So it seemed like Meech and Terry finally got what they were after. Although both men wanted to be the kings of Detroit, the genuine path that they were on led them in different directions. But both of them will definitely have to look over their shoulder, one in Atlanta and one in Detroit.
So the days where they were hustling on the Pat Big-L and K9 were long gone. They were connected to Seina, the Colombian connect. So they were ready to take it to another level with their organization. But first, they had to handle a few loose ends before Meech made his way to ATL.
Now, Michael Lamar killed Monique, and he wanted revenge, and he certainly got his revenge, but just not in the way we would have thought.
Now, despite everything, Meech is still back in B-Mickie, and he also had to tie up that loose end, and he thought he did when he brought back a witness from season one. But when B-Mickie is going to get caught up in a murder committed by Kevin, and when Sterling sees him speaking with Detective Jane, Meech decides enough is enough, and he has to cut Mickie out for good.
We saw Meech head off to ATL, with Terry remaining in Detroit. But this game never lets you forget about your past, and that was the case for both Meech and Terry. Now elsewhere, Charles and Lucia’s marriage seems to be over, and Lamar is still with us, kind of. So will Meech regret not killing Lamar yet again?
BMF Season 2 Explained
Now ever since Meech and Terry were kids, they’ve been running. Running when they tried to make it home before the streetlights came on. They were then running from the cops, which then turned into them doing the chasing when they got into the game.
But when you’re continuously looking over your shoulder, you’re about to take off your eye for someone you love. And that’s what happened with Monique.

Detective Bryant and Jin found Monique’s body at the other car wash where Meech and Terry had been cleaning their cash, and it was normal for me to blame himself. He only told Monique he was against the idea of tag teaming against Lamar, but we do have to remember she made the decision to take Lamar out because she knew she was his weakness.
But regardless, Zoe and Tiara will now grow up without her mum, which broke Lucille’s heart when she heard the news from each news. But Meech knew if they were to expand in their business, Lamar had to go.
Meech Gets Revenge On Lamar
Throughout the whole BMF Season 2, Meech and Terry have been trying to figure out ways to get rid of Lamar, but they were never able to come up with a plan, and other issues with their organization and snitches didn’t help either. But he knew Lamar had to go one way or another. He killed countless soldiers, and on another day, he could have even killed Lucille.
Now we shouldn’t exactly kill Lamar where he did give him to the Streets. But with Monique dead, Lamar was completely off the rail, and Alvin knew he was a problem. He’s been a problem for Alvin ever since the beginning of season 2. From dropping bodies, Blacky knew Lamar was someone who was just way too unpredictable.
So while he was seeing her body or clone of himself, who happened to be Alvin, he gave him some crack rock, and we don’t know what happens to drug addicts when they get their first taste. We’ve seen plenty of times in Snowfall, but this was actually a plan from Meech.
We see him with a gun to Lamar’s head, and where Lamar tells him to pull the trigger and basically put him out of his misery. But Meech knows that would be too easy. Instead, he gives him the slow death, crack rock, which is addictive on a different level from what Lamar’s ever before.

So as BMF Season 2 comes to a close, he gives Alvin some cash and tells him, “make sure he stays this way.” So Lamar may still be with us when he is in the streets. He’s a crackhead looking for his next hit.
Now I do have to say Meech made a mistake in season one when he never took the second shot to make sure Lamar was dead. And has he made yet another mistake? Was it a mistake not to finish Lamar?
Meech And Terry Against Detective Bryant
Now in terms of Meech and Terry’s business, his vision has seen them go from working on the Pad to creating the BMF. He’s also been able to unite crews and even set up a link in ATL, but there were still a few loose ends that needed to be addressed. And Detective Bryant was one of them. Where he had K9 in an interrogation room who was happy to sting everybody apart from Meech and Terry.
But Meech and Terry went on the wiser. They knew he could be snitching on them for all they knew. But leaving Detroit wasn’t an option. What was an option was going after the guy who was coming after them, Detective Bryant.
At the end of BMF Season 2, episode 9, on the rooftop, they knew that they had to stop Bryant, and they did so by finding the witness that Bryant had disappeared in season one. Now he was the same man who recognized Bryant snatching Jay Mo.
So Meech wanted to B-Mickie’s gun that Bryant had in his safe, dropped off at Mickie’s house in one hour. But that gun was nowhere to be found, and the person who took the gun was Kevin.

Kevin Gets Held up
Kevin had to deal with this bully all season long, and despite Bryant telling him that he needed to be strong, he took yet another beating. But this time around, he had enough. He went into the safe where the combination was his birthday.
Kevin then took the gun, and although he said it was an accident, Kevin now finds himself in a whole load of s**t because despite the gun having B-Mickie’s prints on it, they haven’t got any solid evidence apart from Kevin committing murder, he’s facing the rap for Jay Mo and Kato as well.
And I really do feel sorry for Kevin. But we know Detective Bryant will do what he can. But his influence will definitely be limited because after his piece of evidence was at his home, he had to turn over his badge.
But Detective Jin is still there for Kevin, and she’ll do what she can. So we saw Jin going to B-Mickie’s place to try and game to confess to Jay Mo and Kato, so at least those bodies could come off Kevin, but B stood firm.
Now regardless of him standing firm, watching his crib was Sterling, who, of course, told Meech earlier on in the episode that he wasn’t a fan of B-Mickie, the snitch. And although he may look like B was working with the police, he wasn’t. But that was it for Meech. He wanted to know if B shut down Detective Jin. So before he went to Atlanta, Meech told him that he was dead to him.
Now the issue with this is Meech, and Terry better hope B-Mickie doesn’t give Detective Jin and Bryant what they want. However, he would be snitching on himself unless he cuts himself a deal. But let’s see if he’s able to live with Kevin taking the rap for two murders he didn’t commit.
BMF Season 2 Ending Explained
Now Meech thought he was on his way to something bigger and better as he was looking for Rodney Green. But Remi is someone who will definitely keep me looking over his shoulder in ATL, and he will be one to watch in BMF Season 3.

But it won’t be just Meech looking over his shoulder. Terry was given a warning earlier on when Boom’s Men interrupted Nicole’s show, a warning that Terry should have heard where he didn’t.
He is way too loved up with Markisha to see the bigger picture, and that may just cost Markisha her life. Because we all know Terry will survive this. But will Markisha and will she leave two kids behind, just like Monique?
Now elsewhere, when it comes to the Flenorys, Charles and Lucia’s marriage has been on a downward spiral ever since season one. But there’s no coming back after Charles was caught with Mabel. However, we did seem to try.
Charles brought the family together for dinner, something we hadn’t seen for a very long time. Meech Terry, Lucille, Charles, and Nikki sit around the dinner table as a family. But this didn’t last long. And now Lucille is considering divorce, and for now, she wants nothing to do with Charles. Whether that changes, who knows?
But that’s a wrap for BMF Season 2 Ending Explained. This was a season where Meech and Terry have elevated to another level with the new Colombian Connect. But they end the season in different cities. Meech has made a move to ATL, and Terry remains in Detroit.
But both Terry and Meech will have to keep looking over their shoulders. Terry, when it comes to Boom and possibly Lama. And Meech and ATL, with Remi. You also do get the sense that Detective Bryant won’t go down without a fight.
Also Read: BMF Season 3: Everything We Know So Far