular pose, with Turner having a sneaky expression and Emmanuel giving her best pout. Hill somewhat detracts from that tone with his tongue while also easing the tension. Naturally, compared to their more reserved on-screen characters, all three actors are a little more lively. This only makes us love Hill more because he seems to enjoy the chance to be as goofy as possible.
Always Be A Part of The GOT Family
Even though Jason Momoa only appeared briefly on Game of Thrones, fans of the series have cherished it ever since. Momoa made his imprint as Khal Drogo, a role that, in the hands of a less talented actor, may have been one-dimensional. Instead, Momoa gave Drogo a complex personality that Daenerys actually adored. Momoa has done well since getting the role of Aquaman in the DCEU, despite the fact that he didn’t survive the first season of the show.

Momoa is sending the group a photo from his time on the show as a throwback as a way of congratulating them on the season 4 finale. From Momoa’s clean-shaven appearance and top hat to Kit Harrington’s inability to comprehend what he is doing with his hands, despite the fact that he is holding a cigarette in one of them, there is plenty to love in the image. The image effectively conveys the idea that GOT is a family and that even after your departure, you will always feel like a part of it.
Sibling With Seafood
Even though Theon Greyjoy was unable to protect his sister from Euron, that just doesn’t mean he can’t socialize with her off-screen. Alfie Allen shared a photo of himself and Gemma Whelan, who portrays his on-screen sister Yara, eating seafood.

Naturally, seafood seems to be the ideal choice for Theon and Yara, given that they are both Ironborn. Allen and Whelan have been able to develop a connection in real life despite their occasionally tense interaction on screen.
Allen’s character was able to change after everything he’s been through, and Yara is unquestionably the one on the show who craves her brother back the most. Despite the fact that they have only recently reconnected, Yara seems to care a great deal about her brother’s future and if he will ever be able to leave Reek behind and he certainly did. If not, Alfie Allen can still eat lobster with his on-screen sister.
Take My Perfect Angle Or You Dead
Dragons, extraterrestrial elements, and zombie polar bears are just a few of the numerous reasons that make Game of Thrones so reliant on CGI. But you might be surprised to learn that one of the show’s most striking aspects is real.

Yes, both on and off camera, the White Walkers do indeed mirror that. The White Walkers were first inspired by the figures from The Walking Dead, but soon took on a life of their own, according to the prosthetic designer for the series, Barrie Gower. The end product is a zombie that has never been seen before!
One of the most thrilling aspects of the “behind-the-scenes” experience is seeing what goes on behind the scenes. It’s just so very fascinating to watch non-CGI scenes, characters out of costume, and/or serious moments with the cast and crew watching from the wings. The “behind-the-scenes” activities can occasionally be slightly more interesting than the actual movie or television show. On occasion, I’ve loaded a DVD, watched the extras, and then put the movie away without really watching the main feature.
The One-Sided Love
Nothing is more miserable than an unrequited love story, and that is precisely what The Dragon Queen and Ser Jorah Mormont shared. While she just saw him as a good friend, he was madly in love with her. Jorah was killed right when you felt their story couldn’t really get any sadder. At least he was able to die peacefully while being held by his true love!

Emilia Clarke posted a smiling picture of the two of them on Instagram shortly after he was killed in The Battle of Winterfell with the message, “You’re Just The BEST, Greater Than All The Rest, Greater Than Anybody, Anybody on here I’VE EVER MET…” If reading that doesn’t make you want to cry, you might actually be a robot.
Coffee For The Red Women
Among all the characters in Game of Thrones, Melisandre is arguably the most intense. She has shown the entire world how even the Lord of Light needs to rest and relax, which is what makes this picture so funny because it defies all logic. We come across a coffee cup, who is currently just as popular on Game of Thrones as any of the other characters.

This cast seems to be gulping down coffee cups as frequently as Tyrion seems to be gulping down bottles of wine on a regular basis, thus it seems difficult to wonder exactly how many cups of coffee they drink every day.
Dany Happy With Her Dragon
Watch that smile! Emilia Clarke could be seen happily lying on her dragon in this cute picture. Can you believe that’s how the dragons appear on the set? That’s the magic of cinema for you!

We sincerely hope the dragon Dany is cuddling within this photo manages to survive all of the violence in Westeros because she seems so content. Although the design of the dragons is impressive, Clarke’s sincere smile is what really makes this picture stand out.
Varys And Sansa At Comic Con
There is this other GOT BTS image that I wrote about, but now I can’t seem to find it on the internet. So the following description is when I first saw that image. It appears like the Game of Thrones cast spends a lot of time getting close at Comic-Con. After all, when the show is actually being filmed, multiple continents are being used to shoot scenes that might or might not include the other main characters. For instance, Varys and Sansa haven’t had a lot of screen time throughout the course of the series, but that doesn’t stop their actors, Conleth Hill and Sophie Turner, from hanging together at Comic-Con.

In fact, it looks like Turner and Hill are enjoying themselves in this picture. Hill understands how to mug for the camera and appears to have no problem with Turner sticking her tongue in his face. Varys might be all business in the show’s world, but Hill definitely knows how to deliver some humor when it’s needed. Despite the fact that their filming day may have been particularly long, his appearance on set will likely make the other members of the cast laugh.
Let’s Forget That You Crushed My Head
Pedro Pascal played Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones for a brief period of time, but he left an impression that later Dornish characters on the series struggled to match. Pascal’s appearance on the show was regrettably cut short by a run-in with The Mountain, which left him without a head. Fans of the character and Tyrion Lannister, whom Oberyn was defending in his trial by battle, both had a terrible day.

Nevertheless, it’s good to see Pascal has a sense of humor about the situation. Pascal appears to be implying that there are no unresolved issues between him and the person who broke his character’s skull by publishing a photo of himself with Hafr Jlus Björnsson and stating the two of them are friends. The two actors’ differing physical types are also humorous, which contributes to the drama surrounding their fight in the show.
The Proud Aunt
We recently got a terrific inside look at the first encounters between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. Despite the fact that their on-screen meeting was fairly tense, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington are best friends. Still, in their very first scenes together on the show, they were complete strangers, and tensions kept going to rig up in part because Jon continued to refuse to bend his knee.

Both Jon and looks happy in this image. Looks like Dany is one of Jon’s fans, met him in the street and took a photo with him, and is very excited to meet him. I also feel like Aunt Dany is proud of her Nephew Jon.
Emilia Clarke emphasizes how frustrating Jon’s hesitation in swearing allegiance to Daenerys has been in season 6, especially given that it is clear that they share the same objectives. The actors’ closeness is shown in this specific Instagram post. Additionally, Kit’s silly smile and glasses are unbeatable since they both make him appear far less broody than the Northerner we are all familiar with.
Also Read: Most Shocking Game Of Thrones Deaths That We Didn’t Expect