Which are the best Link cosplays from the “Legend of Zelda”? Undoubtedly, Legend of Zelda is the most successful game franchise for Nintendo besides Pokemon. Nintendo developed this action-adventure story and release all Zelda games exclusively for their consoles. The gameplay and mechanics of Zelda games have evolved so much over time. The first game of the series came out in 1986 and had those pixilated 2D graphics like Super Mario. However, looking at the most recent game, Breath of the Wild, you can wonder the game had come a long way. As the latest games have 3D graphics and gameplay which gives the best gaming experience.
The plot of the game revolves around an elf-looking boy, Link, who belongs to the Hylian race, and Princess Zelda, who is Goddess Hylia’s reincarnation. Together they both settle on a journey to take down the evil warlord, Ganon. The evil warlord is seeking to get his hand on a secret relic with which he can rebuild a dark world according to Ganon’s vision. Therefore, Link and Zelda need to stop this evil warlord. It’s been over three decades now since the first game came out and now it has around nineteen game titles. Further, a Breath of the Wild sequel is under development and might release in 2022. We all fell in love with this game’s characters, especially Link. Thus, many fans not only play Zelda games but also cosplay as their favorite characters. Therefore, we will look at the best Link cosplays from “Legend of Zelda”.
Link is known for his courage and never showing a bit of cowardice. You can witness the same in Quinn’s eyes in this Link cosplay. She did not only manage to portray the courage through her eyes but also they have a bit of seductive glare in them which makes the cosplay unique from others.

This Austrian is a big-time Legend of Zelda fan for sure. He just nailed the Link costume and especially Link’s sword which looks so real. Further, the edit is just enhancing the cosplay, as that starry sky is just making Domi’s cosplay more awesome. Further, this is not the only Link cosplay Domi did, you can visit his Instagram account for more Link cosplays, as it is full of them.

Melanie Rodriguez
Rodriguez is looking adorable in this Link cosplay. Further, this cosplay made me think, what Link would look like if the developers think of an alternate Legend of Zelda universe where Link is a girl. Melanie did a great job with the cosplay which earned her a place on this list of best Link cosplays From Legend of Zelda.

Link is an expert swordsman and he has had the talent for wielding a sword since he was born. Therefore, it isn’t wise to go against him in a sword fight. However, Alycas might not have the level of swordsmanship as Link, but she can still slay her enemies with her eyes. She is looking great in those long elf-like ears and Link’s costume.

This Dutch cosplayer has done an outstanding job creating this Link costume from the Breath of the Wild game. It seems Esse has put a lot of effort into her cosplay. Further, the background and the sunlight are just making Link cosplay pop more in the photo. She also has that heroic spirit like Link in her eyes.

You all might have heard Analu’s name before. As she is one of the most popular cosplayers on Instagram. She has a Link cosplay in her huge collection of cosplays. Analu not only gender-bent Links character but she also added an unknown flavor to the character. This cosplayer added a buck full of sexiness into this cosplay. I wonder this new Link variant might not even need his sword to slay his enemies, as her beauty is lethal enough to kill someone.

Gerudo Set can be bought from Kara Kara Bazaar for 540 Rupees in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This is the only feminine armor set Link has, he needs to get this set to infiltrate the Gerudo Town, which is a women-only town in the game. Meghan is not only doing a gender-bent Link cosplay but nailing the Gerudo set. She’s looking really attractive in this costume.

Link has worn many armors in every Legend of Zelda game. However, his Snowquill Set is one of the most popular armor sets. Zya just bought that Snowquill set to real life. She is nailing the Link cosplay in that armor set and it seems she’s enjoying some target practice in a garden with Link’s secondary weapon, a bow.

Gerudo set is the only feminine set in Link’s vast armor character. Further, Link wore this costume to disguise himself as a girl to enter Gerudo Town. As there was a prohibition on any man entering the town. Undoubtedly, Link pulled the look and everyone thought it would be hard for a man to look good in the Gerudo set in real life. However, Sam has proven all of them wrong, as he is literally slaying in this look.

Not only she did splendid work with the costume as it looks so good. Undoubtedly, the costume is the most important part of cosplay and Niamh didn’t fail to impress us with her Link costume. She is nailing the Link cosplay and also added a touch of “kawaiiness” into this cosplay.

Avrelivs Caesar
As we already know Link disguises himself as a girl while infiltrating the town of women, Gerudo Town. Further, it was really hard to tell that he was a guy in that disguise. It seems Avrelivs Caesar can do the same in real life. As he looks so pretty and feminine in the Gerudo Set that he can easily fool someone into thinking of him as a girl. Avrelivs did a magnificent job and undoubtedly, it is one of the best Link cosplays from Legend of Zelda.

Seems like a live-action Legend of Zelda movie is in making. Valetz just bought the character Link into real life with this cosplay. His pose just gives the vibe that he’s really Link and taking an oath to slay Ganon and his evil plans. Valetz has done outstanding work on the costume. It feels like somehow he got into the game’s world to get the costume.

There have been many games that are getting a live-action movie adaptation. Thus, if there are ever plans for any Legend of Zelda live-action, then they should consider Celest for the role. H looks so natural in those long and pointed elf-like ears. He looks like a real Hylian and thus, he just nailed this Link cosplay. Undoubtedly, Celest deserves to be on this list of beat Link cosplays from Legend of Zelda.

Horseback Seamstress
This Dutch cosplayer has done a gender-bent cosplay of Link. But even if it is a female version, you can still feel the courage and the unbreakable spirit of Link. You can see the qualities of a “Hero” in Seamstress’s cosplay. If there is ever a live-action movie and they want a female Link, they should contact Horseback Seamstress.

She not only did great work with this Link cosplay. But her cosplay also has the classic hat of Link, which is like a trademark for the Hylian warrior. Further, the costume looks so real that it looks like she got it from the game. Further, Delaney’s Link avatar not only has that heroic look but also added a touch of cuteness to it.

Nataliya Malysheva
This Russian cosplayer has done a great job with Link’s costume from the most recent Nintendo witch game, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She not only did well with the cosplay and make-up but also have to give points for choosing this background. As the white snow in the back is just making the blue Link costume pop more.

Link transforms into Fierce Deity Link after wearing the Fierce Deity’s Mask in the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. It is one of the most coolest and popular transformations from the Zelda series. Liv just nailed the look of Fierce Deity Link and also it is not a regular cosplay topic which most cosplayers choose. As most of them go for the classic Link look, the green costume with the hat.

Link cosplay by Mikki is just too adorable. After seeing this I wonder that maybe a female Link would have been better than the original Link from the legend of Zelda series. Mikki’s Link cosplay is worthy enough to appear here as one of the best Link cosplays from Legend of Zelda.

Link, is that you? Asanu-kun just nailed the Link cosplay. Her costume and make-up are so on point that at the first glance I thought Link came to life. This Japanese cosplayer seems like a huge Legend of Zelda fan, as you can find many more Link cosplays on her Instagram. Further, Asanu is also a strong contender for getting the role of Link in a live-action Legend of Zelda movie.

Barbarian Set is one of the best armor sets in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game. It can boost the attack stat of Link and this armor costs 16000 Rupees in the game. Further, this is an unusual choice for Link cosplay because this costume has a lot of details compared to the basic green set. However, Vi did look magnificent in the Barbarian Set. She deserves hats-off for her craftmanship.

She is a well-known name among those who follow cosplays. There are many K8sarkissian’s cosplays that went viral and one of them is Link from the Legend of Zelda. She just nailed the Link cosplay. Further, she is looking so attractive that she doesn’t need that sword. The enemy would just petrify after looking at this beautiful Lady Link.