Uncharted, the 2022 film starring Mark Walhberg and Tom Holland, is a prequel that sets the stage for the Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan story we saw in the popular video game. It’s an action-packed flick that takes the heroes into different perils: They jump out of airplanes, delve into vaults, and blow up pirate vessels to recover ancient treasures. And while the film is very entertaining, it does have a few plot holes that raise the possibility of a sequel.
Let’s discuss the possibility of an Uncharted 2 movie release date as we anticipate a potential sequel. Let’s put some pieces of that puzzle together and try to make sense of a plot, cast, and other necessary aspects for the film to materialize, so, without any further ado, let’s get this show on the road and begin!
Uncharted 2 Production Trail
The first Uncharted started development in 2008 and got stuck in production hell, being handed over to several crews before finally landing a solid production crew, only to get delayed in production again because of the pandemic, reshooting, and then a final release in February 2022. It was rocky as hell for the first movie taking years to come to fruition. The producers might’ve learned a thing or two from such a rocky past for a sequel.

Uncharted 2: What Can It Be About?
The first movie gave us a few plot holes that led to a sequel. Firstly, in Uncharted, we see how Sully and Nathan make a bond after getting away from Braddock. Then, in the film’s post-credit scenes, a new villain emerges named Gage. In a second post-credit scene, Nathan and Sully are seen —again running away— from Gage after a deal gone sour. So, if Uncharted 2 comes to fruition, it might pick up with a plot line following Gage’s machinations in dealing with Nathan and Sully.
As with all video game adaptations, we should bear in mind that the debut movie isn’t perfect. Still, it’s a good way to introduce us to the aspects of the plot in an audiovisual way. As such, the sequel won’t directly tell the video game’s storyline either, but it could go in that direction.
The cast should reprise Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg as Sully and Nathan for a sequel. The supporting cast should be a different one, though. Considering that this is a high-budget movie, we could expect some big names and A-listers to join the cast. The focus should be on who will play the antagonist and who will play other roles, such as the antagonist’s henchmen, some romantic interests, and other allies that Sully and Nathan could find along the way. We could expect Sophia Ali, Pilou Asbæk, and Elena Fisher to be back in this production.

Uncharted 2 Movie Release Date
As stated earlier, the first Uncharted movie saw fruition after a rocky start all the way back in 2008. If the producers learned anything from that rocky road, they might set out to produce a sequel with full steam ahead. Still, they will need to put in check a few items first.
On the one hand, Tom Holland will be quite busy in the next year with some professional appointments. He has a Fred Astaire biopic along the way and a couple of other projects he needs to attend first before he can fully commit to filming Uncharted 2. The same goes for Mark Wahlberg, whose burger chain, podcasts, and other acting gigs take up most of his agenda.
Now, let’s say the two main actors manage to get the go-ahead. Then we have general production delays as an issue, there are always new public health warnings along the way, which might also block production. Still, if Uncharted 2 gets greenlit, the sequel could be out and released sometime in spring 2024. It sounds like a long way from there, but that’s how it goes with these kinds of productions. We’ll keep an eye out and let you know if there’s an update with this movie. Until then, that’s all the time we have for now concerning this Tom Holland movie. Thanks for your attention, and see you soon!
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