A seven-year-old girl, Athena Presley Monroe Strand, disappeared on Wednesday, November 30th, 2022, and was found dead on Friday, December 2nd, 2022. With a heavy heart, let us see the events that took place and who was the culprit. She lived at 200 Block of County Road 3573 with her dad and stepmother. Athena came home from school at about 4:30 pm on Wednesday, as confirmed by the Wise County Sheriff’s office.
She argued with her stepmother, after which the mother went to cook dinner. But when she returned to check on Athena, she was not there, and her dad was on a deer hunting trip. After searching for Athena, at about 6:40 pm, the mother called 911. The men on duty came and swept the area to search for a four foot and 65 pounds Athena, but to no avail.
An Amber Alert was issued a day later for the little child. Who was afraid of the dark and dressed in a long-sleeved grey shirt and brown boots. “It doesn’t necessarily mean we expect foul play, but we understand that could be a possibility,” Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin told KPRC2.
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The Search For Athena Strand
Alongside the local police force, US Marshals, the FBI, and Texas Rangers, 200 volunteers also participated in the search for Athena. On social media, her birth mother, Maitlyn Presley Gandy, requested the public to help with the search. A distressed Maitlyn Gandy begged on social media not to give up on her baby. She described how it felt like a hole in her chest like her soul had gone missing.
The search yielded no success, and Wise County had to issue a notice for volunteers not to show up at the family home. The body of Athena was found on Friday, but there’s no report yet, of anything related to the murder, no location or details. Authorities reported that she died about an hour later after being abducted. Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin felt sorrowful while talking about the child’s death.
The Arrest of Tanner Horner
Tanner Horner, 31, was arrested for the abduction and murder of Athena Strand. He was a FedEx contract driver and delivered a package near the child’s house at the time of the kidnapping. In a news conference, Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin said that they have a confession. Sheriff Akin said at the press conference that it is the toughest investigation for him since it involves a child.

Tanner Horner had no connection with the Strand family and was a total stranger; the motive for this tragic crime is unknown. Horner has been charged with abduction and capital murder of a child (under ten years) and is currently in Texas Jail, booked with bonds totaling $1.5mil. Horner has no criminal history. What motivated this is still a mystery. FedEx showed deep sympathies and said, “Our thoughts are with the family of Athena Strand during this most difficult time.” They will continue to cooperate with the investigating authorities.
The Family and Friends of Athena Strand
On Monday, December 5th, 2022, Wise County Judge asked the community to dress in pink to honor Athena. Her school also presented a deepening statement; the entire Paradise ISD Family mourned Athena’s death. The school instated counselors in the elementary and intermediate campuses to help students deal with the aftermath.
Her family was devastated by the news. Mark Strand, her grandfather, said he wanted five minutes alone with the psycho that took his Athena away, but then depicted how he didn’t want hate to win and forgave him. Her mother, Presley Gandy, called Tanner a monster.
Many people poured their hearts out with their deepest regrets and sympathies on the matter. A Facebook Page has been dedicated to Athena, and the members are planning memorials and much more to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Events like this let us believe that we really live in a sick world.
A complete stranger, Tanner Horner, who himself had a daughter, did such a heinous act. FBI reported that stranger kidnappings had reduced a lot, but they still do happen; every life is important, and it is not about stats.
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