There are many anime series currently ongoing. Every series entertains fans with different aspects. Some have weird names, some have a weird storyline, and some have both. The same case is with one of the popular anime named, Please Take My Brother Away. The series is getting quite popular recently due to many reasons. First, it’s a unique story. The heartwarming relationship between siblings is something that puts a natural essence in the storyline, and the second is its uniquely built characters.
Every character involved in the series has their own way of leaving an impact on the story, and both the protagonists are on the next level. As of now, four seasons of the series have been aired, and the fifth season is in its running time. Seven episodes have been released so far, and the stage is all set for the eighth one.
As the seventh episode did a fantastic job on the screens, fans are eagerly waiting for the eighth episode, and it includes some of the questions in their minds regarding the episode’s release date and spoilers. We know it’s hard to search for every other doubt on the Internet, and that’s the problem we are trying to solve in this article itself. Here, we will put every single thing you need to know regarding Please Take My Brother Away season 5 episode 8 in detail.
Please Take My Brother Away is a Chinese manhua series which animated into a Japanese anime by two famous studios, Fanworks and Imagineer. The series features two siblings who don’t want to live together, and the sister is finding ways to escape from her brother’s shadows. The beautifully designed, heartwarming story will definitely make you refresh and you, and we highly recommend this animated series to everyone. The series is available in Japanese as well as in Mandarin language.
Please Take My Brother Away Cast:
Please Take My Brother Away has relatively fewer characters than most anime series, but it is not mean that the series is dull or made in a hurry. In fact, each character involves a unique role, and you will feel the same when you dive into the series. Voice artists did their best in voicing the characters, whereas the staff seemed so inspired because the direction and music of the series are superb. Some of the talented voice artists include Yuichi Nakamura, who voiced Shi Fen, whereas Sora Amamiya gave a voice to Shi Mao. Zhen Kaixin is voiced by Kensho Ono, while Miaomiao is voiced by Chitose Morinaga.

Rareko appoints as the director and the scriptwriter for the series, whereas Brian the sun performed the theme music for the series. The music got huge love from fans across the globe. Thanks to You Ling for the creation of this beautiful series.
Please Take My Brother Away Season 5 Episode 8 Release Date & Expectations:
Episode 8 of Please Take My Brother Away season 5 is all set to release on 16 September 2022. As the seventh episode aired recently, It will be impossible for us to predict the exact spoilers of the series at this point in time. In fact, the preview of the episode isn’t released yet, and creators don’t reveal these kinds of information till the very end.
In case of any major updates regarding spoilers, we will update this article for sure. If it’s major news regarding the anime itself, we will post a new article covering each and every detail. Make sure to follow us to stay connected to anime news and updates.

Watch Please Take My Brother Away Online:
Unfortunately, there are no streaming providers that lets us stream Please Take My Brother Away at this point in time. The anime airs in Japan on TV Tokyo at a fixed time. As the series is gaining more and more popularity, we hope some streaming service will acquire the license very soon. All we have to do is wait till then. We will let you know if there’s some way made available to stream this anime outside Japan.
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