Himawari can defeat many characters from the Naruto series, and most of them won’t even expect it, though there is a good reason for that. Unlike Hinata, Himawari is outspoken and loud; she speaks her mind no matter what, but unlike her mother, she has hidden potential that can rival even Jinchuriki in their younger days. However, it doesn’t make her much noticeable as she hasn’t gotten that much screen time compared to her brother.
But unlike Boruto, Himawari is the inheritor of the Byakugan and possesses the Jutsus that come with it; her proficiency with it is also higher than her mother. This makes her a pretty capable fighter, as you will see the enemies she can defeat, with or without ease.
11 Naruto Characters Himawari Can Defeat In A Straight Fight
11. Young Sakura:
She, along with Ino, is the weakest character in part one of the show. The two have no motives other than to impress Sasuke and get into a relationship with them. They are also the most hated characters in the franchise, which was a surprise to Kishimoto sensei, especially the case with Sakura. The author did his best to make her as likable as possible, but in the end, everyone hated her. It mainly has to do with her first impression in the series that first showed what her character was like. By Boruto, Sakura has grown mature and become much more responsible and has lost most of the ill will associated with her name (still not popular, though).
Another issue with Sakura was her lack of contribution to the team. She was the weakest and wasn’t even part of any major fight in the first series. Though she did get a highlight at the end of Shippuden, young Sakura stands no chance against Himawari by a long shot. The only thing she was good at was basics, and she lacked any explosive power that would help her win a fight against Himawari’s Doujutsu.

10. Young Hinata:
Hinata was introduced to us in the very first episode of the series. She was a timid, bashful girl who had a crush on Naruto since the very beginning. It was no surprise the fans were overjoyed when the two got to conclude their romance in The Last Naruto movie and became a couple. But fast forward to the future, and they have two kids, Boruto and Himawari. However, the anime focuses less on action or has any core theme or ideas compared to the previous ones. But despite that, there is a clear power difference between the old and new generations.
Himawari is a different comparison to Hinata in her younger years. Himawari’s potential far exceeds her mother’s, and she will be bound to be stronger when she grows up. But even at a younger age, Himawari can still beat Young Hinata, as she could already use Gentle fist when she was much younger. Now, it could be a fluke that she knocked out both Naruto and Kurama with it, and it may as well just be a gag. But seeing that she has the blood of Uzumaki and Hyuga, on top of inheriting Byakugan, she was bound to be strong young. So if it comes to a fight between the two, Himawari will easily win.

9. Young Kiba:
Kiba didn’t have much character development in Shippuden, like most of the characters. But he was a worthy opponent in the first series and gave Naruto a hard time. Akamaru, while being cute, is loyal to him, and the two cover each other’s blind spot. Despite their double teamwork, they will have a hard time against Himawari due to her awareness of Byakugan and her ability to block chakra paths. Without which, the two are as good as weak. She might not even have to apply Rotation or a 64-palm strike for this one. And given how Himawari inherited Bashfulness from Naruto, she won’t be going easy on him as her mother would.

8. Young Temari:
Temari is a long-distance wind-style Shinobi, while Himawari is the exact opposite. The main hurdle for Himawari for this fight would be covering the distance as quickly as she can and landing hits. Though Himawari can read when she will use her Jutsu due to chakra flow, it won’t do her good if she can’t stop them or have a counterattack for them. The Battlefield will be the key factor in this fight, as the further away the two are more obstacles are there in the way, and the easier it will be for Temari. But by making comparisons like these, we assume plain rings where characters would fight. And that is where Himawari would shine in this fight.

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7. Young Shikamaru:
To say Shikamaru would be an understatement; the way he plans and thinks is far beyond any character’s mental prowess. His intellectual abilities are even complimented by many of the Jonin from the village. And he was the only one to become Chunin in the chunin exams conducted in the hidden leaf village. And he only has a small arsenal, but his creativity and calm thinking make him dangerous. In this case, he might as well give up before the fight begins, as he might find it to be too much of a hassle. Although, if he were to take her seriously, he would come out as the winner, it happens very rarely.

6. Young Rock Lee:
Rock Lee isn’t someone anyone should take lightly, even on a good day. Simply because of his ability to use eight gates. As we saw in the fight between Eight Path Guy and Six Path Madara, the ultimate form of Taijutsu is no Joke. Though Lee has always lost to Neji in a fight, he never got to show him his abilities with the fifth gate. And unlike most people on the list, blocking his chakra won’t work because he never uses any. And reading his movements is useless as well because he would be too fast in the fifth gate for Himawari. However, Rotation will be most effective against him when used at the right time, so Himawari has a good chance.

5. Young Neji:
When it comes to talent, Himawawari is close to Young Neji when it comes to talent. But her uncle(Spoiler?) was a hardworking monster who even overcame one of the biggest weaknesses. Neji would even have been one of the strongest characters in the entire series if the story hadn’t shifted all its focus to Tailed beasts and Sharingan. Although the focus has shifted to Byakugan and its derivative in Boruto, we will be looking at the old lens for this comparison. For it is hard to say what Neji would have been like if he had the capabilities of Byakugan in the future.
Now then, the fight will very much look as it did in Hinata vs. Neji in the Naruto anime. Differences being the level the two would be at, Neji will be fighting someone as proficient as him in the ways of Byakugan. And he will even have the upper hand in the fight as he understood Byakugan better than most. So it will come to a close between the two, and Himawari has to take her young uncle(another spoiler?) very seriously if she wants to win. Although knowing how arrogant Neji was before meeting Naruto, he might scoff at her for winning.

4. Konohamaru Shippuden:
Konohamaru, the grandson of the third Hokage, had secret training growing up. Though he was much younger and wasn’t even a Genin in the first series, so we will be comparing Himawara to the Shippuden version. The Shippuden had basic quirks and training for what it took to be a genin; however, at one point, he was Naruto and learned his best techniques. Naruto personally taught him Rasengan and Shadow clone, and Third Hokage’s grandson mastered it after gruesome training. This info is important as it tells how the fight would go, but the fight would look very similar to Naruto vs. Neji.
In this fight, the position is reversed, and Himawari would have a hard time as Shadow clones done right to make it hard to tell who the original is. This was something that even Neji had trouble with, and if it was not for his training, he would have had an even hard time against Naruto. What makes Konohamaru even more dangerous in this situation is his ability to use Rasengan. A ball of rotating energy could be hard to deal with for a Tai Jutsu user. However, Himawari can defeat if she is careful, but she has to be careful as she does tend to get impulsive in a fight.

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3. Bloodthirsty Young Gara:
Unlike Naruto, Gara relied completely on Shukaku and would even let him unleash if he lost his temper. Not to mention how young and bloodthirsty young Gara was, as he showed multiple times he didn’t mind killing people. He gave a good beating to Lee as well, which put him in a critical condition, a condition where he might have to quit his career. This makes him a deadly rival to Himawari as she has no bloodlust in her character( although the same could be said for most of the new generation).
Himawari would have to go all out the moment the fight starts; she can’t spare a moment hesitating if she wanted to win against Bloodthirsty young Gara. Of the many things she can begin the fight with, she should block off his chakra points to stop him from using any Jutsu. Though, it will only be a temporary measure as he will still have Shukaku’s chakra to rely on. But, if she can knock him out before the tailed beast takes over him, she will have the win in her palms.

2. Young Naruto:
When Naruto was going to get inaugurated as Hokage, he had to skip out for his big day. Why? He was knocked out by Himawari, and Kurama lost his conscience along with him. Now, this moment is not in high regard among all the fans; one side finds it cute and even reveals her potential to be stronger than Naruto. The other side is angry at how a story that went on for fifteen years concluded one of the most defining moments with a punchline. But no matter which side of the argument you may be on, it is undeniable seventh Hokage has potential far better than his father.
This is one of the reasons she can go toe-to-toe with many of the characters mentioned on the list. But make no mistake, young Uzumaki can’t defeat the Shippuden by a long shot. However, the characters from the original series are fair game to her. This includes young Naruto, who could use some power of Nine tails. Though he was able to defeat Gara, and even Neji, this version of Naruto couldn’t stand up to his daughter unless he was fully possessed by the malintent Nine Tail fox from that era.

1. Young Sasuke:
Young Sasuke could be the toughest fight for Himawari as his prowess is different from all others compared to everyone on the list. He has a fully developed Sharingan that can read opponents’ moves. Speed and reaction that can keep up with Naruto when he is using Nine-Tails chakra. And a cursed mark transformation that can beat one-tailed Naruto.
Not only that, Sasuke was a genius and was apt to learn quickly as well. Naruto could be the only one who would defeat him among all Genin, but even he lost in the end. Of all the fights, this one will be the most robust and difficult to deal with for Himawari.
The chances of Himawari beating Sasuke are the lowest in this fight. With multiple Jutsu’s and a deadly arsenal under his belt, she will have to take things seriously and even have prep for this fight.

Like the fight with Gara, aiming for his Chakra points will be the key strategy for her. But she has to be fast and tactful, or Sasuke will see her coming. Though she can win if she were to employ Tai Jutsu, Sasuke will stick to Nin Jutsu as long as he can. One of the big she will have is the 359-degree vision that will let her see his hidden tricks. Regrettably, that also means she is more susceptible to Genjutusu than most people on the list.
All in all, Himawari will have the hardest time against young Sasuke, and she could only win if she had all the information on him beforehand.
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