Pokemon is a popular media ballot created by Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori in 1996. It’s so popular that it also started to include videotape games, trading card games, vitality series, pictures, and wares. The series is about fictional brutes called” Pokemon,” which humans are known as Pokemon Coaches. It’s like a sport where they catch and train each Pokemon for battle.
The series is so popular and successful that everyone in this world knows about Pokemon. In the series, the main character, Ash Ketchum, travels through different regions, catching Pokemon and battling against the other trainees to become a Pokemon Master. Every trainee is connected with their Pokemon, but can they make them the Pokemon Monster? Let’s have a look at those Pokemon that are strongest.
50 Most Powerful Pokémon Ranked:
Mewtwo is a powerful psychic-type Pokemon. It is considered one of the most powerful Pokemon in the series. Mewtwo was created by a group of scientists who were trying to clone Mew. He was the result of the experiment. He is often portrayed as a tragic character who is struggling with his identity and purpose. Even though he is an atrocious character, he is still powerful.

Mewtwo is considered a powerful Pokemon because of his High Stats. Mewtwo has high special attack and defense stats, which allows him to deal with significant damage. He also has various psychic abilities, such as levitation and telekinesis, which allow him to control and manipulate opponents.
And one of his best abilities is cloning ability which allows him to duplicate and fight with the opponent, which gives him an extra advantage. And also, let’s not forget about his Legendary status. He is extremely rare and hard to obtain, which makes him stand out among other Pokemon.
Arceus is considered one of the highest-ranking Pokemon. Arceus is a mythical Pokemon. It is considered the God of Pokemon, and it is also said that he created the Pokemon World. Because of his abilities, he is considered one of the most powerful Pokemon.
It’s also considered the creator of the Pokemon world, which makes it one of the most powerful Pokemon in the franchise. Arceus can change its type depending on the receptacle it holds. It allows it to adapt to different battle situations. It can have any 18 types: Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Fairy.

It also can Multitype, which changes its type to the type of receptacle it’s holding. The signature move, Judgment, is a mighty move. Arceus is the only Pokemon that can move, “Roar of Time”, which is considered a powerful Dragon-Type that deals a lot of damage and also causes recoil damage to the user. His signature move is Spacial Rend. Arceus also can create dimensions and able to travel through different dimensions.
Rayquaza is one of the legendary Pokemon. It is a Dragon-type Pokemon, and it is also known as “Sky High Pokemon.” It’s said that it lives in the ozone layer and can calm the other members of its trio, Groudon and Kyogre. In the series, Rayquaza is one of the most powerful Pokemon.
In the Pokemon series, Rayquaza is one of the potent Pokemon that has several powers and abilities, which include Airlock, which affects the weather during battle. One of its great strengths is Dragon Ascent which deals with damage and also causes opponent stats to restart.

Dragon Pulse is a type of Dragon-type move that deals with the amount of damage to the opponent. Extreme Speed is one of the powers which allows Rayquaza to attack first, nonetheless of the opponent’s speed stat. V- Create is a type of Fire Move that deals damage and reduces the user’s Special Defense and Defense.
Deoxys is one of the legendary Pokemon from the Pokemon series. It is a Psychic- type Pokemon, and it is known for its unique abilities and high stats. Pressure is one of the abilities that cause the opponent’s PowerPoint to decrease twice as fast when attacking Deoxys. Speed Forme is the ability where Deoxys has multiple forms that change its ability and stats.

The Speed Form is one of the highest stat among all Pokemon, Psycho Boost is a powerful move that deals with high damage but also reduces the user’s special attack stat, and Transform is the ability where Deoxys allows itself to change its forms during battle.
Dialga is a legendary Pokemon. It is a Dragon/Steel-type pokemon and is known for its special abilities. One some its notable powers are Pressure. This ability causes the opponent’s pp to decrease as fast when attacking. Dragon Pulse is a type of Dragon-Move that deals with the damage of the opponent.

Roar Of Time is a decisive move that deals with the injury but also prevents Dialga from using any subsequent action. Time Stop is a move that causes time to stop for everyone except Dialga. Aura Sphere is a Fighting-Type move that deals with damage and can’t be avoided with accuracy moves.
Palkia is a Dragon/Water-type Pokemon. His special abilities are Special Rend, which is a Dragon-Type move that deals a significant amount of damage to the opponent and can’t be avoided with accuracy/evasion moves. Hydro Pump is a Water-Type that deals damage from the opponents.

Earth Power is a Ground-Type move that deals with damage and lowers the chances of the opponent’s Special Defence. Dragon Tail is a move where it forces the opponent to switch out. Roar Of Time is Palkia’s signature move.
Giratina is one of the legendary Pokemon from the fourth generation of the Pokemon series. It’s a Dragon/Ghost type Pokemon and can change between “Altered Forme” and “Origin Forme.” Giratina has a medley of power attacks in both the Altered and Origin Forme.

Shadow Force is a powerful Ghost Type move that allows Giratina to vanish and knock the opponent two turns later. Dragon Claw is a Dragon-Type move that deals consequential damage to the rival. Will-O-Wisp is a Fire-Type move that can burn the opponent and may lower their physical attack power.
Darkrai is a legendary Dark-Type Pokemon. Darkrai is a unique Pokemon. It is known for its remarkable abilities, such as Dark Void, a type of move that can put all the opposite Pokemon to sleep. A faint Attack is a Dark-Type move that deals damage to the opponent while ignoring their stats.

Nightmare is a move where Darkrai make the opponent suffer in their sleep, which will make them unable to get up. Ominous-Wind is a Ghost-Type mode that can raise all the Darkrai stats. Darkrai is a powerful attacker.
Reshiram is a Legendary Dragon/Fire Pokemon and is known for its special attacks. Reshiram can Turboblaze, which makes its moves not affected by the opponent’s ability. Blue Flare is a unique Dragon/Fire type move with high power and a chance to burn the opponent. Dragon/Fire Typing makes the immune to ground-type moves and resistant to bug and steel-type moves. Its signature move, “Dragon Pulse,” damages the opponent and is highly accurate.

Zekrom has a unique dragon/electric typing which makes it immune to paralysis and resistant to the dragon and flying-type moves. Zekrom is a Legendary Dragon/Electric-Type Pokemon, and it’s known for its powerful physical attacks and high Attack stats. Zekrom has the ability Teravolt, which makes its moves not affected by the rivals’ ability.

Zekrom has a unique move called “Bolt Strike,” which is a physical electric move that can cause paralysis. Zekrom also has a unique move called “Fusion Bolt,” which can deal damage. Zekrom is powerful with different strategies.
Kyurem is a Legendary Pokemon from the Pokemon series. It is a Dragon/Ice-Type Pokemon and is known for its Ice-Type attacks. Kyurem can also weld with Zekrom or Reshiram to form Black Kyurem or White Kyurem.

Kyurem can manipulate ice and cold. As a Dragon/Ice-Type Pokemon, it has a variety of Ice-based power attacks. Its signature move, Free Shock, is a powerful Ice-Type attack that can also paralyze the opponent.
Xerneas is a Legendary Fairy-Type Pokemon in the Pokemon Series. Xerneas have the unique ability to grant eternal life, Xerneas is a Fairy-type Pokémon, and as such, it has a wide variety of powerful Fairy-type attacks, including Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, and Aromatherapy.

Xerneas also has an individual move called Geomancy. It raises its Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stats, making it a formidable opponent in battle. Xerneas also has an Active Mode that makes its horns glow and increase the power of its Fairy-Type moves.
Yveltal is a legendary Dark/Flying-Type in the Pokemon series. Yveltal has the unique ability to absorb life energy, and his signature move Oblivion Wing deals damage and restores Yveltal’s HP by the amount of his injury. Yveltal is known for his powerful attacks like Dark Pulse, Oblivion Wing, and Sucker Punch.

In the battle, Yveltal is a formidable opponent with high Special Attacks and Special Defense. It is considered one of the strongest legendary Pokemon in the series and is highly sought after by trainers for its powerful offensive and defensive capabilities.
Zygarde is a legendary Dragon/Ground-Type Pokemon in the Pokemon series. Zygarde can change forms, and the forms can change into three forms: Zygarde 50% Forme, this form is used in battle and has high Attack and Defense stats.
And 10% Forme, this forme is more mobile and has high Speed. Special Attack and Defense stats. While Zygarde Complete Forme is the final and most powerful form, it has the highest stats of the three forms and is only available when Zygarde reaches a certain level.

Zygarde has an assortment of powerful Dragon- and Ground-Type attacks, like Dragon Pulse, Land’s Wrath, and Thousand Arrows. Its signature move, Core Enforcer, is a powerful move that can prevent the opponent from using its last move again.
Solgaleo is a legendary Pokemon, a Psychic/Steel-Type Pokemon, and it is also known as the “Sunne Pokemon.” It can change its two forms, “Sun” and “Full” forms, and it depends on the time of the day. In its Sun Forme, it has a Higher Special Attack and Speed stat, while the Full form has a Higher Defense stat. Solgaleo signature move is “Sunsteel Strike,” which is a powerful physical move.

Solgaleo has the ability of “Full Metal Body.” Solgaleo has access to a wide range of moves, including the powerful Psychic-Type move “Psychic” and the Steel-Type move “Iron Head.” It also has access to several other moves, such as “Flare Blitz,” “Zen Headbutt,” and “Earth Power,” which allows it to cover its weaknesses and to be protean in battle. It also has a strong relationship with Lunala.
Lunala is a legendary Pokemon. It’s a Psychic/Ghost-Type Pokemon and is known as the “Moone Pokemon.” It can change its two forms, “Moone” and “Full” forme, depending on the time of the day. The Moone Form is a high Special Defense and Speed stat, while Full Forme has a Higher Attack and Special Attack stat.

The signature move of Lunala is “Moongeist Beam,” which is a powerful special move. Lunala has a “Shadow Sheild” ability which reduces the damage it takes while its HP is full. This makes the opponent very hard to take down in battle.
Necrozma is legendary Pokemon. It is a Psychic/Dragon-type Pokemon and is known for its powerful attacks and abilities. Necrozma has three different forms with their own appearance.

Dawn Wings Necrozma is a Dragon/Psychic-type Pokemon. It is a form that Necrozma takes when it absorbs the power of the Legendary Pokemon Lunala, and this also can absorb the power of the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala.
Eternatus is a legendary Pokemon, It is a Dragon/Poison type Pokemon, and it’s also known as “Eternamax Pokemon.” Eternatus has the ability “Pressure”, which causes the opponent to lose 2 PP for each move.

It also can change its forms and become “Eternamax Eternatus” through the special move called “Eternabeam”, and its Dragon Poison type moves become Eternabeam, and its special “ability” becomes “Eternamax Energy,” which allows it to use Eternabeam.
Groudon is a legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon series. It is a Ground-Type Pokemon and has the ability to change the weather to a sun-drenched condition. Groudon has several abilities and powers, such as Drought. In this ability, the weather changes into intense sunlight when Groudon is released from its Poke Ball.

This increases the power of Fire-Type moves for all Pokemon. Precipice Blades is a Ground-Type move that deals with heavy damage to all Pokemon. Fire Punch is a Fire-Type move that deals with damage and can burn the opponent. Solar Beam is a move that charges intense sunlight caused by Drought ability. Thunderwave is an Electric-Type move that deals damage and can paralyze the opponent.
Kyogre is a legendary Pokemon. It is a Water-Type Pokemon and has the ability to change the weather to heavy rain when it’s released from its Poke Ball. Kyogre’s capabilities include the following. Drizzle in this ability, the weather change to heavy rain when it is released from its Poke Ball.

This also increases the power of Water-Type moves for all Pokemon. Origin Pulse is a Water Type move that deals with heavy damage. Ice Beam is an Ice-Type move that can freeze the opponent.
Ho-Oh is a legendary Pokemon from the Pokemon series. Ho-Oh is a Fire/Flying type Pokemon also known as “Rainbow Pokemon.” Ho-Oh has abilities such as Regenerator. In this ability, Ho-Oh can restore a portion of its HP when it switches out of battle. Pressure is an ability where Ho-Oh puts extra pressure on the target and can reduce the PP. Ho-Oh signature move is called Sacred Fire. This move can burn the opposite Pokemon.

Lugia is a legendary Pokemon. It is a Psychic-Flying type Pokemon and is known as the “Diving Pokemon.” Lugia is able to control the wind and the waves. Lugia is also considered the guardian of the seas. Lugia has abilities such as Multiscale. This ability can increase the HP. Lugia has a signature move called “Aeroblast.” This move has an elevated critical hit ratio and power.

Regice is an Ice-Type Pokemon, and it’s also the third member of the Legendary titans of Hoenn. Regice has the ability to control ice cause its body is made entirely of ice. It’s known for high defense and special defense stats. Clear Body ability makes it difficult for the target to lower these stats. As an Ice-Type Pokemon, Regice has access to various types of Ice-Type moves, such as Ice Beam, Blizzard, and Hail, which can deal with the opponent.

Regirock is a Rock-Type Pokemon and is one of the three members of the Regi Trio. Regirock is known for its high defense and attack stats, and as a Rock-type Pokemon, it has the ability to learn powerful rock-type moves such as Stone Edge and Hammer Arm.

Regirock has good resistance to normal, Poison, and Electric-type moves. Its ability to learn a variety of support moves, such as Toxic and Thunder Wave, makes it a versatile team member.
Registeel is a Steel-Type Pokemon and is a member of the Regi Trio along with Regiice and Regirock. Registeel is known for its high defense and its ability to learn Steel-type moves such as Iron-Hean. Steel-type moves are super effective against Ice, Rock, Fairy, and Dragon types. The ability “Light Metal” is a hidden ability, which reduces the weight of the Pokemon, and it’s easier to avoid opponents’ moves.

Regigigas is the master of the Legendary Titans, which include Regirock, Regiice, and Registeel. Regigigas has a Slow Start ability. When this ability is in effect, Regigiga’s Speed and Attack stats are halved.

Because of this ability, Regigigas can be a bit of a drawback early on in a battle, but once the five turns are up, it can vent its full power. Regigigas has an exclusive ability called “Sturdy Body” that can be immune to one-hit KO moves, like Fissure and Horn Drill.
Latios is a Dragon and Psychic-Type Pokemon. Latios has two abilities, Levitate and Telepathy. Levitate allows Latios to avoid Ground-type moves, which normally hit it for normal damage. Telepathy allows Latios to avoid damage from its opponent’s moves in double battles. Latios has the ability to fly and is known for its high Speed and intelligence. Latios can also change their form into that of a human, which is used to dodge detection and conceal itself.

Latias is a Dragon/Psychic type Pokemon and is known for its high Speed and powerful attacks. Latias has the ability “Levitate,” which makes it immune to Ground-type moves. This is actually a hidden ability that is not normally available. This ability makes Latias immune to Ground-Type moves such as earthquakes, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes.
Garchomp is a Dragon and Ground-Type Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Gible. Garchomp has two abilities, “Sand Veil,” which raises its evasion during Sandstrom. “Rough Skin” can deal damage to the opponent that uses a move to make contact with it. Garchomp is known for its powerful attacks and high Speed.

Salamence is a Dragon and Flying-Type Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Bagon. Salamence has two abilities, Intimidate and Moxie. Intimidate is the ability that can lower the opponent’s attack stat when Salamence enters the battle. This is useful in the battle to make the opponent’s physical attackers less effective.

Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying type Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Dratini, known for its high stats and versatility in battle. Its abilities include Inner Focus and Multiscale, which provide additional defensive and offensive capabilities. Inner Focus is an ability that prevents Dragonite from flinching when it is hit by any attack from the opponent.

Multiscale is an ability that reduces the damage when it s at full health. Dragonite can learn a wide range of moves, including Dragon Pulse, Outrage, and Hurricane, which are all powerful attacks.
Gyarados is a Water/Flying type Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Magikarp. Its abilities include Intimidate, which can reduce the opposing attack, and Moxie can increase its Attack stats when it defeats the opponent. Gyarados can learn a wide range of moves, including Dragon Pulse, Crunch, and Hydro Pump.

Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type Pokemon. It is the final evaluation of Beldum and is known for its high defense stats. Metagross has the abilities like Clear Body and Light Metal. Clear Body prevents its stats from getting reduced despite as a powerful Pokemon in the series it is also an intelligent Pokemon.

Mew is a Psychic-type Pokemon. It is considered a legendary Pokemon. Mew is a small, feline-like creature with pink fur. Mew’s signature move is “Psychic,” which is a special move that deals with damage and has a chance to lower the opponent’s Special Defense. Mew also has the ability to transform into any other Pokemon because of the move “Transform”. Mew is also known as the “Ancestor of all Pokemon”. This is why he can learn any move.

Hoopa is a binary-type Psychic/ Ghost fabulous Pokemon. Hoopa has two forms,” Hoopa Confines” and Hoopa Footloose”. It has the capability to use the move” Hydrospace Hole,” which allows it to transport at different locales. It also has move” Dimensional Rift,” which allows it to bring other Pokemon from different confines.” Hyperspace Fury” allows it to strike the opponent with important punches. Hoopa can use” Psychic,” which allows it to manipulate objects.

Lucario is a Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon and is known for its powerful aura abilities. Lucario is 000000000known for its powerful aura abilities and its signature move, “Aura Sphere.” Lucario has the ability to sense and control aura, which can also allow it to detect the emotions and thoughts of the opponent. The ability to use aura to enrich its physical ability.

Greninja is a Water/Dark type Pokemon. Greninja is known for its Speed as well as agility, and Battle Bond. The abilities of Greninja are Strong water-based attacks such as Water Shuriken and Hydro Pump. Greninja can learn unique moves like Mat Bloke and Spikes. It also has the ability to evolve into its mega form, “Ash-Greninja”.

Charizard is a Fire/Flying Pokemon. It is known for its powerful fire attacks, as well as mega evaluation. The abilities of Charizard are Strong fire-based attacks such as Flamethrowers and Fire Blasts. It also has the ability to learn flying moves. The ability to Mega evolves into Mega Charizard, which gives the Dragon type different abilities such as Tough Claws and Drought.

Blastoise is the final evolution of the Pokemon Squirtle and is known for its powerful water attacks and tough armored shell. It has the ability to Torrent, which can increase the power of Water-type moves. Its signature move is Hydro Pump which is a powerful attack that can cause a critical hit for the target.

Blastoise also has the ability to access other Water-Type moves such as Surf and Ice-Beam. And as well as other moves such as Rapid Spin and Earthquake.
Venusaur is a Dual-type Grass/Poison Pokemon. It is the final evolution of the Pokemon Bulbasaur, and its also known for its large flower on its back which can bloom when Venusaur is healthy and happy. Venusaur has two abilities: Chlorophyll, which can double its Speed in sunny weather, and overgrow, which can power up its Grass-Type.

Its signature move is Solar-Beam which is a powerful Glass-Type attack. It also has access to other strong Grass-Type moves, such as Razor Leaf and Petal Dance.
Togekiss is a dual-type Fairy/Flying Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Togetic. Togekiss is a white avian Pokemon with an ovoid body and plume and a long, thin blue-colored tail. Togekiss has three abilities: “Serene Grace” this ability increases the chances of more effects appearing when used to move. Like Air Slash and Dazzling Gleam. “Hustle” is the ability that increases the power of its physical moves. “Super Luck” is the ability that increases the vital hit rate of Togekiss moves.

Tyranitar is a dual-type Rock/Dark Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Larvita, which evolves from Pupitar. Tyranitar is a large, bipedal dinosaur-like Pokemon. It has a dark purple body with rock-like armor on its back and shoulders. Tyranitar is known for its Attack and Defense stats.

Its abilities, Sand Stream and Sand Rush complement its typing, granting it immunity to Sandstrom damage and increasing its Speed. Unnerve is also an ability that prevents the opposing Pokemon from using their held barriers.
Alakazam is a Psychic-type Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Abra. Alakazam is a humanoid Pokemon with a spiky white mustache and a spiky crest on its head. It has a thin body and long arms and legs.

Alakazam is known for its Special Attack and Speed stats. Its abilities Inner Focus and Magic Guard are both superior abilities, Inner Focus prevents flinching, and Magic Guard protects Alakazam from damage such as poison and burn. It has a wide range of powerful psychic-type moves.
Machamp is a Fighting-type Pokemon. It is a final evolution of Machop. Machamp is a humanoid Pokemon with four arms and a gray body with a red face and a yellow ‘V’ shape on its forehead.

Machamp is known for its abilities, such as Guts increasing the power of its physical moves. No Guard ability makes all the moves used by Machamp and its target. This could be useful in combining moves like Dynamic Punch and Focus Punch. It also has a wide range of powerful fighting moves.
Gengar is a dual-type Ghost/Poison Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Gastly. Gengar is a purple, ghost-like Pokemon with a round body and slender arms. It has a wide grin on its face and a pair of red eyes.

Gengar is known for its abilities, such as Levitate, which grants its immunity a Ground-Type moves. These moves are effective against Ghost and Poison types. Tag is also an excellent ability for trapping targets. Gengar has a wide range of powerful moves, such as Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb.
Scizor is a dual-type Bug/Steel Pokemon. It is evolved form of Scyther. Scizor is a large and red humanoid-like Pokemon with a pair of large, white, curved scissors for arms. It has a blue-green head and thorax.

Scizor is known for its high Attack and Defense stats. It has the ability Swarm increases the power of its Bug-type moves. The Scizor signature move is Bullet Punch which has high priority. Scizor has a wide range of moves such as U-Turn as well as Iron-Head and Pursuit.
Heracross is a dual-type Bug/Fighting Pokemon. It is a quadrupedal Pokemon. Heracross has a blue exoskeleton with a red “X” on its forehead and a huge black eye. Heracross is known for its high Attack and Defense stats.

which can deal with the attacker. Guts increase the power of their physical moves when it has a status condition. Heracross has a wide range of powerful moves, such as Megahorn, Close Combat, and Stone Edge.
Umbreon is a Dark-Type Pokemon. It is evolved form of Eevee. Umbreon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokemon. It has a sleek black body with yellow rings on its legs, tail, and ears. Its eyes are red with a yellow crest on the forehead.

Umbreon has abilities such as Synchronize passes the opponent’s status. Inner Focus prevents Umbreon from flinching, which can be useful for setting up. Umbreon has various moves, such as Foul Play, Curse, and Wish as well as Toxic and Taunt. It can also use status moves like Moonlight and Heal Bell to survive and support the team.
Espeon is a Psychic-Type Pokemon. Espeon is a quadrupedal Pokemon with a purple body and large ears. It has long legs and a fluffy tail that curls at the tip. Espeon has red eyes and a large red crystal on its forehead.

Espeon is known for its high special attack and Speed. Its ability Shadow Ball is a ghost-type move that deals damage. Calm Mind is a move that raises a special attack. Espeon is known for its high special attack and defense stats.
Guzzlord is a dual-type Pokemon. It has a massive appetite and is known for eating anything. It is one of the Ultra Beasts. It has the ability of Huge Power, which can double Guzzlord’s Attack stats.

Beast Boost is an ability where Guzzlord can raise the highest stat. High Defence makes it difficult for the opponent to attack. Strong Mvepool access to various moves such as Dragon Tail, Gunk Shot, and Dragon Claw.