Love Island Season 9 Episode 32 was so far the best episode of Season 9. The phrase of the season is Slow burn. And let me tell you, this season was the epitome of a slow burn. But honey, it is on fire right now. I didn’t really pick up anything in the morning debrief, except what Tanya said, and I’m so glad it’s that it stood out to me. Tanya is saying that she still loves Shaq, but like “only when she’s on the villa”. I don’t know if I perceive that wrong, but that’s what I heard.
Tanya says to the girls, “Obviously the main villa I love Shaq. And here I don’t know what it is about Martin, but Martin’s just that guy. Martin kissed me, it was a very quick kiss and it wasn’t anything long.” I knew Tanya would be some kind of villain, but I never saw this coming. Like you could not have written this for the show. So anyways, we’re gonna move on to that because we’re gonna get on Tanya for the last section of this Love Island Season 9 Episode 32 recap, so let’s just move on.
What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 32?
What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 32? Ron is talking to Tom, and I’m thinking, does Ron still have feelings for Samie? Like, is he jealous? Because what is this conversation about right now? I know this man did not just insinuate that Samie is fast. Ron said to Tom, “A girl like Samie would just hop onto some next man like that”. I don’t know what he meant by that, it was kind of weird if he asked me, it’s either jealousy or gameplay.
And either way, it was just kind of gross, I’m not gonna lie to you. Then you have Tom talking about “no it’s okay if I stand there single, she would be worth it” and whatnot and I’m just like “okay turn over a new leaf Tom”. Well, Ron really put me off of this conversation, but whatever, it is what it is.

The Best Love Island Recoupling Drama Ever
I think we are going to move on to the recoupling. Because everything else was just a filler, and the recoupling was the main event. The first person to go was Casey, and Casey decided, after all of his “taste of the rainbow”, to stick with Claudia. And Claudia’s over the Moon, she’s so excited to have him back. When she comes back to in the main villa, she says “I know that what we had was fully special, so I’m really happy”.
My jaw was on the floor, mainly because a part of me definitely felt like this was just a burst of jungle fever for Casey and so for it to have panned out this way, I’m not surprised. But I’m just very irritated, where is that whole Laffy, jokey Casey?
And I feel really bad for Cynthia like my heart actually broke some real. And then it broke even more when Claudia and Casey were laughing about something. I don’t care if they were about the situation. I don’t care if they were about a plane that was flying over. This is not the time to laugh, OK? And Miss Workin for the Burkin was working and fighting for Cynthia.
Honestly, I’m at the point where I have to buy a Birkin myself for Layla because Wow, was she on 10 in this episode? This girl was fantastic in what she was doing. Coco walked so Layla could run. I loved it, it was great, I would love to see what more she has to give us at maybe the beginning of Love Island Season 9 Episode 33. Because I know something is about to pop off, and I feel it in my bones. But yeah, Casey really disappointed me, and I’m really upset with you right now.

I Don’t Understand What Olivia Is Talking About
Moving on, Kai was next to choose and Kai obviously chose to recouple with Sanam. And then Olivia came back and recoupled as well with Maxwell. But why is she walking in on her high horse as if she did not do the exact same thing that Kai did? Olivia was like “It’s very telling. Missing me already. Clearly not enough. He’s lost my game. All his words were lies”.
Olivia, you are not that girl. I don’t know how many times we have to tell you. Olivia, you are not that girl. You never will be that girl. Her one-liners are so cringed, I’m just like “Can you stop?” It is tired, you are tired, we are tired and you need to go.
Here Olivia is with Maxwell and even Kai was like, “I don’t even understand what you’re on right now. Like I’m not confrontational, so you’re wasting your breath right now. You be happy, I’m happy and let’s move on.” Honestly, Kai, this is one of the few times where I agree with you.
Ron And Lana Are The Happiest
Ron decided to stay loyal, not just at the recoupling ceremony but throughout Casa Amor. During the Casa, Recoupling Ron says, “This is my test, that to see whether or not she could trust me and I needed to prove that to her.” Listen, you have to give credit where credit is due. The man said he would stay loyal and staying loyal he did. He had a little blip there where he was interested in Sammy, but he didn’t pursue that too much. He didn’t do anything there at all, actually.
So yeah, he stayed true to his words and I can’t be mad at it. Even Lana in Casa was saying that honestly, it would really be a pisstake if he would do anything in Casa, considering everything that he’s already done. So good for staying true to his word, let’s see if he can carry it on through the rest of the season.

Tom Stays Loyal But Layla Shuts Him Down
Tom is next to choose and he chose to stick with Samie. Lydia the poor girl was putting in a brave face. I could tell that she really likes Tom. And now seeing her, you can really see how much she was into him, the way that she was trying to save face in front of Samie and Tom. And I was like, “Oh my heart”.
After Samie went back with Tom, Lydia says, “they’ve got something like special that he thinks is there, then I can’t argue with it.” Then Tom says that he never wanted to hurt anyone from the bottom of his heart. To this Layla says, “I don’t think you needed to kiss somebody to realize”.
Tom was speaking clearly and concisely this whole time, with no problems whatsoever, until Layla spoke up and asked him that question and he couldn’t talk after that. Tom be for real, I will be honest and say I would rather it pan out this way because we do get to keep Samie. Anyways, I’m so glad Layla was putting everybody’s ass on the fire. Oh man, we gotta find a way to keep Layla just a little bit longer.
Will And Jessie Are Reunited, But The Drama Is Waiting For Them
So Will already knows, no matter how this turns out, he is screwed. If Jessie comes in single, he’s screwed. If Jessie comes with a partner, he’s screwed. And he didn’t even give Layla a chance to expose him, because he just exposed himself.
During the recoupling, Will says “you know, I have let myself down. I just really hope I haven’t let Jessie down too much, to be quite honest.” And when Jessie came in single and saw that Will was single too, she was in happy tears. When she had her little crying moment, I was like, “well, that ended very quickly”. I didn’t see a teardrop down her face, not a makeup was sludged. Did you really cry? But anyways, when Maya asks Will if he was loyal, he says “No, not completely, no.”

Jessie, how did you manage to make Will the victim here? You’re supposed to be the victim here. Don’t be like “Oh, I hope that you’re OK Will”. Jessie if you’re playing games, you’re playing them wrong. You’re playing it very wrong right now.
She’s supposed to be here bawling her eyes out. Jessie give us drama, you were not supposed to be the strong here, you were supposed to be destroyed. You were supposed to be to shuffle on crime. I wish we got more from her, but we generally get much. She’s really feeling for Will, but it’s clear that something inside of her maybe just needs to take in what happened to get a response. So maybe we’ll see something in Love Island Season 9 Episode 33.
Tanya Broke Shaq’s Heart
The last of Recouple is Shaq and, you know, Shaq has been absolutely loyal to Tanya, his head did not even turn and Tanya walks in with Martin. Even before Tanya came in, the room was very melancholy, very down, very somber, and very quiet, cause everybody knew some shit was about to pop off. And baby Tanya comes in talking about “well, no relationship is successful without some bumps in them”. Tanya, I know you did not just say that.
After seeing Tanya walking in with Martin, Shaq was sad and said “I Actually meant it when I said that I love you.” Then Tanya says that it’s definitely not the end. But Shaq says that it’s the end for him. Then goes on to say “If I tell a girl I love her and she says it back, t’s kind of a different situation”. To this Tanya says, “No relationship has a smooth one. And we personally have not had any speed bumps.”

And when Maya asked Martin How was he feeling right now, my man Nartin says “to be honest, just excited to be here”. And I was like, Yeah you are excited, excited to be able to break a strong couple in the villa.
If Tanya feels that there are too many red flags to let go of with Shaq, that is her choice and she can leave Shaq. But I feel like Martin is gonna drop her like a pack of hot potatoes. A sack of hot potatoes, that’s what it is, a sack of potatoes. He will drop her so quickly before she could even say Casa A… gone, he’s gonna be gone.
I’m so sorry, I do not believe this man is into her as much as she’s into him. And I don’t think he’s gonna stick around. If there’s even some kind of like lingering between her and Shaq, he is not here for it. Speaking of lingering between her and Shaq, she’s out here talking about “well, you know, you never know how things are gonna pan out. Maybe there’s still a chance for us”. To this Shaq is like “No, it’s dead”. The Man has said he loves you and you went on to crush his heart.
Honestly, whether you guys think of the love bomb or not, Shaq had really strong feelings for the girl. So the man has said he loves you, and you mutually agreed to be exclusive. And you think he could be laid up with some next man, kissing him and telling Shaq “Oh well, yeah, every relationship needs to have some bumps.” So does it? If we’re using that logic, you’ll already have the bumps.

Layla Will Have Something To Say
Anyways, Maya brings in the rest of the Casa Amor boys, and everybody is supposed to say goodbye, but of course, the episode ends there. So I’m pretty sure they’re gonna do a little bit of the conversations between the Casa people and the regular people. And I will love to see something pop off.
Some people who also watch Love Island with me were like, “you should not think bad about people in the villa”. So you guys are saying this and then you’re also here watching Love Island, where “their personal lives are manipulated for our entertainment.” So I’m sorry, I do want something to pop off and it would be nice to see from my viewing pleasure. And I would love Layla to be at the center of it. Layla has always got something to say, and I feel it in my bones that she’s going to say something.
Also Read: What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 31? Tanya Kisses Martin