Blue Box is an ongoing manga written and illustrated by Kōji Miura. The manga was started in 2021 and is considered to be one of the new coming finest multigenre manga. It involves the romantic comedy between Taiki Inomata and Chinatsu Kano. These two are athletes at the same time, with the former being on the boys’ badminton team and the other one on the girls’ basketball team.
This manga is good for readers who wish to see a mix of romance and athletes with competition and comedy at the same time. Taiki at Eimei Junior and Chinatsu at Senior High have a shared passion for moving their teams to the national championship. Their love story seemed difficult at first when we realized that Chinatsu is one of the best at her game and is considered to be “the rising star of the basketball team.”
Whereas Taiki is just starting to challenge his potential and position in the team and is nowhere near the popularity, Chinatsu gets. But he gets a chance to change his idea of never getting near Chinatsu and change their bond as soon as Chinatsu moves in with Taiki’s family as her parents migrate overseas.
Previously in Chapter 71 (Spoilers!)
Chapter 71 starts with a change of scenery, but the team’s condition is still the same in the Joint Training Camp. The Autumn Training Camp is a camp where students from the three clubs – Badminton, Basketball, and Rhythmic Gymnastics have arrived to honor the school’s founding anniversary. The Badminton team is undergoing rigorous training and running around the sprints.
While they are utterly tired after doing their exercises and given time to rest up for leg exercises, the team watches the basketball team jog past, and they wonder how they are still up after the mountain sprints they had just done. They assume it’s probably because their gym is nearby, and they have to run to it. Soon enough, the rhythmic gymnast’s team passes the fellow two teams in a bus. It is then told that their gym is the farthest, and that is why they can’t even jog to it, which makes the badminton team feel lucky that their facility is connected to the building, but the basketball team still complains about it.
As their break time is over, Taiki wishes he could compete against Haryu and partner up with him for practice since he is the best on the team, but Haryu immediately declines the offer. The team complains about the “scenery,” which is a laughable moment since the temperature has become a bit cooler to practice in, but the court remains the same. The chapter moves onto one of the best moments to read, perhaps as we watch the build-up of the group to play King’s game- the card version.
The whole group settles in as the night is still young for them, and one after the other, they pick one card and have to do exact stuff on it. We watch how either one has to talk like a cat or get her hair done like Chinatsu, which does make her look cute and amusing at the same time. But the very important moment is when Taiki picks up his card and has to tell who he likes (romantically, not the parents’ love)!