Rick and Morty Season 6 Ending needs an explanation, and we are here for the same. The season finally came to an end after we saw the entire season of adventures, well, mild adventures and weird romantic affairs (Beth and Space Beth) and intergalactic fun all throughout the episodes. It was about time Rick and Morty hit the road as a whole duo again. This season was initially scarred by the fact that Rick does not have his portal gun after their adventure ended badly last season and how barely they were saved by Space Beth.
Before he fixed the device, there were only a few adventures that the duo had, and most of them were on Earth only. Even when they went out into Space, it was through their car. Nevertheless, skipping to the last episode, when they have the portal gun and everything, Rick’s personality is fully changed.
This happened after Rick made himself 22 percent more likable for Morty in the penultimate episode. But well, if you are a true Rick and Morty fan, it was obvious that there was something fishy about the whole thing, and it was soon revealed. Turns out that it was not real Rick but robot Rick. The real Rick is busy trying to find Prime Rick, the one who killed his wife.
Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 10 Recap
This makes Morty furious, and he totally forgets about the lightsaber that he got for Christmas from the robot Rick which is now slowly going to the bottom of the Earth and might hit the core and cause a chain reaction blowing the whole planet up.
Well, that does not happen as Rick and Morty again save the day. More like Morty and President go down the Earth’s core with a drill machine and save the day. But, well, the President was the evil man here all along. He wanted the lightsaber for himself, and that is why he did what he did.
When he steals the saber from Morty, the President goes to the White House and starts playing with it himself. But the tragedy looms upon them as he drops the saber down the Earth vertically once more. As Morty and robot Rick is back home, Summer, Beth, and Space Beth, who has been bonding with this version of Rick the most, are shocked upon knowing that he is just a robot and disfigure him. As they tune into their TV, the President reveals news about how the lightsaber will destroy the Earth, and they are already in Space with the entire White House.
Morty tries saving the day with the robot Rick, and they do. Later, the duo goes to Space to put the President in his place once and for all. The President puts up a fight, but Morty fights the drones off with his lightsaber.
In the end, the mini lightsabers from a gun end up killing the robot Rick who comes in between a fight, and all 5 of them drop vertically again from Space, thus creating a hole in the basement of the White House from which the trio can fall through.

Rick and Morty Season 6 Ending Explained
Although, the real Rick saves them all with his portal gun, and they land in his garage. The President gets all awkward and goes away with no help whatsoever. As for the dying robot Rick, he actually inspired the real Rick a bit. After his demise, Rick tells Morty that he can come to help him in his adventures, like in the old times. When they go to the base, Rick reveals red spots on the map which belong to the location of Rick Prime. These are too many locations, and it will take them forever to find him.
This is what Rick and Morty Season 7 is dedicated to, as Rick so gladly explains while being cheerful that the entire installation will have them chasing along his arch nemesis on a very crazy mission. Rick and Morty’s season 6 ending explained the entire plot for a new season, and we are happy that it won’t include small adventures for each episode but one huge one lasting an entire season like a movie.
But well, Rick also teased that not an entire season will be dedicated to it. They can be hunting him down in the “background” while having fun of their own and might even “juggle plates” if it comes to that.
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