In Below Deck Mediterranean Season 7 Episode 5, we’re about to see more of Natasha and Chef Dave, who managed to keep things on a tight lid until it was obvious to everyone on the boat that they were a couple. This season so far has covered that angle, while we’ve also seen some irresponsible things, like Raygan shirking her duties on boat and Captain Sandy laying down the law on those who are too lazy on her boat to do some actual work.
So, what’s it going to be this week? Are we going to see some more of the lovebirds? Perhaps Raygan will make us laugh a little more with her mishaps. Or maybe we’ll see how Captain Sandy navigates the hell out of that boat across the Mediterranean? In any case, we’re in for some starboard stories in Below Deck. So, without any further ado, let’s take a look at what last week’s episode had in store for us!

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 7 Episode 4 Recap
Now that we know all about Chef Dave and Natasha, and so does the rest of the crew, this episode is pretty much composed of confessionals and scenes behind closed doors. These two simply cannot maintain the status quo, can they? She is practically ignoring him in the galley for one moment. She accuses him of being strange the next moment, making him even more uneasy in their bedroom. The chief’s internal stew is being consumed by guilt over cheating on her off-screen ex with the chef. She is therefore desperate to have a say in how all of their new coworkers perceive their relationship. Sorry Natasha, but you’re already losing control of the story because you’re being completely honest in your confessionals. That’s how reality TV operates, sweetheart.
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Storm And Natalya
Another flirtation is going on in the background among the team. One that has actually gone unmentioned thus far due to the other storylines obscuring it. But Natalya Scudder and Storm Smith are at odds with one another. They have been doing so for a while. That is if the second stew isn’t planning to wed a wealthy elderly man and then push him down the stairs after getting him to sign over his yacht. She is more likely to accept the mustachioed deckhand’s flirtatious and cute visits from the laundry room.
Captain Sandy is forced to make a snap decision during the second charter due to impending bad weather. The boat must dock once more. At least the visitors had the opportunity to swim in Crystal Lagoon first? Of course, no charter should ever be in a situation like this. Because the interior will now be in charge of entertaining the demanding, disgruntled visitors while they are two feet from the shore. M/Y Home must first travel to the marina. And things don’t exactly go as planned with that.
Docking OK
The initial docking went fairly well. However, the first warning sign appears when Raygan Tyler decides to take a lunch break. while the other members of the deck crew prepare the boat for docking. The ship is actually sailing toward the marina. The time is not right to eat! The emphasis is not on making authentic jam donuts. Storm decides to take control when the boat’s captain cannot be located. And, in all honesty, I’m glad someone did. Because disaster always occurs when Raygan assumes control again.
In her confessional, the bosun extols her superior docking skills. She does it so naturally! The captain is she! Raygan is apparently terrible at calling distances, to put it mildly. Because it is actually one meter away when she says that one of the concrete dolphins is three meters away. Oh, look! When she says, it’s one meter away. The dolphin will be struck by the boat. The bosun’s sense of depth is seriously off, as even Jason Gaskell can see. Captain Sandy has always made a big deal out of the fact that throughout her career, she has never hit anything. And, well, she can’t really say that anymore. And Raygan alone is to blame.
Good News
Thankfully, the motor yacht doesn’t seem to have any damage. But, at least to Captain Sandy, that is really irrelevant. Since the beginning, Raygan has had trouble performing the duties of the bosun. And she might have just met her demise by ramming the boat into a dolphin. But before taking any action, the captain must at least wait until the charter is over. The rest of the docking, which Raygan claims to be so skilled at, doesn’t go much better, which only makes things worse. A line falls into the water. The timing of the deck crew is all wrong. In order for them to, you know, actually dock the freaking boat, Sandy must apply pressure. Unflattering, to say the least. It’s “a bit of an s-tshow,” according to Mzi Dempers.
Captain Sandy Lays Down The Law
Captain Sandy has already started looking for a new bosun by the time the guests have boarded a tender to leave the boat. The yacht staff member only has bad news, however: there are no available replacement bosuns. One more deckhand is the only alternative. She summons Storm to the wheelhouse the following day to thank him for handling the docking despite others’ mistakes. The charter comes to a decent conclusion. Additionally, the crew receives a $19,000 tip. But following the toast, Sandy summons Raygan to the bridge and scolds her for not doing her job properly.

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 7 Episode 5 Release Date
Below Deck Mediterranean Season 7 Episode 5 will release on Monday, August 8, 2022 at 20:00 hrs, Eastern Time, on Bravo.
Where To Watch Below Deck Mediterranean?
Tune in to Bravo on Mondays at 20:00 Eastern Time to watch the “Home” sail across the Mediterranean sea and observe its crew’s struggles. Peacock Premium, Sling TV, Spectrum on Demand, Bravo’s app and website, DirecTV streaming, and Fubo TV all offer the show for streaming. Additionally, you can purchase the program from Google Play, Vudu Fandango, Apple iTunes, Microsoft Store, and Amazon Direct Video.