Tanya and Jessie pissed me off to levels I have not felt throughout this entire season. But let me tell you who takes the cake, Olivia. So after seeing a clip of Ron talking behind her back about her being fake with other Islanders, Olivia says “I value my friendships in here very highly. And I would never speak about any of my friends like that while in their back.”
I’m sorry, were we not watching the same show? Did we not experience the same movie night? Did you not see the whole freaking montage of you doing exactly the same thing? The first title we have for Movie Night in Love Island Season 9 Episode 39 is Ronnie Darko, where Ron is seen egging on connections for Kai and Tom. He was basically talking about the bad sides of Samie and Olivia.
While watching the clip, Lana was there, sitting with shame on her face. And then you had Olivia, who broke into tears. And I really can’t be bothered. And Sammy was just too livid to even speak. I feel like maybe they cut it out, but I really wanted to see Samie give round the business, you know what I mean? Missed opportunity.
What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 39?
The next clip in Love Island Season 9 Episode 39’s Movie Night was Shaq To The Future where we rewind a lot of weeks back. In this, we saw Shaq flirting with Zara. And I don’t know why Tany was running her mouth at Shaq Flirting with Zara when she said ‘I Love You” to Shaq and kissed another man.

I honestly think that the producers played it wrong this time. I think to add salt to the wound, what they really should have done was show Shaq being like the absolute angel. They should have shown the birthday cake thing. Show him ironing her clothes just before she was going to Casa. Show him being very loyal, and sleeping outside. If you really wanted to twist the knife, I think that would have been the better move, to be honest with you.
I don’t think the flirting was that big of a deal. It was honestly so early on, they hadn’t even said I love you yet, they hadn’t been exclusive yet and it wasn’t that deep at that time. And Tanya was just making a big deal out of it. Tanya was really trying to insert herself into everybody else’s situation to play it up so that she doesn’t look as bad. I’m on to you sis and it’s not gonna work, OK. And Jesse, just pipe down. You’re really irritating, so shut up, girl.
Olivia’s Clips From Casa Amor
The next title was “Liv Actually”, where Olivia was seen being disingenuous and fake. In this, they saw that clip from the start of Casa Amor where Olivia said “I forgot his name [Kai]”. Then we saw a clip of her talking about Claudia, Samie, Kai, and Sanam behind their backs.
And these clips were so juicy. And even after watching Olivia talk about them behind their backs, the women were silent. Claudia is still loved up on Olivia as Olivia is bitching about her. Whatever kind of mind control Olivia has over these women is dangerous and women be released and break the shackles.

Olivia has been screaming up and down “Girl’s girl”, “I love us”, “I’m the best”, “I’m so real”, “I’m so genuine”, and there was literally a montage of her being the opposite of that, and you’ll still find a way to coddle and support her? I have to say it, I think I hate this cast of women. No, they really pissed me off.
Did Layla Touched Will’s Willy?
The next title was “Free Will-y” where they show some clips of the crazy things that Will did in the Casa Anor. But they also did show Will is very remorseful. Everyone was shocked to see the clip where it was looking like Layla was touching Will’s willy. And Jessie was literally this close to letting it go until Samie and Tanya “What happened in that bed? Yeah, she touched his Willy.” Stop it now, cause if that happened, Layla would have said something. Layla would have let you know from time to time.
And I love that the guys were like, “OK, so what you’re not gonna do is create a narrative that’s not even there. OK, we could talk about what you’ve seen. But don’t talk about what you didn’t see because you didn’t see it, so there’s no way to confirm. And if Will is saying it didn’t happen, then it didn’t happen”.
This is it’s reminding me of the Ekin-Su and whatever that little man’s name situation was. What made that situation Bad was the fact that Ekin-Su went to the boy after and was like, “don’t tell anybody what happened”. Or you can assume, OK, something actually did happen under the covers. Whereas in this situation it seemed like it was just poor placement of something somewhere and things got misconstrued. So yeah, don’t make something out of anything.

The next title is “Jess Side Story” where we see Jessie basically being the female Ron. This part made me chuckle because Will didn’t even make it a thing. Will was like, “oh, that was calm”. And Samie in an angry tone was like, “yeah, it was calm”. Samie you’re giving your energy to the wrong person. First, it was the Free Willy thing, and now it’s this. Samie take the anger that you have and put it on the right party, which is Tom.
Samie Gets Angry
The last titles were “Craving Private Ryan” and “Air Force Tom”. Craving Private Rayn didn’t really give us much. We know that Samie got the ick very quickly into Casa, so she didn’t give Rayn the energy the guys were looking for. However, Tom’s footage was something. I mean, I feel like everything he said, or everything that had since been exposed by both him and Lydia was what was shown, but Samie really was irked by the cuddle.
Listen, at the end of the day, women need to realize if a guy is getting to the point where he’s gonna kiss somebody, of course, there was something there. But girls got shocked every time, and were like “but you said there was nothing”. Of course, there’s something there in a girl to kiss, he’s not gonna kiss a tree monster. And if he is, well, damn, what does that say about you? So, yeah, the women do annoy me when they say things like “you said there was nothing there”, fully knowing that their man kissed whoever the girl was at the same time.
I like Samie and I wanna ride with her because she’s one of the more tolerable women that we have in the villa. But I’m just like, yeah, the places where Samie is putting her anger are a little bit confusing to me, just a little bit. I would have been more upset with the fact that I had to watch what was being told. But we know, when the show was over, you’re gonna see it anyway.

After the Movie Night, Olivia tries to be the victim by saying to girls that they should talk about how Ron was talking behind her back. And I was like “What is this girl talking about” because they also showed the clip where Olivia was talking behind everyone’s back. And all the girls were just idiots to bach her up in this.
Shaq Cries
Shaq is annoyed with Tanya, because she very clearly, as Martin said, downplayed the connection that she had in Casa Amor. Whole talking to the girls, Tanya says “I know that I didn’t do anything wrong in my clip. Nothing wrong. I told him everything that he needed to know”.
So after that awkward look between Shaq and Tom, when they both realize, “oh, we both did the dramatic thing about leaving the villa”, they did come together and Shaq cried. I felt really bad for the guy. Like I can’t fully, fully, fully, fully bad for him because he did accept her back as the same thing as Jessie. If I’m gonna have smoke for Jessie, I need to have smoke for Shaq too. Do you know what I mean?
But the reality is Tanya did downplay. And she is the queen of gaslighting. The more she was on my screen, the more I’m like “Oh, she really believes what she’s saying right now, even though almost all of it is a flat-out lie”. She really thinks she’s she’s in the right here. Even after watching herself back, she’s like, “I don’t know what’s the problem? What’s the issue?” Tanya might be the scariest person in Destiny’s childish. I also have something here with Jessie and Will, but we’re gonna leave them for the end with Tom and Samie. Yeah, we’re gonna move on.

Tanya Has Been Exposed And Olivia Is Embarrassed
Tanya has now been exposed, in the words of Martin, as a liar and insincere and she can’t take it. You cannot tell this Tanya anything, when she believes something, she’s gonna believe it until her arms bleed, until her legs crack, until her head is knocked off. Nothing can deter Tanya once she believes she’s right. And it’s so Scary.
How is it so hard to apologize to the man that you say you love this man, and he is clearly hurting for the right reasons? He’s not pulling it out of his ass. And you have the audacity to sit there and say “I’ve done all I can. I can’t reassure you anymore that I can. I don’t know what you want me to do? And if you leave the villa, then I’ll just have to watch you leave”. I’ll just have to watch you leave. Basically insinuating that if things end, it’s on Shaq, not her. Tanya scares me, and she terrifies me.
Olivia felt like she let Maxwell off too easy. Olivia says “I’m insecure and the situation with Tom really did hurt me. I took a big risk bringing Maxwell back into this villa, and he said he would be interested in getting to know other people. It is a bit embarrassing”.
I’m so glad she says she’s insecure because I’m like “At least you know you are insecure”. And let me tell you something, Olivia, and maybe anybody else who’s listening and who struggles with the Olivia syndrome. Just because someone’s words embarrassed you does not mean they were said with the intent to embarrass you.

So I understand Olivia’s embarrassment at the fact that she is all in, allegedly, on Maxwell and Maxwell is still keeping his options open if given the opportunity. But that does not mean he said that to purposely embarrass you. So now you don’t need to turn around and say, “well, I need to go in harsher on him because he made me feel embarrassed. He did not make you feel that way, you yourself made yourself feel that way. Don’t put that on Maxwell.
Tanya Does Not Love Shaq?
Last but not least, we had Shaq talking to the guys that he’s realizing whether Tanya loves him for real or not. And then when Shaq pulIs Tanya for a chat, Tanya says “I told you I’ve hit a wall and the part after the war is me not caring.” When Shaq asks Tanya “If she Loves him”, Tanya says, “the fact you’re asking me that question means you don’t trust me”.
Tanya, why should he trust you? You have given him ample reasons not to trust you. Tanya really, really really thinks she isn’t in the wrong here. She really, really thinks Shaq is pushing it and is doing too much. Even earlier in the episode, she was like “Oh, it’s reminding me of the old Shaq and I don’t like this”.
Listen personally, Shaq, if I ask the person that I love and who has claimed that they love me, “do you love me”, and they say, “well, obviously that means you don’t trust me for asking me that”, they don’t love you, bro.
Why is that your answer, Tanya? The question was “Do you love me?” The answer should be yes or no. Your answer is gonna be, “well, clearly that means you don’t trust me”. And Shaq, just leave her bro, real quick. I know people trying to stay to the end, and the end is almost near, but leave Tanya for you own sake.
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