27 Times Wedding Guests Stole the Show with their antics! People enjoy weddings and occasionally witness amusing incidents that make those weddings even more memorable. Weddings are incredibly amazing because you get to witness two people publicly announcing their love for each other.
However, the course of the day is not always completely predictable. There is always someone who manages to steal the attention away from the bride, whether it be due to folks drinking too much or someone forgetting the day is not all about them.
These wedding guests forgot about politeness, made everyone uncomfortable to the maximum, and stole the show. Try not to make hasty decisions about who you invite to your wedding as you giggle uncontrollably at these pictures.
Although these incidents might upset the groom and bride, and rightly so, these hilarious antics of the wedding guests bring a smile to the guests’ faces. From a celeb attending a wedding and stealing the bride’s limelight to a deer photobombing the wedding pictures, here we are with our “27 Times Wedding Guests Stole the Show with their antics!”.
Take a pause, enjoy every incident covered in our “27 Times Wedding Guests Stole the Show with their antics!” and tell us which one you made laugh out loud!
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“I Want This To Get Over Right Now!”
This young groomsman is not feeling well and wants everyone to know it. We can picture him stomping down the aisle and crossing his arms at the end to sulk throughout the wedding. Despite his attitude, everyone seems to think it’s funny. We wonder what led to his agitation before the ceremony.

We can understand him because perhaps his tuxedo was uncomfortable, or he didn’t feel like donning expensive shoes. Being a visitor at a wedding is one thing, but getting married yourself is a completely different experience that can be taxing.
Mom! It’s Time For My Afternoon Nap.
The first photo was shot before the ceremony and the second shot was after it. She had more excitement and patience before, and you can tell she is sad that her role and moment of glory are no longer needed. Either she needs to rest before the party, or it is time to go to bed.

When you are a member of the wedding party, there is a lot to do before the ceremony; the day begins early in the morning. This little child probably hasn’t felt like interacting with anyone since the early hours of the morning.
” Who Does Not Want Jennifer Lawrence As A Guest At Their Wedding!”
The one thing we are certain about Jennifer Lawrence is that she is the most awkward celebrity. She always manages to trip over something, even though she is adorable and lovable wherever she goes. It must have been difficult for her not to steal the show when her brother married, but she had to give it her all.

Jennifer undoubtedly delivered a wonderful speech because she is well known for being a goofball, and people were eager to chat with her. She is iconic, having won a Golden Globe ahead of Meryl Streep, so it’s difficult to concentrate on anyone else, even the bride.
I Will Be Back Once I Catch My Kids!
Everyone gasped in amazement when the flower girl ran off too close to the water just as they were ready to exchange vows. She continued, and her mother responded, “I’ll deal with the runner,” as she set off after her. On this unique occasion, it was breathtaking to witness.

The flower girl wanted to stretch her legs on the boardwalk because she was sick of standing still. It’s comparable to the footage of the young child running while brandishing a knife, forcing his mother to pursue him when they were at a party. The young girl, at least, doesn’t have any weapons on her.
My First Experience As A Flower Girl Was Embarrassing!
It’s very wonderful when you initially volunteer to be a flower girl. For the first time, you get to wear a fancy outfit, receive a unique hairstyle, and get compliments on how adorable you are. For newcomers, the initial experience might be somewhat overwhelming and upsetting.

She did not anticipate having so many eyes on her; it is a lot to manage. She is fortunate to have an experienced professional on her side, but that doesn’t make much of a difference. She is probably more irate since people are making fun of her grief.
When Meghan Markle Is Your Bridesmaid!
Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, a former royal, has been the talk of the town for a while. But in 2016, she was asked to be a bridesmaid at her friend’s wedding before her royal wedding. It wasn’t too crazy because this was before she made the news.

Even though Meghan was well-known for her role in the television series Suits, she could have easily blended in at such a large event. It would have been considerably harder to go as a regular visitor if this had happened soon after her engagement or wedding.
In My Defense, I Love To Dance!
Do you recall the Spongebob Squarepants episode where he tears his pants, and everyone laughs at him? Like Spongebob, this groomsman danced so vigorously that he split his pants. However, he wouldn’t let this wardrobe mishap prevent him from having fun.

He not only danced so vigorously that his pants split but also indicated that the party was amazing. People will always remember this special wedding moment and have images to help them do so.
Mom! I Don’t Like This Decor!
Just so you know, Mom, I don’t like this arrangement. The young boy glared at his parents as he made his way down the aisle, making it evident that he did not sign up to be the ring bearer, which was not what he wanted. He nevertheless proceeded down the aisle since he followed orders.

Children are entertaining, and they never try to hide their true emotions. It’s like having to control intoxicated people despite their small bodies. Everyone will keep mentioning how much he stole the show at this ceremony until he gets married.
We Are Bored. Let’s Go For A Swim!
When you were younger, do you recall wanting to spend your entire vacation lounging by the pool? These youngsters didn’t feel like seeing their parents’ wedding vow renewal. He had not attended the first wedding and didn’t intend to attend the second.

He only wanted to sip fruit smoothies while on vacation and splash everyone by the pool. This is not what he had imagined when his folks said they were going on vacation. He likely would not have accepted the invitation if they had not forewarned him.
A Live Example Of A Monster-In-Law!
While loving your significant other may come naturally to you, it may not necessarily be the case for their families. Many people get along well with their in-laws, but some find it difficult, particularly when their partner is a “momma’s boy.” The bride clashed with her mother-in-law during the couple’s wedding preparations.

The bride’s mother-in-law arrived at the wedding wearing a white bridal gown. It was very uncomfortable, and the photos resembled a bride-themed “Where’s Waldo.” Because she was treating the occasion as if it were her own wedding, the mother-in-law didn’t give a damn.
Are They Laughing At Me?
When this bride received her wedding photos from the photographer, she was inconsolable with laughter at one specific image. The flower girl found it strange that these mature women could spontaneously chuckle. She was perplexed because it takes a lot to make a small girl laugh.

“Why are they laughing? The photographer stated, “Laugh,” and they immediately began to do so. ” It’s embarrassing to watch someone pose for fake laughing photos, and taking them yourself is extremely awkward.
Bye! I Only Came Here For The Cake!
A little girl won’t stay warm enough in a winter or fall wedding dress. They used a pair of khaki pants underneath to keep this spunky girl warm while they posed outside for photos, rather than tights or a jacket.

She doesn’t appear to be interested in shooting any more pictures, even with the pair of pants. She was informed she would be compensated in cake, so she is eager to get this event going. She looks unsure if she is paid for her charming services because there isn’t any cake outside.
You Will Never Be Able To Guess! Ha Ha!
She appears to be yawning, so hopefully, there isn’t a reason to shout at a wedding. We are concerned that she is so afraid since that face resembles the face of a child in fear. Weddings should be enjoyable, not frightening.

She might have seen someone wearing a white dress and been horrified by the misstep in dressing. We would similarly be screaming in a panic if someone thought it was acceptable to wear a white dress to someone else’s wedding.
Hey, I Want To Get Clicked Too!
This gorgeous couple decided to take advantage of the natural setting at their rustic wedding by taking photos in the neighboring field. They were dressed for a woodland wedding, and the scenery was lovely, but they weren’t prepared for this unexpected visitor. The bride’s bouquet appeared to be a deer intruder’s ideal lunch.

They were alright, but they didn’t want to frighten the adorable animal. It was enjoyable for everyone involved and resulted in a memorable photo. They were on a post-wedding high and didn’t care that the bride stated it was like something out of a movie.
Being A Priest Is A Tough Job, Too, You Know!
Some people find little excitement in weddings, especially if they work in the wedding industry and interact with couples weekly. No one could locate the priest when it was time for this service. He decided to get some rest as he waited for the day to start since it was just another workday.

He must have definitely forgotten to set the alarm because he was out like a light when the ceremony was meant to start. The priest mispronounced names during the vows because he was still drowsy at the moment. At least the bride and groom were aware of their impending union.
I Know I Look Cute This Way Too!
This young girl brought back our trust in the art of photobombing just as we were about to lose interest in it. When she noticed the camera taking pictures, she decided to flaunt the gold she had uncovered inside her nose.

Her mother grabbed her and informed her that they don’t do that at weddings, just as she was ready to let the camera get up close and personal with her boogers. She added a lot of excitement and humor to this picture, despite its inappropriate use.
Don’t Mind Me! I’m Doing What I Need To Do.
While some couples opt for indoor or church weddings, others make the most of their local area’s gorgeous beaches. However, as public beaches can’t be entirely rented out, the issue of stray people viewing your wedding arises when you get married on the beach.

This couple’s seaside wedding was interrupted by an unwanted visitor. He likely thought their archway was a fire hydrant. But since they’ve been together for seven years, perhaps the dog was meant to be a blessing.
I Said I Needed To Eat The Cake First!
” I said I would take a photo. However, I only agreed to smile or stand up when I got my cake. His parents are wondering why he can’t be easy like his older brother. The youngest one is always challenging and likes to do things in their way.

His brother is thinking, “Come on, just stand up, and they will give you whatever you want. I’ve done this before, and it’s not that hard. ” Sometimes we don’t want to take pictures, so we sympathize with this little boy.
NO! It’s Not Cara Delevigne’s Wedding!
We thought everyone knew that wearing white at someone else’s wedding was a fashion faux pas. As a fashion model, Cara Delevigne should have known this rule, but she decided to wear a white dress on her sister’s wedding day.

Poppy didn’t seem to care that Cara was wearing white, and she might have even asked her sister to do so. However, as someone already famous, we would think she wouldn’t try to stand out more than she already does.
Lady Gaga Is About To Bust Out Some Dance Moves At Any Moment Now!
Lady Gaga has always been a phenomenal performer dedicated to her art. She seemed to take her role as a bridesmaid quite seriously. She gladly agreed to help on the day of her friend’s New Orleans wedding.

Unlike most of her looks, Gaga kept her hair and makeup natural and understated. Although she made a clear effort to blend in and keep the attention on the couple, we are confident that the photographers captured additional images of this particular bridesmaid.
Taylor Swift Was At My Wedding, And I Didn’t Mind Being The Side Character!
Taylor Swift will be recognizable in any crowd as one of the most recognizable faces in the music business. But this doesn’t stop her from going to things like the wedding of her longtime closest friend. She could not refuse the invitation to serve as Britany Maack’s maid of honor.

Taylor remained by her buddy’s side throughout it all, from the initial stages of the wedding planning to assist her friend in walking down the aisle. No one can dispute that Taylor Swift was the center of attention!
“Hey! Look, I Do Not Wear Diapers Anymore!”

If any of the guests were curious, this young child has completed potty training and is currently dressed in big girl underwear. She couldn’t wait to wear her brand-new Minnie Mouse undies since she was so happy to have them. Since everyone was already looking in the same direction, she seized the opportunity when she noticed it.
Her parents were probably wondering how they could have erred at such a young age when they found her a little while later. It’s a relief that the bride and groom don’t seem amused by the scenario, showing that they are focused on their ceremony.
I Just Want To Go Home!
This young child changed her mind about being the flower girl just before the ceremony. She was already through the entire day before the ceremony began because she had had enough of the photos and waiting around. It was impossible to overlook her gorgeous pouting, which dominated the show.

Being at a wedding is difficult, and nobody appreciates the demands of being a flower girl. You need to put on a dress and evenly distribute the flower petals. It’s difficult to deal with everyone complimenting you on how cute you are.
The Toy Truck Did Not Work Any Miracles!
When you bring a young child to a wedding, you must be ready to entertain and occupy them throughout the ceremony. Nobody wants to be the parent of the crying infant who steals the show from the bride and groom. It failed to function in this instance, though.

The truck was supposed to keep this youngster occupied and quiet, but he had other ideas. He determined that the grassy area was insufficient and that it would be easier for his truck to move around in the middle of the aisle.
I Think I Will Give This A Chance!
She was eager to try walking down the aisle at first, but as soon as she overheard others laughing, she turned around and left. “You have no right to mock my elegant gait. You’re meant to compliment me on how stunning I look in my party attire. ”

How can you not find this scene amusing? The bride was meant to walk down the aisle, but everyone was too preoccupied with her mini-outburst to remember this. The audience was clamoring for an encore since she unquestionably stole the show.
I’m Here To Add Some Extra Drama!
You never know how your kids will behave on the big day if you have them at your wedding. One of the young relatives of this marriage served as the flower girl, and when her duties were up, she was not prepared to give up the limelight. The flower girl recognized her big opportunity during the silent prayer and seized it.

Until the end of the prayer, she threw herself on the ground and wriggled around. Even the bride and groom tried to contain their laughs, but it was too funny. The flower girl knew this would not be her final act as the room erupted in laughter.
It’s Time To Shut It Down!
No one wants to see me when I’m cranky, so I don’t care if you haven’t cut the cake yet. It’s time to end this celebration because it’s time for me to go to bed. After a long day of wedding festivities, this little girl was party-worn and prepared to hit the road.

We long for those kinds of days when we could just collapse on the floor when we were too exhausted to interact with anyone. Those behaviors might be viewed as alarming, impolite, or chaotic. Unfortunately, adults must always behave appropriately.
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