The finale of Bad Batch Season 2 has left us stunned. The tension and excitement grew with each episode, leading to a finale that left fans on the edge of their seats. The Bad Batch brothers go a lot through this season, specifically in the last two episodes – “The Summit” and “Plan 99”.
The show is a part of the Star Wars and Star Wars: The Clone Wars franchise. “Bad Batch” is available on Disney+, which also streams Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, and more. The second season has sixteen episodes and premiered on May 4, 2021.
With its animated storytelling, the show quickly gained Star Wars fans. The show’s main characters are Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, Crosshair, and Omega. The animated Star Wars series Bad Batch follows the adventure of a group of clone troopers with extraordinary inborn abilities.
The Summit and Plan 99
Episode fifteen, “The Summit,” begins with the Bad Batch brothers reunited. They try to locate Dr. Hemlock’s science division as Crosshair and other clones are being experimented on. The Batch Brothers decided to go to the secret science division to understand what message Crosshair was trying to give them in Eraidu. Omega and Wrecker were tasked to put a tracker on the craft to follow him back to his secret base. However, this doesn’t end well with Tech.

During this attempt, Tech sacrifices himself to save Batch Brothers. The scene became intense as Tech said, “Plan 99” When have we ever followed orders? And shot the rope. Tech sacrifices his life so the Batch Brothers can escape. The loss of Tech is emotional for the Batch Brothers, especially Omega.
Omega’s Sister
Another twist revealed that one of the scientists “Emerie Karr” is Omega’s sister. Emeie worked with Doctor Royce Hemlock. Emeie is considered an unknown clown with the same genetic makeup as Omega. Emerie was informed that Crosshair and the other clones were still alive and recovering.
Omega was skeptical toward her until she revealed her relationship with her. This left us with many questions about Emerie’s origins and existence. The clones refer to each other as Brothers, which makes it clear that Emerie is also a clone. Omega is from unaltered DNA, and it’s possible that Emerie can be younger than Omega.
Omega learns a hard truth and meets with Crosshair, who is unconsciously lying. Omega tries to shake him for any response, but Emerie arrives at the scene. Omega’s discovery of the hard truth forced her to rethink her trust in those around her.

Empire captured Omega
The Empire captures Omega on Mount Tantiss, where the Empire is conducting Clandestine Research. Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker escape from Hemlock and instantly go on a mission to find Omega.
However, capturing Omega intends to force Nala Se to work on Emperor’s Project. But Nala explains to Hemlock that what they seek is impossible as Omega will suffer if Nala Se fails or refuses to work on the Project. However, Nala Se shows animosity towards Emperor as they keep her as a prisoner and destroy her home.

In the finale, Hunter brought up the idea of leaving behind their life as Soldiers and living a peaceful life. However, this looks far from possible if they can save Omega; they must keep moving as long as Empire is after them. Bad Batch season 2 finale was a wild ride, leaving the viewers stunned with cliffhangers and an unfolded ending.
We don’t know if Omega and Crosshair can make it out alive in the upcoming season. However, the Star Wars universe is full of surprises, and characters have survived almost impossible situations. The show has already been revived for a third season, and viewers can’t wait to see what goes next in the storyline.