The one and only Ubisoft aired Division 2. It is an online action role-player. In comparison to the debut, Division 2 offers a far deeper narrative gameplay with fewer throwaway tasks and superior open-world activities. Each quest in the core campaign seems authentic.
The majority of gamers claimed it was a leap forward over the previous edition in terms of setting, gameplay, appearance, warfare, and music, pretty much in every aspect. It garnered favorable feedback from people. The video game was a marketing accomplishment, distributing more than ten million units internationally.
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List of Best Gear Set: Division 2
Every game’s combat levels up if you get your hands on the right gear and ammunition in the video game. Division 2 is no different. We will discuss some of the best gear sets in Division 2 that will help up your battles to a great extent.

The Striker Set
When you use the Striker’s Pack, which has a level of 31 or above, your skill power boosts by 4,374.
In Foggy Bottom, you can hunt for this equipment while completing tasks such as prisoner rescues and territorial control. It is simple to obtain the entire gear pack from this region because it frequently appears.
- +15 weapon handling
- +15 fire rate
- Striker’s Gamble- strikes overall damage by 0.5% over 50 times. One stack is lost every second, and three are lost if you miss.
This set includes a Striker’s harness, Striker’s knee pads, Striker’s mask, Striker’s gloves, and a Striker’s holster.
True Patriot
This one is a must in group settings. If you have this set on you, you are going to be of so much help to the team. Its elite bonus will help you defeat the badest of the enemies in Division 2. Watch your teammates praise you while you knock the enemies’ ass*s!
- +10 armor damage
- +10 protection
- +10 armor
- Red Debuff. This is when it reduces the damage you get
- White Debuff. This is when it reinstalls your armor with every bullet you get hit by
- Blue Debuff- A lot of colored debuffs, eh! This one gets you some skill haste when you are attacked
- Full Flag. This lets you attack with all the available debuffs. What’s interesting is the nearby enemies also get affected
This set includes True Patriot’s harness, True Patriot’s knee pads, True Patriot’s gloves, True Patriot’s mask, and True Patriot’s holster.
Hard Wired
This one provides you with plenty of repair and wreckage ability and is quite well-rounded. Additionally, if you have a minimum of four items of gear in this collection, it gives you a +20 on skill strength. It is not as simple to get your hands on this. You must craft it.
The fact that it’s possible to activate Tamper proof is one of the set’s primary advantages and a big reason why it’s so well-known. However, to do this, you need to have five items of the hard-wired gear set. It endows your arms with an electromagnetic quality that will startle your enemies completely.
- +20 health
- +20 shock
- +20 power
- Tamper Proof- Enemies shocked
- Feedback Loop- Your skills are reactivated when you kill. All skills are reactivated when you heal an ally who has no protection.
This set includes Hard Wired’s harness, Hard Wired’s knee pads, Hard Wired’s gloves, Hard Wired’s mask, and Hard Wired’s holster.
Aces and Eights
This set demands that you be a member of the Sharpshooter specialty. With its improved precision and marksman gun damage, it is crucial for people who maintain marksman rifles.
- +20 weapon handling
- +20 precision
- +10 marksman rifle damage
- Dead Man’s Hand: You get to flip a card by using your marksman rifle to kill an opponent. Getting headshots will turn two. For a period of ten seconds, Full House restores the firearm and halts ammunition loss. For a period of ten seconds, Four of a Kind provides 30% additional armor. The following five shots deal 100% greater harm.
- Sheriff’s Favor- The impact of Dead Man’s Hand is made applicable to every one of the raid participants.
This set includes Aces and Eight’s harness, Aces and Eight’s knee pads, Aces and Eight’s gloves, Aces and Eight’s mask, Aces and Eight’s holster.
We hope this list of gear sets helped you improve your Division 2 gameplay. Let us know which gear set is amongst your favorites!
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