Excited for Love Island Season 9 Episode 23? This Lana, Ron, and Casey triangle storyline it’s just not giving. I don’t know how many days I can take off the Lana and Ron Saga. I just feel like it’s dragging now, it’s giving Lana Island, it’s giving Gemma Island, and it’s giving Lucy Island.
Honestly, I’m not going to go through my notes because most of this episode 22 was redundant if you ask me. But Tanyel was last to pick in the recoupling and she chose Ron because there was nobody else. And after she’s giving him a pep talk, basically saying “hey things are not done with you and Lana”.
Of course, the book is not closed, but it should be though. Because like I said yesterday, Ron is the type of guy who will do all his transgressions and expect to be forgiven at every single turn. And then it’s dumbfounded when one thing is done wrong by his partner and he has to forget to forgive. Why would he do that”? He’s just one of those guys who is absolutely terrifying.
Love Island Season 9 Episode 22 Recap
Before diving into Love Island Season 9 Episode 23, let’s quickly recap the previous Episode. Lana when I said you were a glutton for punishment, I was being facetious. But here you were proving my point. So Tanyel was trying to be a buffer between Lana and Ron. She was basically saying “hey he’s not really ready to talk right now. If you’re gonna talk to him, just know it’s kind of tender”. And Lana’s like “I’m gonna go talk to him”. So Lana walks over to Ron to have a chat. But Ron tells her that he doesn’t want to talk right now.

You will not have the opportunity to embarrass me once let alone twice. Lana has been embarrassed 511 times. Lana, so you like this? Are you sadistic? Girl you just like this kind of pain? Oh my gosh, she is trying to talk to Ron and he is saying that he is good.
I understand his feelings were hurt. I’m not even gonna like being too harsh on him because ow people have feelings. But the least he could have done was take her aside and then say “hey there’s a little tender right now, maybe let’s not have this conversation”. But you’re gonna shun me away in front of everyone? So instead of actually talking to Lana, Ron is gonna go and talk to Casey instead. He tells him he got a good girl and shouldn’t f it up.
And I hope Casey is better than Ron. Seeing that he’s 26, maybe he’s been around the block a few more times and just understands “yo you don’t treat women this way”. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and I don’t think he’d be the type to move the way Ron was moving. I mean only time will tell, you really never know in the Love Island Villa. But I was just so annoyed by this conversation because I’m like nobody needs a pep talk from you Ron, definitely not Casey.
The Happy Couples
On to the Happy couples, Will was over the moon that he and Jessie are together. You would think it was the first time they’re recoupling. I know there’s still the debate on whether or not Jessie’s playing a game, but let’s be honest, if you were partnered up with somebody like Will and that was a facade, I believe at some point the mask would slip. Because he is just so peculiar that you wouldn’t be able to fake it forever. You’ve got to be either understanding of his kind of weird or the same kind of weird and I think that’s Jessie. I really believe it, I really do.

Also, things I also believe are Tanya and Shaq. I know you guys still think that they’re playing a game. I had said prior to that I needed Casa more to know for sure if they were legit, and now I think it’s legit.
I’m definitely not feeling Tanya is playing the game as much as I thought before. But like I said in the beginning, I wouldn’t be mad at that, it would be a new narrative that we’re not used to seeing. I would not be mad at that, but I think she really likes the guy and I think he really likes the girl. I think she has love for him, I think he really has a love for her and they are exclusive so let’s see how this goes.
Drift Between Olivia And Samie
I might be starting to believe the Redemption story that they’re trying to paint for Tom. By believing I don’t mean I’m rooting for him, but he’s actually found someone that he’s genuine about. When I see Tom, I see more of a connection with Samie than I’ve seen with him and anybody else. Definitely, there was nothing between him and Olivia.
I thought there was something there with him and Zara. But it wasn’t this kind of comfort that he has with Samie. He seems a lot more intentional, maybe that could be editing, and them showing him being more of the pursuer rather than just waiting to be pursued by the women. So if there’s gonna be a turnaround for Tom, I think this is the genesis of it, and stay focused though
Then there was this Ladiator challenge not really much to note for me besides Samie did tip over water onto Olivia and Olivia did not like that. After the challenge, she basically was talking to Tanya, and I think there was somebody else I don’t remember and was saying “does she have an issue with me”. Olivia says “maybe tonight I’ll speak to Samie and just make sure we’re all good. I’d hate for her to feel a type of way towards me and me not know why”. We all have an issue with you Olivia, most of us. And this is because you’re just meh.

In terms of like Samie, with Sammy trying to instigate, maybe. But I’m here for it, truly, I am I’m ready for the Villa to pipe up and give us some drama, give us something, something to follow along that is spicy and that is Juicy. Samie seems to be the type to poke the bear, not mad at it. Tanyel, I’m starting to believe that there are parts of her that are being edited out or she’s been told to take it easy. Because there’s no way Tanyel being Tanya will bite her tongue this much in the villa. And there’s got to be something else going on
Speaking of something else going on, Ron and Lana are doing their thing. And Casey is basically like “wait, I thought I was the front runner and what is happening here?” Ron talks with Casey and tells him, “in a couple of days whether she changed her mind or not. If she does then I’ll still be here”. Can you imagine that all it took was a goofy ass Gladiator outfit and a flimsy ass sword being poked into Casey’s chest for Lana to say “that’s my man”? Now we will discuss when will Episode 23 of Love Island Season 9 will release.
Love Island Season 9 Episode 23 Release Date & Preview
Love Island Season 9 Episode 23 will release on 7 February 2023 on ITV2. Anyways in the next episode, Casey seems like he’s gonna buck up a little bit. I don’t think he’s that super fiery person but he could give us a little bit of something, just a little taste in tomorrow night’s episode. So we’ll have to see how that goes down.
Where To Watch Love Island Season 9 Episode 23 & Release Time
Episode 23 of Love Island Season 9 will air at 9 pm GMT in the UK. The episode 23 release timings for the rest of the world are as follows:
- 4:00 pm Eastern Time (USA) on Tuesday, 7th February 2023
- 9:00 pm Greenwich Mean Time (London) on Tuesday, 7th February 2023
- 2:30 am Indian Standard Time (India) on Wednesday, 8th February 2023
- 6:00 am Japan Standard Time (Japan) on Wednesday, 8th February 2023
- 6:00 am Korean Standard Time (Korea) on Wednesday, 8th February 2023
- 8:00 am Australian Standard Time (Australia) on Wednesday, 8th February 2023
You can watch episode 23 on ITVX in the UK and on Hulu in the US.
Also Read: How To Watch Love Island Season 9 Episodes? Streaming Guide