Sailor Scouts of Sailor moon series have become a global phenomenon and are looked upon as the pinnacle of Magical Girl anime. In some respect, the series is equal to Dragon Ball in terms of influence on mangakas and impact on the writers. They have created Tropes that are followed to this day, and there isn’t a series that doesn’t take inspiration from them.
Card Captor Sakura is one of the series that stands closer to fame between the two, but other than that, no one comes close. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica does not count, not because it subverts the tropes but because it deals with a different subject matter. The whole series is a setup for a big payoff that isn’t found anywhere. Compared that Sailor Moon is the story of scouts who are out to protect the world.
But one thing that makes the fans of the series curious is the age of the character. They start as teenagers who chose to save the world, but the question is how old were they when the series started and finished. We will go over all of them by their position in the solar system, starting with
Sailor Mercury
The closest planet to the sun, and yet the one who holds the name can use the power of water. Not like the name of the planets were used to represent the temperament of the characters, but it is a nice contract nonetheless. She is 14 by the time she is scouted.

Sailor Venus
The leader of the group and the first scout of the series. She was first mistaken to be Princess Serenity and had her fair share of trouble along with it. She is 14 as well, just like everyone else when she started, and 16 when the series ends.

Sailor Moon
The titular character of the series and Princess of Serenity. She takes on her role to the heart and later leads the group when she grows up. She is later crowned as the queen of Crystal Tokyo, and by the time show ends, she is at the age of 16.

Sailor Chibi Moon
One of the older members of the series acts spoiled and smug whenever they are not dealing with enemies. On the field, however, she is a different person altogether and an integral part of the group. As for age, it is unknown since she was born in a different era.

Sailor Mars
The detector of the scouts due to her affiliation as Miko in a local shrine. She has the powers to detect the presence of hostile creatures, which helps her and her team members stay ahead of others. She started at the age of 14 and is 16 by the time story concludes.

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Sailor Jupiter
Tallest one of the group, in comparison to the biggest planet she is named after. She is also the most feminine of the scouts and is often cooking for them when they are at down time. Just like other girls, she was 16 when the series ended.

Sailor Saturn
The strongest in the universe and most mature of all the scouts. She gets her maturity due to reincarnation taking place, which makes it hard to tell what her mental age is. Physically, she is around 12 to 14 years old.

Sailor Uranus
Most of the scouts are well-mannered even when they go out of line, they still hold the softness of their character, not Uranus. She is aggressive compared to everyone in the group and doesn’t mince her words no matter who it is. She is 16 by the time show ends.

Sailor Neptune
Not part of the core team, she is a vital part of the plot and holds one of the Talisman that can save the world. The outer scout has a calm demeanor, while also being heavily respected by Uranus. She is 17 by the time show ends.

Sailor Pluto:
Oldest of scouts but with the least amount of action in the series, her main role in the story was to watch over the Door of Time.

If you have watched the show, you can’t tell what her age is as it never comes up, but official sources state it’s between 19 and 20.
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